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Posts posted by detportal

  1. I have no idea how this works, considering that all google sites should work from the same directory.
    I don't know if it works, but maybe you should try:
    It looks exactly the same as the main google.com add url site, but it might help your site to be listed in the vn directory.
    Another possibility is that because the vn site is prioritised to pick up vietnamese sites, your site might not achieve as high a pagerank rating as if you you tried with the main google.com.
    I don't want my site to be listed on google JUST yet, so I don't understand this whole search-engine-submitting thing. Sorry if it doesn't work.

  2. i see so basicially this is a good idea but its just at the wrong place.

    caos dreamer: i think everyone here has already told you: it goes against the moral of Xisto, and the admins will never implement it. PM BuffaloHELP or OpaQue if you don't believe me. We've all seen those dodgy sites that offer "free _______ " and when you scroll down to the fineprint, it is very disappointing. We don't want Xisto to become one of those sites.The credits system is very generous. Don't just take my word for it: see the Xisto reviews at free-webhosts.com
    As long as you make quality posts, you should be able to earn at least 5 credits each hour. (sounds like wages, doesn't it?). Meaning that if you spend, say 1 hour on the forums each day for about 3 days a week, in one month, you'll have 44 credits (I've taken into account the credits you lose each day).
    That gives you enough time for a decent holiday to disneyland, doesn't it?
    Or a lengthly spell in hospital, if you're less optimistic :P

  3. For about a year, I kept having lucid dreams once a week. But I think I had some before that. The first dream I remember was simply being in my dining room, during the day, with my parents talking. But somehow I knew I was dreaming and tried to "walk away from the dream", as I called it then. In the dream, I felt myself move, but I had this really weird sensation from my legs, probably caused by sleep paralysis.

    Then I woke up.

    Another time, I was under the water befriending some of the sea creatures (weird, i know). Then some really dangerous, uh, monster came and I remember ordering some of those underwater animals to defend us (can't remember the whole thing, been almost 10 years). Then I remember just giving up for some reason, then, remembering I was in a dream, I blinked really hard to wake myself up.

    I also remember defending my bedroom against some really weird man-eater after fooling it a few times. But then, at the last part of the dream, I realised it was a dream, and woke myself up.

    I also remember dreaming that I was sleepwalking, consciously. Well, sleeprunning, more like. This happened after I read an article about sleepwalking whilst having nightmares. So while that dream was happening, I thought I was having a nightmare that triggered the sleepwalking.



    A while after that, I began unvoluntarily used the WBTB (Wake Back to Bed) in combination with the WILD (Wake-Initiation of Lucid Dreams) technique to get Lucid Dreams. The wikibook didn't say anything about combining THOSE two, only about combining WBTB and MILD. I would wake up for no apparent reason, then go back to sleep, but it wasn't easy freeing every thought from my mind, so I ended up falling sleep without losing consciousness. It's a weird feeling: you feel a huge amount of energy and thought suddenly drain out of you. But you're still conscious. Then you feel yourself inflating with a strong tingling/numbing sensation on your limbs. (The wikibook didn't mention that inflating sensation, maybe I should add it). The first dream I remember having was a false-awakening, where I knew I was dreaming. My parents were there and I remember packing a suitcase for something. I didn't like it. I tried to wake myself up using the method I had used to stop other lucid dreams, but for some reason, it didn't work. At that point I realised it was no ordinary dream.


    I used to hate lucid dreams, they didn't last much longer than a few minutes, after which I'd get a completely different normal dream, without knowing I was dreaming. On one ocassion, in my lucid dream, I asked one of the characters if they could stop me having these dreams, although when I woke up, I found that was quite pointless. I guess you DO still lose some of your right mind when you're in a lucid dream, compared to when you're in reality. But for some reason, I DID stop having lucid dreams after that.


    Having hated these dreams for so long, I'm not sure whether I want to try them again, this time in a new light. I guess they could have many benefits: most of my dreams carry some sort of message regarding what will happen in the future, essentially dreaming of events before they happen. Now I'm thinking, if I can control my dreams, is it possible I could control the future? :P

  4. This could be because I simply loathe Norton Internet Security and because I can prove it adds an extra 5 mins to my computer's startup time, but I'm pretty sure it slows down your ADSL connection. I have a 24Mbps ADSL2+ connection, and it slows down to a trickle if I enable Norton Internet Security. But this could be something other than the Anti-virus. Probably a slow firewall.Before I used Norton, I used ZoneAlarm. I had no problems at all with it: it didn't slow startup, my Internet Connection was extremely fast and from tests, it did better than Norton. I haven't used McAfee or BitDefender, but from the reviews I've read, BitDefender should be faster than McAfee and Norton. But if you're going to buy BitDefender, I strongly recommend you check out ZoneAlarm first.

