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Posts posted by saladferk

  1. pigeons are evil, but squirrels are worse. they're violent and they eat everything smaller than them--including pigeons. or at least where i live they do. i've got bears too. they're kinda like giant squirrels, only muh gentler, rarer, and calmer.

  2. Winter's good. It means i can snowboard to my heart's content on the fresh snow. who doesn't love snow, anyway, besides you wierdos? spring is evil, though. it's all new and green and nice, until your car gets stuck in three feet of mud... i hate spring...

  3. ok, my mummy was 17 when she had me. i'm grateful that i'm alive and whatnot, but i have been through so much awful, corrupt things with my family, the people that you're supposed to be able to trust the most. there have been enourmous lies, tons of moves, even an illegal adoption and name-change. nobody should have to go through any of these awful things as a child; nobody should have to see the dark, primal, barbaric emotions that erupt from people in situations like this. also, the mental stress is awful, especially if you don't live with your real mom because of in-family deceit.BECAUSE OF ALL THIS, I AM PRO-ABORTION.as weird and joke-like as it sounds, if you can't take care of your own baby then get an abortion. do it for the children

  4. Despite all this negative stuff, yo umust admit that Dan Brown writes one mean conspiracy theory. Don't worry so much about actual facts. Focus more on what-ifs and think abpout it. i don't read to connect myself to the real world. I read to get myself out of it.

  5. ARTIST: Dead KennedysSONG: rite now it's Nasty Girl. by who, i dunno. it's hip hopALBUM: Enema of the State--Blink 182... hit after hit after hit, its all goodRAP ARTIST: ChingyCLASSIC ROCK ARTIST: Sex Pistols, Clash, Ramones... my fav tho is Sham 69NEW ROCK ARTIST: 3 Days GraceMETAL ARTIST: Atreyu

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