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Posts posted by detportal

  1. Trap17's servers are very reliable, and give me what i need at the moment but some of the infrastructure is outdated and i am reading about some of the "new and marvellous" things you can do with newer infrastructure.

    Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)

    The Latest Version is v2.2.3

    The Apache HTTP Server Project is proud to announce the release of version 2.2.3 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache"). In addition to a number of bug fixes to release 2.2.3, this release includes an 'important' security fix for mod_rewrite.
    This version of Apache is a major release and the start of a new stable branch, and represents the best available version of Apache HTTP Server. New features include Smart Filtering, Improved Caching, AJP Proxy, Proxy Load Balancing, Graceful Shutdown support, Large File Support, the Event MPM, and refactored Authentication/Authorization.

    MySQL version 4.1.21-standard

    Latest Version is 5.1

    PostgreSQL version 7.4.13

    Latest is 8.2

    PHP version 4.4.4

    Latest is 5.2

    PERL version 5.8.5

    Current is 5.8.8

    cPanel version 10.9.0-RELEASE-57

    cPanel Pro Version 1.0 (RC36)


    I am not saying that I am dissatisfied with Xisto.com. I am VERY happy with the hosting it provides as well as the support you give us, but i really think it would be nice if you could upgrade to the latest versions of their software, considering that most of it is free, although I acknowledge the difficulty it causes to the admins.

  2. Lol thanks for your help. I tried the diplomatic way with that guy. it worked. on the other hand, i found myself another enemy (sorry people, i didn't MEAN to). he's just as bad, but a LOT more egotist, and thinks that everything he does is funny. other people simply aren't so impressed. what kinds of insults are we allowed to use here [glances at moderators]? it would be nice if you could make a list of insults we can use on the forums without getting a warning.i guess petty theft works. but i can't talk about it here because stealing is a crime and the moderators won't like it.Does anybody know of a good pranks site, or a site dedicated to ACHIEVABLE revenges? Also my friends really don?t want to help because they, like cangor, think I?m finding myself too many enemies and if I get caught with my revenges, I could land in deep [censored]. So I guess I?m on my own.Laxative is DEFINITELY a good option if I time it well, considering the guy takes a bus and train home and probably won?t want diarrhoea while on an express train. Well thanks you guys again for your help, especially salamangkero. I?ll think of something. Eventually?

  3. This might be a few days late but I didn't get a chance to come onto the forums. I'm not sure how many people on these forums live in Australia, but they might have heard a bit about Australian politics.The (now former) opposition leader, Kim Beazley recently learned that he had lost his job as a leader and that his younger brother had died, apparently of a heart attack...I don't meant to offend him, but this is my response:I would like to extend my deepest condolences to Kim Jong Il as he goes through the very difficult process of burying his beloved career and brother. Did I say Kim Jong Il? Terribly sorry, I meant Kim Beazley.But seriously, Kim Beazley's mistake in addressing the correct name of the husband of a famous deceased actress was what REALLY got the people talking about a leadership challenge. If he hadn't mistaken the name, he might not have faced the challenge.For those who live in the US and haven't heard the news, Kim Beazley mistook the name of an advisor to George W. Bush - Karl Rove - for that of a TV presenter Rove McManus.At the time of posting his successor is trying to sort out how his party will face the next election.

  4. thanks for your help, BuffaloHELP, i read the FAQ on Xisto and saw that you didn't exactly support hosting of .zip files so I thought that cPanel would not let me unzip files. how wrong I was. and it wasn't just SMF board that I was getting parse errors on. I dropped the drupal part of my site cos i kept getting these parse errors. it seems as though the parse errors came from my FTP client, FireFTP (a firefox extension). I uploaded them as .zip and let cPanel unzip them and it worked just fine. As a question, how would uploading a file in different modes affect the contents of a file? Don't the contents of files stay the same no matter how it gets sent to the server?

  5. Isn't there something you can do on the cPanel, assuming you are hosted on Xisto?They have something you can do to manage redirects, though I'm not sure if you can configure it to activate after you process a form.And I agree with the previous poster, you should paste your code here so we can have a look at it.

