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Everything posted by burgen

  1. while think it this way, when you buy a car, you only have like 30000mile/3years warrency. of course it is different to compare cars with software, but still There will not be unlimmited support for any products.
  2. well i agree microsoft sucks, but windows ARE their products and they have the rights to do whatever they want, if they want to sell it as subscriptions, so be it. You HAVE the rights not to buy it.
  3. where did you get this information? can you give a link at least. I found it hard to believe. only a while ago when microsoft tried to stop support for windows 98 there were big buzz about it. I can't imagine I haven't heard any thing yet if they decide to stop support for windows 2000. yes microsoft will eventually stop support for windows 2000 but I don't think it will be anytime soon.Ok, i checked microsoft's website, here is the new quoted:"To make it as easy as possible for customers to maintain the security and stability of their Windows 2000 systems, Microsoft will produce an Update Rollup for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4), with a planned release in mid-2005.....Because Microsoft believes the Update Rollup will meet the needs of customers better than a new service pack, there will be no Service Pack 5 (SP5) for Windows 2000. Therefore, SP4 becomes the final service pack for Windows 2000...."now make it clear, no SP5 does not mean no support for windows 2000 any more. so stop spreading false news.
  4. genetic engineering is happening now, almost every gene in human has been cloned and half of them are studied in detail. hunderds of genes have been knocked out of mouse one by one to see the effects. Many of the drugs in hospital (not drug store) are the products of genetic engineering. more and more plants are engineered plants now, corn, rice, tomato, even chicken, pork, beef. It is everywhere. again about cloning a species like tiger, it is not the same tiger when you cloned it. it is more important for us to stop the abuse of environment by human. It is not natural rule when human power are involved. in fact because of the technology human now have many natural rule are not applied to human any more. human now does not evolve any more. To protect extincting species, protect the surviving environment is the only way. Cloning is not the way to do it. Just as you know, there are numerous new species emerging now everyday, but most of them are viruses, bacteria, parasites, due to the change of environment.
  5. how about ibuypower? its PCs are always in the top lists of CNET reviews. I think it is cheapper than alienware and you have more options to choose from, more customizable. But I never tried myself, I may buy one from them when I need my next PC though, but who knows when is it.
  6. the one thing I don't understand is if we have landed the moon 30 years ago, why wouldn't we do it again in recent years? Back then there is tight competetion between US and USR, you would wonder if US can land on the moon, USR would do it also, given that they have the technology at the same level as US back then, but they didn't.
  7. by cloning you mean species cloning. I am a biochemist and in our terms cloning is a process which we simply copy a piece of DNA or gene by PCR, and we do it everyday. So make sure next time you say cloning you add species before it. as for your question, techniquely now people can clone any species, but the method/process of cloning determines that it will not be the same as natural born. and there may be very significant problems, which we can not find out or predict. the sheep dorley, the first cloned animal, died very early in its age and people don't know why. To protect species, I don't know, I am not knowledgable enough to answer the question, but I think by cloning the species will not be the same any more. and if the species is in extinction, that means it can not adjust and accostumize to the environment and it will be replaced by new species, that is the natural rule. However, there are so much environmental changes caused by people today, and a lot of species extinct because of it, so I am not sure what should we do. I suggest we start from protecting the environment first, reduce polution, stop digging oil (that is the origin of almost all the polutions) and use electricity to drive cars.
  8. some of people may not agree, but I think one of the reasons that Firefox is better than IE is the extensions. It just extend the function of this browser indefinitely. What I liked most is adblock, which blocks all the ads out from webpages, like Yahoo! mail. also chatzilla is one of the best IRC clients out there and it is free.If you don't like the handling of download in Firefox, there are several extensions that could make it much easer and powerful.some other extensions, all-in-one gesture, just blogit, linkidentification, etc, just make browsing easy and fun.
  9. you should read the FAQ on their website first.basically it is like any IM, but focus on audion communication, so called pc-to-pc phone. other IMs like msn messenger also have this function, however, skype use p2p technology which allows it not affected by any firewall and better sound quality. I have checked out it before, and I have to say it has the best sound and voice quality so far in all IMs. they also have pc-phone services now but it is a paid service. They also plan to introduce video capability. again, if you wantt to use skype to call somebody, then the other part also have to have it installed, which is the reason I don't use it because all my friend use msn.
  10. thanks, looks great,do you know which linux distribution is best for server (web server, Ftp server, email server etc) yet use least resourses?
  11. this is another link in cnn: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There is a trick to view the orginal link, it works for me, anybody can try and confirm it. Go to this google news search results: http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&qtnG=Search+News&cf=all&q&js=0 The first result should be the NYtimes article, click on it, you should be able to read it. seems google has a way to dodge the subscription page.