  5. With ALL those three sites, the main thing is that they are poorly styled, not ugly. some people just have nothing to do but put javascript and CSS and experiment with frontpage until they've put EVERYTHING into their websites. I think they're all mostly ad sites. About the first one, I'm not sure if it's really a proper Christian site, or whether it is just an ad site to draw unsuspecting worshippers and getting ad revenue.Maybe they should do a lesson or two at the W3. Oh, and about that forum site, which BB package are they using? It looks like a bit like Ikonboard, but I'm not 100% sure.

  6. delivi:when you use the subdomain tool to create a subdomain for a folder that doesn't yet exist, that folder is created along with a cgi-bin folder within it. When you create a normal extra directory, this does not happen. Hence I believe the cgi-bin has something to do with the creation of a "real" subdomain. I'm just logging into my cpanel as I'm typing this...The cgi-bin folder doesn't have any files/folders inside it. Either that, or they are invisible to the file manager (which I doubt). So my guess is that you should try creating a folder called "cgi-bin" within the "forum" folder without any additional subdirectories/files inside the "cgi-bin" folder, and see what happens. The other members told you to set up a redirection through the cpanel (check out Albus Dumbledore's cpanel tutorial for more info on that). In my experience, I believe it does not automatically create a cgi-bin folder, rather it literally redirects (i.e the viewer types "forum.mydirectory.com" and is redirected to "mydirectory.com/forum"), as you said in your post. If a cgi-bin does not automatically create a proper subdomain out of that folder, I believe you will need to do both. Conclusion: try experimenting with either of the two methods, if they don't work, combine them. If it still doesn't work, there's the sure-fire, slightly more timetaking method:simply copy the files and folders you have in the "forum" folder into a new folder, with any name. then delete the "forum" folder. then use cpanel's subdomain tool to set up a new subdomain, letting it create the directory for you. then simply move the files you copied BACK. this will DEFINITELY create a "real" subdomain, where "forum.laschatz.info" will stay as "forum.laschatz.info". Simple! hope it helps!

  7. Two Most Popular Paid Forums (I've used both IPB and vBulletin, and administrated an IPB forum):IPB: I like IPB because of all those lovely features you get with it, AND it looks GREAT! It's very well organised, and has all the features you can expect from a proper forum. When I think of a REAL, full forum, I usually think of IPB. But the fact that it costs money (and that you can't get free versions anymore) really lets it down. Their admin control panel has many excellent features.vBulletin: I really don't understand it. I'm sure it's good, but it has some dodgy work throughout, like a Mercedes Benz with cheap fabric seats. It's quite neat though. But it's also very slow. Their cookies also seem a bit less reliable than IPB's, judging by my comparison between Xisto's IPB forums (where I am always logged in), and many vBulletin forums I've used (which log me out at high frequencies). Oh, and the name "Jelsoft" (the developer of vBulletin) makes me want to vomit. Their admin control panel is quite good, although I'd probably be reaching for an Embag before I made it there...Two Most Popular Free Forums: (I've used both SMF and phpBB, and administrated an SMF forum)phpBB: very fast, much faster than IPB and vBulletin, as well as SMF. Seems to be based on vBulletin, as the URLs seem quite similar and so are the icons. It has the neat layout of vBulletin without the emetic developer's name. Very well done on basic features (has all of them and at a great quality), though it misses out on many of the advanced features. It's also insecure and easily hacked. But I like it and I'm seriously considering migrating to it, it's based on the "simple is best" principle. SMF: this is the one I'm most familiar with and I have it installed on my website. I find it slightly slower than phpBB, but it has some great features. I must say I like it, and its features list is longer than phpBB's. It's quite a good copy of IPB if you don't want to fork out the cash for it. It's very well laid out and has a great statistics center. All of these forums have their merits, though I prefer IPB more than anything else. However you may wish to consider vBulletin if you, like most people, are immune to its emetic developer's name and are willing to give them money, more money than any of the other three I have mentioned here. SMF is certainly a good alternative, as it has many advanced features and is quite neat and simple. If you just want a quality, basic forum (emphasis on quality), you should then consider phpBB. It's not that bad now that I've considered it.