  6. I seem to be getting a LOT of parse errors with my php scripts. there are two things they have in common:
    1. they are downloaded and uploaded without modifying them.
    2. they all seem to have "unexpected $end"

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/random1/public_html/hsp/forum/webinstall.php on line 271

    that example for webinstall.php, a script used to install SMF. I know that Xisto provides fantastico to install SMF, but I want to install SMF1.1RC3 to use with joomla-smf, which fantastico doesn't support.if I upload and install SMF the old fashioned way, I get a similar message. I do not modify my php scripts before uploading. If other people can use them fine, why can't I?
    Does it have something to do with an old version of php on the Xisto servers?
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title should be descriptive to the topic point and all copied words in QUOTE tag.

  7. on the cpanel, go to "MySQL databases".There, you will find the names of the databases and the users.They will look something like this:[username]_[database name] Delete Check Repair Users in [database name] [username]_[database name] (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES) Connection Strings [info here]your password is your hosting password - the one you use to login to cPanelthe database location is "localhost"cheers and gl!edit: i just realised this thread is more than a year old! ah well, MEH!

  8. AVG is definitely a good antivirus scanner that you can get for free.
    Has anyone here heard of Google Pack? It includes Norton AntiVirus 2005 (old version i know) with a 6 month subscription. I personally don't like Norton Antivirus because of it's sluggishness, but if you can overlook that, it is quite a good package, especially when you can get it for free. The 2005 version is faster than the 2007 version from my experience.

    Get it here ==> https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=eUUsVMSaJsqH8QeZ-4HQBg&gws_rd=ssl

  9. yea $100 in 3 months is GOOD compared to what some others on this forum seem to be getting (no offence, i actually feel sorry for you guys).
    anyway, i really don't like the idea of ads, whatever they are. so i highly doubt I will use AdSense unless I am really desperate for money. you create websites for your audience (and for your own pleasure). the audience doesn't exactly appreciate ads.
    then there are those sites that are made for the specific purpose of earning money from AdSense. That is, they have nothing but AdSense ads. Some sites are even worse: they steal content from other sites to generate more traffic. Although that doesn't affect webmasters who make genuine sites with AdSense, it DOES put a bad face on AdSense as a whole.
    there are also scams. most of them relate to people selling pre-made sites with adsense.

    Anyone can buy the identical sites, and many people will probably have bought them, so you won't have unique websites. Instead you will have duplicate websites with the exact content that all the other duplicate sites have. The number of duplicates = the number of buyers, which will increase. Search engines don't like duplicate pages, and they *really* don't like duplicate websites. Duplicate pages aren't displayed in the search listings, and duplicate websites are dropped from the search engines altogether. So there is little to no chance of the sites being found in the search engine rankings. It means that people won't find the pages in the search engine rankings, and the sites will receive very little traffic, if any. Without people coming to the sites, there will be no clicks on the ads, and no earnings. It isn't looking so good now, is it?

    there are also those who offer REALLY REALLY cheap hosting with adsense, then they arrange for most of the money from their victim's adsense earnings to go to their OWN adsense accounts.

    there are lots of different adsense scams, read the full article on adsense scams here ==> https://webworkshop.net/adsense-ready-websites-scams

    but don't panic, if you happen to be using Xisto hosting like most of us are, you won't have a problem with those adsense-ready-website scams :)

  10. Hi all,
    I have a few questions about the Drupal Content Management System.
    First of all, is there a way to integrate/bridge two content management systems together? E.g have Joomla! manage the entire site yet have Drupal manage a small section that is integrated into the "entire site" that Joomla! manages?
    Second, is it possible to create articles that only certain users can view using Drupal? There are some articles that I would like to restrict to certain people. I know it is possible to do that with Joomla! but is it possible to do that with Drupal?
    And as a side question, does anyone have any ideas for good things to do with a CGI-BIN? (if that's what you call it? I'm a newbie to CGI, this is the first host I have that supports it).

    i have found an extension called FlexiNode which lets me restrict content to certain users but when I try to install it I get this message:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/random1/public_html/drupal/modules/flexinode/flexinode.module on line 234

    I tried taxonomy access control module as an alternative, and this came up:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /home/random1/public_html/drupal/modules/taxonomy_access/taxonomy_access.module on line 98

    I then tried Simple Access Module:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ')' in /home/random1/public_html/drupal/modules/simple_access/simple_access.module on line 202

    can someone help?