  12. The NAVY released photographs of the smashed nuclear submarine San Fransico, here is the news:- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the submarine hit a mountain because it is not on their map! To quote the article: "Military officials have said that the submarine's main chart was prepared in 1989 and did not show any potential hazards within three miles of the crash site. Satellite images taken since then show the wedge-shaped outline of the undersea mountain. But officials have said the agency that prepared the charts had never had the resources to use the satellite data to improve them. Also yesterday, Kent D. Lee, the chief executive of East View Cartographic Inc., a map company based in Minneapolis, said Russian Navy charts indicate more hazards in that part of the ocean than were on the American charts, though they also fail to show the undersea mountain. Mr. Lee said the Russian charts have been available for five years. He said one of the Russian charts noted that the area where the crash occurred had been "insufficiently surveyed." It also warned: "Cautionary measures should be taken when sailing."" so US has the technology but failed to take advantage of it. Now the FBI or CIA has some more things to do.
  13. man, we are talking about windows messenger here, not msn messenger, also msn messenger already have version 7, you may want to check that out. go to http://www.mess.be/.
  14. do you know what you can find in your CPU? a dinosaur, a sword or a pepper? while that is what people found so far, http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/?Subews&MsgID=22961 a dinosaur in Analog Devices DSP chip, a sword in Apple G3, a pepper in Cyrix 5x86. again it is in chinese, but the picture speak for themselves.
  15. here is a story, this guy is a scientist (theoretical seismologist), basically studying sea waves. He was at a beach hitten by the Tsunami. The amazing part is he recognize there will be something dangerous happening before the big waves hit and warned people on the beach, so there are no people lost in their hotel. See, science sometimes do save lives. Here is the story: http://www.nature.com/index.html
  16. one day I was bored and installed this piece of crap windows messenger 5, then I found out the problem that it conflict with Adobe Acrobat 6.03 (it doesn't with acrobat 6.00). when I uninstalled it from control panel, each time I open a pdf file, there is a popup window saying I need to install something.I tried many ways and can't figure out how to solve it, even in adobe's website they described this problem but did not give a solution. Finally I was able to complete remove it, it is real simple: download and reinstall windows messenger 4.7, it will completely remove and replace windows messenger 5.0, then remove 4.7 by running this command "RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove".that is it.best solution? never install this piece of crap.
  17. so it is a special day, you would want to send a flower or something to that special person, of course you will not forget to buy a card and write something. Now you have 2 in 1, check this out: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4209571.stm you can write words on the plant, and you can write it small so that people can not read it until the plant grows big enough.
  18. I have a motorola T720, my wife has a LG 3100, both are CDMA from ALLTEL. I have to say motorola is one of the worst cell phone producers. this T720 is very slow, drops calls occasionly.Compared to the LG phone, it is bigger, heavier, battery last shorter, and need much longer to recharge the battery, also it looks cheap. the LG 3100 although does not have color screen, is well made and works very well.
  19. ISP speakeasy add Firefox as default browser, https://www.megapath.com/ it is said speakeasy uses a customized version firefox, at first I thought they grab the code and make a version of themselves, then I check this webstie out, LOL, they just made a extension to the standard firefox, well you can call that a customized version.
  20. here is the pictures of windows from 1.o to longhorn, http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/?Subews&MsgID=23007 only this site is in chinese, but the pictures themselves should be clear enough.
  21. while I don't think microsoft is that bad, without it probably we will not have the computer world today, without windows probably computers still are only exist in labs or factories.Talking about security, I don't think viruses are the major problems, it is the spyware and adware and trojen horse that are threats, these things don't break your PC, so normal users don't know whether you have them or not, instead they steal the CPU power, internet bandwidth, the user information (credit card, address, phone, etc). and these things are everywhere today, take 10 computers you will find them from about 7 of them. and since they don't break PC, normal users will not know and try to fix them.
  22. That is what I meant, additional information in the file, like mp3 tag. it is part of the file and comes and goes with the file. when using a program to generate these information for pictures, you need the software to remember these informaiton and the information is NOT part of the file, when you move these files to antoher computer, the information is gone.
  23. I have more than 2000 pictures in my computer, you know, when you have a digital camera, that is not a big number, every time on a trip or event I took my digital camera with me and take many pictures, normally more than 200.of course many of them are just not good or repeats, but the point is you take as many as you can, then you select the best when you have a chance to look through them on a computer.
  24. Here comes news, Firefox will be renamed to FoxGoo, http://blog.gerv.net/2005/01/firefox_to_chan/ of course it is a joke, now another Mozilla programmer joins google, now mozilla is officially goozilla
  25. So did you do a test on your new computer to see how it works? like superPI, a lot of people did the test with their own machine, and you can compare your score with the scores of similar machines to see if your hardwire works well together, or whether your windows is well configed and optimized.
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