  8. Are you requesting that your forum login and cpanel login to be centralized? We have no plan to execute that at this time. And perhaps it's safer this way.

    No. Because I have Joomla, SMF and Mediawiki installed, I was wondering if there's a way for members to have one account for all three (and perhaps more applications), because none of the bridges suit my purposes.

    But the website I found for JA-SIG really isn't helpful, and I don't know whether it is possible for us members to deploy it on our hosting accounts, and where we should deploy it to (public_html or higher?). And also, I really don't understand how you use these clients and how to get your applications to accept these Systems.

    In response to CrazyRob, IP Converge is for those who currently have a licence for IP Board, Nexus or Dynamic. I don't have any of these licenses. And also, according to wikipedia and other sources, it is only intended for integrating Invision Power Services' products, not anything else.

  9. Recently I've become more and more interested in Central Authentication Systems like JA-SIG (https://www.apereo.org/). This Systems can be installed on a server where you have many different applications requiring a login (In my case, I have SMF, Joomla and MediaWiki, all of which require a login) and the user simply logs in to the CAS and is authenticated by all these applications. I was wondering, is there a way we could implement that on our Xisto hosting accounts? Because none of the bridges for MediaWiki and SMF suit my purposes. And I really can't code PHP. I'm pretty sure we need an admin to do that. But I really don't get these kinds of things.

  10. Does anybody know how to bridge Mediawiki with SMF, without using the tutorial on the simplemachines.org website, which I don't understand? The bridges on the mediawiki website don't work either.All I want is to integrate the user info. I have had a look at Single Login Systems like JA-SIG, but I don't think I have the priveleges on the server to install them. I have MediaWiki 1.6.8 and SMF 1.1.1. Can somebody please help?

  11. M6100 for only A$150?!?!WHERE DO YOU GET THAT?! Are you sure it's in Australia?I bought an E398 last year, and it has taught me not to buy Motorola phones. Since then I've been tossing up between Nokia and Sony Ericsson for my next phone. Something tells me Nokia is more reliable and has better reception than Sony Ericsson, probably due to the fact that on the same Vodafone network, a Sony Ericsson T610 has more drop-outs than a Nokia 3315.When I get a new phone probably next year, I'm thinking of a Nokia N95. It has all the features I want, PLUS is is slightly more reliable than a Sony Ericsson. It's even got a built in GPS and 5mp camera!And by next year, it should have gone down to about A$400. I used to REALLY like the Sony Ericsson K750i, but now, I don't really like the styling of Sony Ericsson phones, and it seems that Nokia has all the features I want, PLUS the reliability I need.

  12. I use norton. But i Don't like it. It adds 5 1/2 minutes to my computer's start up time.As a security suite, I like ZoneAlarm MUCH better. I also like it as a firewall. But antivirus - ZA uses eTrust. And I'm not exactly sure about their quality.A lot of people recommend NOD32 to me as well. I guess I should give it a go too.


    Having seen two new members post two almost identical topics http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=44225= i thought I should have a look at the service, as I was sceptical about it after those posts.

    I joined under the username detportal (yes, i am still there, you can do a member's search) and started using the service.

    First of all, their forum is powered by vBulletin, despite the fact that many members have asked for IPB. They use a very flashy skin.

    Now, most people who join these forums will do so for free domains. So I thought I should investigate this.

    They have a system known as ddPoints - which you can use for various things, such as trading for domain names and playing arcade games on their site.

    Here's how this system works:

    ddPoints Per Thread View: 0.1ddPoints Per Thread: 15.0
    ddPoints Per Reply: 5.0

    In other words, a 500 word essay and a post consisting merely of "fdsddasf" will earn you the same number of ddPoints.

    Speaking of spamming, there is not much in the forum regulations against it. There are no penalties for copying and pasting articles (DUH! considering they don't really care about integrity, as long as there are posts!).

    For spamming, you are given 5 warning points, which are completely different from ddPoints, and you will be banned automatically once you accumulate 20. Also, each warning points have a minimum of 2 monts expiration.They also issue warning points for much more trivial things like posting in the wrong forum.

    Essentially, you can spam 3 times in 2 months without anything done against you.
    Conclusion from these findings: if you are there to GENUINELY contribute or receive help, you would be FAR better off on Xisto forums or Xisto forums, even though they are not dedicated to domain names.