  11. SALUTE THEM!!Micro$oft needs to know that what they are doing is not right. As I say in many of my posts relating to this corporate giant, they copy the ideas from other companies, then make their own and eventually kill the original idea, those ungrateful [censored by me, not by admin]. Google is much better in everything they do. They give you the freedom with software that all software should have. It would be interesting to see what happens if the microsoft.com site is hacked. Bill Gates would probably personally go find the hackers and try to crush them with his 22 billion pound wallet, only to realise that he won't earn the US$40b he hoped to earn.

  12. M$IE is the WORST browser I have ever seen. For a start, it is super slow, and it has this weird feature that seems to load the WHOLE page before displaying it. Then it's the target of every punk itching to improve their hacking skills. There's a new security hole every week. Oh, and it's made by Micro$oft. Guess what that means? If you've seen any of my other posts on this company, you'll know. All they do is simply copy ideas from other companies, attach it to their windoze operating system and eventually kill the original idea. They don't deserve any credit. They didn't come up with any original ideas. Bill Gates is a nerd with no creativity. The same goes for his company. (no offence ^^). Also, look at the support behind MSIE, it is going down at an ever-increasing speed. There are no passionate supporters of MSIE, only haters. Most people use it because they can't be bothered to get another browser, or because they don't know of any others and fall victim to Microsoft attaching it to their OS.
    MSIE isn't standards compliant either. Many websites look strange and mutated when viewed with the browser.Many sites therefore need specially modified sections for it, but what's the point when you can view sites in their proper glory with Firefox or Opera? There is currently a standards test for browsers known as the ACID2 test. Opera, Safari and other KHTML browsers pass it, Firefox doesn't yet but is VERY close and they are working very hard on it, and MSIE doesn't pass it and it doesn't look as though Micro$oft cares.
    Microsoft has also used IE7 in particular to earn money that, in my opinion, it doesn't deserve. This is through forcing people to pay for "Genuine Windoze" or else it won't install. Nothing they make is genuine.
    IE7 is only good for Windoze Update - another thing that Microsoft used to force people to use MSIE. But you don't HAVE to use Windoze either. I reckon Ubuntu is a VERY good OS - Micro$oft decided to copy many ideas from it to use in their Windoze Vista OS. In conclusion, I really don't think it's worth getting IE7. Try Mozilla Firefox, and if you simply can't live without IE or access a lot of websites that can only be viewed in IE (almost all of them are affiliated with M$ in some way), install the IE Tab extension, which lets you switch to IE on websites that won't load without IE. You can download Firefox here: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
    Opera is another good option with even stricter adherence to web standards but doesn't give you the freedom of Free Software that firefox does.
    Either way, both are better than MSIE.

  13. No offence, but if it comes from microsoft, it probably sucks. Microsoft, in my opinion, do anything they possibly can to generate profit. Their strategy is to compete with any other successful product and try to outdo (and eventually kill) it. Look at what they did to Netscape and Mac, among other things. I believe that it is important to realise that there are other companies out there who have products that are just as good, if not better, than microsoft's offerings. The iPod is one example. Apple came up with the idea. It was with their blood and toil that iPods are now so successful. What right does Micro$oft have to come and kill it in its greed for extra profit? True, iPods have their problems and Apple is probably too stingey, but they came up with the original idea, and they worked hard to make iPods as successful as they are today, and they deserve the credit (and money) for it.

