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About poland55

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  • Birthday 05/11/1993

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  • Location
    Chicago Illinois
  • Interests
    A lot of things!!
  1. Lol u probably used photoshop or coral to make that lol by the way add me to your freinds list, poland55. If you want you can join my rs related forum. http://ww2.poland55.spreebb.com/?folio=9PO6Z3MVF&_glst=2&rfolio=9POTGAVR6
  2. My best favorite game is Runescape, I also play Diabo and World of Warcraft but rearly. Runescape for life!!
  3. o ok, never tought of that this way. And i will have 15 members very soon as i know a lot of members that are "clanless" so i guess i should have at least 15 soon. Thanks for teh advise tho.O and btw. i just had to do that clan cause i am a forum maniac and i just wanted a forum with a lot of members and that can only be..... A runescape clan or runescape community..
  4. Well i don't know, this sounds kind of like spam to me lol. I will not try it but i will not encurage others not to because well i might be wrong.
  5. I never had a girlfreind so i can't help you form my own expereiance. I heard that people should so something special. Mabey you should sent him choclate with roses or something creative.
  6. GUARDIANS OF RUNESCAPE This is a newly created community about Runescape and a runescape clan in there. The clan is more a of a meeting group as multy claning is allowed. The clan is just to bring different clans tougether and not make such a chaos around runescape... hehe, in fact the gole of the clan is to stop chaos for a while and then relese it. Go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you will have to register to see everything. Remember the clan was made just today in the morning so it dosn't have that many members but beleve me.. it will grow!
  7. have to admit it is nice, i am not much a poet so lol for me it is AWSOME
  8. MY very first computer... Lol all i have to say about it that is was niceIt had dail up on it but i didn't use interent a lot, now i use it 24\7 (ya.. some times i use it in my dreams) =D
  9. I don't have a phone.. i tell me mom that i want one but she just won't give me one -.-
  10. GO GO GO GO GO GO GO CARDINALS!!!!I am not much of their fan since i am a cubs fan but still! CONGRATULATIONS!!
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