    Which brings me to another topic: even though they say they are an independant forum for domain discussion, they have other stuff on their forums too, including reviews of web hosts.

    Oh, and perhpas you should have a look at the pricelist for domain name registration.

    Price List for Registrations and Renewals (per year):
    * .com: 2,000 ddPoints
    * .net: 2,000 ddPoints
    * .org: 2,000 ddPoints
    * .name: 2,000 ddPoints
    * .biz: 1,750 ddPoints
    * .us: 1,750 ddPoints
    * .info: 1,000 ddPoints (1st Year of New Registration)
    * .info: 1,750 ddPoints (Additional Registration Years and Renewals)
    * .tv: 8,000 ddPoints
    * .cc: 4,000 ddPoints

    Price List for .uk Registrations and Renewals (only available with 2-Year Length):

    * .co.uk: 4,000 ddPoints
    * .me.uk: 4,000 ddPoints
    * .org.uk: 4,000 ddPoints

    meaning you need to post 400 replies for a .com domain for one year.

    Renewals at high speed require you to have a paypal account. You pay first, then the admins will refund that amount back. paypal fees are your own responsibility.

    If you want a 100% free renewal, you will need to wait about 60-90 days.

    I don't like the sound of their admins either. their main administrator has 208,305.7 ddPoints, equalling 41661 replies. highly unlikely, considering that his stats show he has only made 512 posts altogether. assuming all of them are new threads which earn you 15 ddPoints each, he would have needed to be the sole winner of 83.5940417 weekly lotteries on DDBoard, or beaten 401.2514 high scores on the arcade games in ADDITION to his 512 posts.At the moment, he does not hold ANY records for high scores on ANY of their games. Corruption...don't we just LOVE it?

    As mentioned earlier, they also have lotteries, a bank (yes, you can steal ddPoints from other members, legally), and arcade games, for those who wisely realised that they will need to be a real geek to garner enough ddPoints to get a domain.

    So in conclusion, if you have a mild temperament, don't mind silver/orange colour schemes, are willing to post 400 replies and/or gamble, trust virtually anything, and want a free domain at any cost other than money, you should really try DDBoard. At the moment, there is still something within me that tells me not to trust them. AAH yes, in registering for a free domain, you must PM the administrator your street address! And I registered with them using a disposable email account, so I'm really not sure whether DDBoard sells your details as well. And something tells me I'll get banned from them for posting this review.

    Notice from saint-michael:
    Thank you with this review, helped clean the forums up by merging the topics together and the link you have in your post is the current, so you might need to edit your posts just a bit.

  14. don't use frontpage




    As you know, WSIWYG editors do the coding for you. Unfortunately, whoever designed Frontpage obviously hasn't learnt HTML. Any code generated in Frontpage is optimised for Internet Explorer. In other words, Frontpage is essentially a non-standards compliant html editor compliant with a non-standards compliant browser.


    Try the Validators at http://validator.w3.org/ and you will see that virtually no pages created by frontpage will validate. Not even microsoft.com. I tried it.


    Ok fine, microsoft.com probablt wasn't built with Frontpage, but it most likely WAS coded by Microsoft. Which brings me to the topic of Expression Web Design. I had a look on their Website. Microsoft claims it is XHTML 1.0 transitional and CSS compliant. But I've known long enough not to trust Microsoft. If anybody gets a copy of it, can they please run a page created by the program through the W3 Validator and post the results here?


    That's if anybody buys Expression Web Design. It will set you back at a cool US$249.69 from amazon.com - one of the few official vendors. Which brings me to another thing - do you honestly need all the features in Expression Web Design? If you don't, all you're really doing is weighing down your computer's resources, adding to the mass of Bill Gates' wallet, and making your own lighter.


    In conclusion, I agree with everyone else. Get Adobe Dreamweaver. (some people seem to have forgotten that Adobe bought Macromedia). It's been around for much longer. True, it's slightly more expensive that M$ Expression and M$ Frontpage, but it's much more reliable, encodes better, and gives you features you will actually find useful. And the money doesn't go into the pockets of the world's biggest evil corporation.

  15. Well I've been to mytrashmail.com. It's ad supported, like most of the other services out there.

    One thing I've found useful about mytrashmail.com is that it has an additional service called SECURE trash mail.
    Quite useful if you have important stuff that you don't want sent to your usual email account.