  14. Well I have seen quite a few sites hosted on home computers. One of the major disadvantages of hosting on a home computer is that it is often slow for visitors. For cable internet, the download speed is around 15Mbps but the upload speed is usually only about 2Mbps. If you plan to host rich content with large amounts of traffic, it is probably best to stick with a host like Xisto. Also, there are many hidden costs with hosting at home. For example, you need to install your own "infrastructure", most importantly a reliable server. There are also other things such as php, apache (or similar server OS), myql etc. You also need to leave your home computer on 24/7 if you want a website that is accessible 24/7. You will also need your own domain name. Then there is the risk of hardware failure - what if your server dies? All your data is lost, unless you also invest in backup.On the other hand, if you are willing to make these sacrifices, as well as investing in a connection with fast upload speeds, you are given MANY great customization options, and you are far more powerful with what you can do than if you host on any other servers. All up, hosting at home gives you a lot of options and very few limitations, however you are alone with what you do. In some cases that's a good thing, in others it's not.

  15. anyone got any good revenge ideas? there is this guy in my class who's dad is a teacher at another good high school. he thinks he's the best at everything and it really peeves us off. he often pretends to go aggro and is extremely annoying. also he has an extremely short temper and thinks the world revolves around him. he only thinks of himself and when forming groups takes the best people in order to make him look the best. he always asks to borrow money and other things from us and makes it sound as though it is illegal to refuse. it is REALLY annoying and i would really like some decent revenge. anyone got any ideas?

  16. Definitely Gmail.It uses AJAX which Microsoft copied for its new Windoze Live Mail, which is slow and rarely loads successfully. MS copied many other ideas from Google. Their search still sucks, so does their AJAX mail app. Original = Best. Gmail is responsive and quick, and its open source. Also it isn't owned by a company like Microsoft. I believe Gmail is cleaner, and not bloated unlike Windows Live Mail. If this is original hotmail we're talking about, I believe there is really nothing good about hotmail, except maybe it is more responsive than Windows Live Mail. I really don't get the point of MSN - it is really just another portal with ads. Even I could make one using a FREE open source Content Management System and some mods once I get my account here, but without ads. I just LOVE this forum - I can actually express my opinions. Another reason why MSN sucks btw - no PROPER forum.

  17. Basically, absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where nothing could be colder and no heat energy remains in a substance. Absolute zero is the point at which atoms stop vibrating, or in more scientific terms "the fundamental particles of nature have minimal vibrational motion, retaining only quantum mechanical, zero-point energy-induced particle motion."By international agreement, absolute zero is defined as precisely: * 0 K on the Kelvin scale, which is a thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale, and * ?273.15 ?C on the Celsius scale.Absolute zero is also precisely equivalent to? * 0 ?R on the Rankine scale (also a thermodynamic temperature scale although I have never heard of it, similar to Kelvin i guess), and * ?459.67 ?F on the Fahrenheit scale (slight disagreement to BhajunSingh's post, but this measurement came from Wikipedia :) )While scientists can not fully achieve a state of ?zero? heat energy in a substance, they have made great advancements in achieving temperatures ever closer to absolute zero (where matter exhibits odd quantum effects). In 1994, the NIST achieved a record cold temperature of 700 nK (billionths of a kelvin). In 2003, researchers at MIT eclipsed this with a new record of 450 pK (0.45 nK). NIST did similar things with their caesium fountain atomic clock project, cooling atoms down to almost absolute zero.

  18. well for one thing our head teacher of student welfare is a former military commander who is extremely strict, speaks in a coarse monotone and hates people wearing hats indoors. nobody DARES misbehave near him. we're not really corrupted as students, although I reckon some of the teachers are, but I really can't post much about it here in case someone sees and reports me. we're considered a nerdy school btw.

  19. Why don't you guys use Joomla!?It looks better and has more support. There are also more mods and a larger community behind it. I'm planning to use Joomla! once I get my free hosting account here. Also, doesn't Xisto offer Fantastico or something similar? Doesn't THAT have php-nuke available for scriptable installation? Also as a question, Xisto DOES disable php safe mode, right? Most Content Management Systems like php-nuke need it to be disabled for stuff like sending mail, and pming other people.

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