    I've used temporaryinbox.com as my disposable email account for quite a while now. I use it mostly because there is a toolbar available for firefox, meaning all I need to do is click "random email" on the toolbar, paste the email address into the email box, then click "check" on the toolbar (the random email it generated is automatically copied into the "check" field on the toolbar).

    temporaryinbox is also ad-supported, but it is cleaner and doesn't try to stuff its pages with "great" extra stuff.

    You can find more information on disposable email accounts at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_e-mail_address

    but those who use disposable email accounts, be warned: it is possible to prevent user registrations with these email accounts. I use SMF forums on my website and there is a mod available which prevents users from registering using these email accounts. I'm not sure whether Xisto has something similar.

  16. He has a position (I can't remember exactly how it's called), but it should be something close to chief executive officer.

    His positions are Chairman and Chief Software Architect.

    I too, doubt that there is actually something called Bill Gates Edition. But there is a part of me that believes that Bill Gates uses something different from Windows XP.

    Linux - I highly doubt it. Search for "Bill Gates Linux" on Google. It mostly has articles on Microsoft's competition with Linux. Nothing on Bill Gates actually using it. If there was even SOME speculation of him using Linux, then that search would be filled with them.

    Remember Bill Gates using Mozilla Firefox? Remember the MSIE team sending Firefox a birthday cake? Remember the speculation that Mozilla tested the cake for poison? There were articles on all of them, but there ain't any on him using Linux. Hence I believe that it is nothing more than, uh, a thought.

    And sachavdk, his position as Chief Software Architect would mean he DOES develop software.

    That secretive rich *****!

  17. Anybody here tried ADSL2+? Technically, it's called ITU G.992.3/4.

    From wikipedia:

    ITU G.992.3/4 is an ITU (International Telecommunication Union) standard, also referred to as ADSL2. It extends the capability of basic ADSL in data rates. The data rates can, in the best situation, be as high as 12 Mbit/s downstream and 3.5 Mbit/s upstream depending on line quality. The distance from the DSLAM to the customer's equipment is usually the most significant factor in line quality.

    I live in Australia and there are a handful of ISPs that offer it. These ISPs build their own DSLAM into the local phone exchange, because the government's DSLAMs only offer speeds of up to 1500kpbs.

    My ISP, iinet (for those who live in Australia: https://www.iinet.net.au/home/), offers speeds of up to 24Mbit/s downstream, contrary to wikipedia, and 1Mbit/s upstream. Australians should try Internode if there are DSLAMs from the company in their local area. iinet has far more DSLAMs but its network is nowhere near as reliable and rock-solid as Internode's.

    I believe most of the forum users here live in the US. I tried a Google Search for "adsl2" and it seems as though there are VERY few ISPs there that offer it.

    I believe, nonetheless that Cable is probably better, as it achieves speeds closer to its advertised speed.
    My connection downloads at about 6Mbit/s, only a quarter of its advertised speed. But I do believe that ADSL is more reliable generally, unless you, like me, end up with a dodgy line filter :lol:

  18. I agree with Thorned Rose. If I didn't know the water I was drinking came from the sewer, I wouldn't mind, as long as I can't taste any difference.

    In response to arnz, Toowoomba is in Queensland, Australia and their Dams are below 20% capacity. At the moment they have Level 5 Water Restrictions, 100% prohibiting the watering of plants using water direct from the tap.

    Meanwhile, I'm in a different state - New South Wales, and our dams are at around 30% capacity. Our Government is thinking of building a desalination plant to desalinate the water from the sea for drinking purposes. I reckon this would probably be slightly better than sewer water. At least it sounds better.

    I was also thinking, if you are repulsed by sewer water, why don't you install water filters? The latest reverse osmosis models are incredibly good.

    For those who haven't heard of reverse osmosis:

    Reverse osmosis is the process of pushing a solution through a filter that traps the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to be obtained from the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure. This is the reverse of the normal osmosis process, which is the natural movement of solvent from an area of low solute concentration, through a membrane, to an area of high solute concentration when no external pressure is applied. The membrane here is semipermeable, meaning it allows the passage of solvent but not of solute.

    They'll set you back at ooohh....US$250, or approximately AU$400

    Not a bad price to pay if your other option is to dehydrate yourself through a combination of vomiting and unwillingness to drink.

    A recycled sewerage plant is being proposed about 20kms from where I live. But somehow I doubt they'll give THAT to us as drinking water. They never mentioned it...

  19. I have Drupal and SMF both installed on my website.
    A few days ago, however, neither of them were able to connect to the database. The problem is still here.

    Drupal displays this message:

    Unable to connect to database server
    This either means that the username and password information in your settings.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the MySQL database server. This could mean your hosting provider's database server is down.

    The MySQL error was: Access denied for user * (using password: YES).

    Currently, the username is * and the database server is localhost.

    * Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    * Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    * Are you sure that the database server is running?

    For more help, see the Installation and upgrading handbook. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.

    [actual username covered]

    SMF displays this message:

    Connection ProblemsSorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

    Is this a problem across the entire server, or is it just my account?

    I haven't modified the database at all before the errors appeared.

    Can someone help?

  20. No, I am not quoting the Simple Plan song.Today was one of the worst days of my life.For a start I found out that I had dropped about 20 ranks in History. I also realised that I had only come average in another subject when I thought I could come in the top 25%. Then my maths teacher told me i had "improved". Well yes, but I realised that she obviously thought I was a bad student when she was writing my report. I was one of her best students until some retard decided to steal my maths book.After all that, I definitely needed a counsellor. He wasn't there!! Just when I need him more than anything, he isn't there!!I asked the front office of my school for when he'd be back. I was told he was on long-service leave. Great! Just when I am about to receive an abysmal report he's not there to tell me how to deal with it (and convince my parents that it isn't as bad as they think).Well, I went outside to catch my bus. It was a new bus, with nice comfortable seats - we don't get THEM very often. It was just what I needed. There was just one problem:When I saw it, it was already departing.I then needed to go to another bus stop to catch another bus. It was cold and I was SO hungry. And just when I was SO hungry, there was a sign in a Domino's Pizza window saying "Chocolate Brownies and Hot Fudge". DAMN!!I then pulled out my iPod to take my mind off this abysmal day. The earphone cords were quite badly tangled. And when I finally untangled them, I realised my iPod was pretty much out of battery.Then the bus turned up - an old one, really loud, pretty bad. I thought I could make it in time for the first connection. IT was going quite well - quite on time. This was until the driver decided to turn into an alleyway only to find there was nobody to pick up/drop off and had to reverse out. 5 minutes wasted.So when I was ready to get off and cross the road for the connection, I saw it drive straight past. Great! It was a new bus too.I then waited for the next one. Some guy who wasn't wearing deodarant and stank like **** decided to sit next to me. When I finally got off, it was freezing cold and raining. IT was then I realised I had left my umbrella in another classroom back at school. I then needed to walk home.When I got home, I really needed something hot. The only thing I could find in the freezer (which was the place I would normally go to find food I could heat up) was some ice cream.I have rarely been more pwned in my WHOLE life...

  21. Does anybody here know a way to force firmware on to a piece of hardware?By "a piece of hardware", I am looking for a way to FORCE iPod video firmware onto an iPod photo. This is because I want to make my iPod photo play videos (should be legal). I have tried iPod linux (linux-based firmware for iPod that can play videos) but it is highly unreliable.I am also looking for a way to force official DVR 107D firmware onto a burner with hacked firmware. The official firmware is more reliable than the hacked firmware. Does anybody know how to do that without stuffing up the hardware and rendering it useless?

  22. Does anybody here know how to change the timezone in SMF for the WHOLE forum, not just for each user?

    Does it involve editing the MySQL database or a major php file?

    I searched for it on the web, but to no avail. The instructions most give you involve editing individual php files or with hosts with different file structures to Xisto.

  23. apart from the extra features in IPB and the extra support they give you, is there anything else that's better in IPB than in SMF?I personally believe that if you want IPB but don't want to spend any money, that you should use SMF. IT has most of the features in SMF, and you can even make it LOOK like IPB using the Dilber MC theme and some extra mods. In my opinion, there is no point using phpBB, particularly if you have reliable infrastructure like Xisto's. phpBB is really intended for slow servers, and it lacks many important features. There is also another good paid forum called vBulletin. It looks a bit like phpBB but has waay more features.In conclusion, IPB is a good forum if you are willing to spend money on it. If I were to have the choice between IPB and SMF (if i were to get them both for free legally) i would choose IPB. Sadly, you CAN'T get the latest version of IPB for free, hence I use SMF for my forum. It works, it is stable, and has a wide community backing it.If you are REALLY DYING to get IPB forums, there is a host called invisionfree that, as its name suggests, supplies free invision power board hosting, with invision power board v1.3 pre-installed. This is, of course, a legal service. But for all those who are loyal to Xisto, you may not want to use any other host...

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