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Everything posted by whyme

  1. I learned HTML when i first began fiddling with FrontPage, and long story short, i got into PHP, and all the other stuff.
  2. Essentailly, any pops that are generated from your site will drive away visitors, so always go to the small textual ads if you ever display ads on your site. I think ads all together are bad, as they derive from the content of the website.
  3. I would suggest the best way to have a money free alterentive to get traffic on your site is to use traffic exchange sites. You don't risk any money and usually get good results, I recommend using bravenet's traffic exchange site to start first. Then, as you progress, you can use higher end sites like trafficzap, also, if you use a blog, you can get traffic from blogazoo.com
  4. DreamWeaver is designed for those who are looking for a high-end PHP, ASP, Coldfusion and multi-purpose scripting language program. Frontpage, on the other hand only makes use of HTML. FrontPage is the best for those who want to learn how to use programs to make websites instead of using text editors. However, to judge which one is better, Dreaweaver is ultimately the best. It has all the elements of FrontPage, and includes PHP, ASP, and a handful of other features. A bad thing about FrontPage is that it doesn't follow the w3c guidelines for Strict HTML and CSS layout, so often, HTML pages generated by FrontPage are not HTML Scritct, but rather suit the way Interent Explorer works.
  5. Wow, a very, very nice peice of artwork, I especially like the morphing of the person into the water. Keep up the excellent artwork.-whyme
  6. whyme

    Funney Movies

    Dj BoY - These images are NOT tolerated by Xisto, please remove them now, or you will be banned from the forums. By registering and using the forum, you are to abide by the Terms and Services Agreeement. Please read the TOS throughly and do not use these tpyes of images to abuse the forum.
  7. Yup, good news, the NHL and NHLPA are going back on talks again, Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemeuix are neogiting talks with the NHL union and I think the salary cap problem is slowly but sureley being solved, They say that they have essentaily agreed on a $45-million US salary cap. This is very good news. Link to the NHL Lockout article - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. I agree that I should have made comments along with the code so people would understand it more, dang, i'll do it next time i make another tutorial, also, the strcmp is just to check that the username and password is correct so the system can verfiy it and proccess a cookie, checking the password and username from an array is done through the script it self, see the index.php in the "edit" folder and you'll see what i mean.
  9. Hello, heres a simple tutorial from a script that I made to power my news system. It is written withthe PHP coding system and consists of 8 files using a flatfile based system, without MySQL databases. This should be usefull for those who want a simple little news manager and like to have simplcity without the fancy date strings and sutff. You can see a demo of it at my site @ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Let's Start! First let's start with the easy stuff, making the directory first, first create a main directory to hold everything, call this folder "news", now you have a folder, and you're just one step closer to making a news system . STEP 1: Now create a "edit" folder, now you should have two folders, like so: news ...edit now, let's start some PHP STEP 2: Create a PHP page and put in the following code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <title>Your News System</title> </head><body><table style="height: 100%; text-align: center; width: 90%"> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle"> <table> <form method="post" action="%3C? echo $PHP_SELF ?>?action=login"> <tr> <td><b>Login name:</b><br> <input type="text" size="30" name="loginname" onfocus="this.style.borderColor='#0072BC';" onblur="this.style.borderColor='silver';"></td> <td><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Password:</b><br> <input type="password" size="30" name="password" onfocus="this.style.borderColor='#0072BC';" onblur="this.style.borderColor='silver';"></td> <td><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p><? if (substr($PHP_SELF,-9) == "login.php") { echo "<p>Never link directly to this file, always link to the protected file!</p>"; } else { echo "<input class=send type=submit value=\"Login!\">"; } ?></p></td> </tr> </form> </table> </td> </tr></table></body></html> Now, what this is the login page for you to enter into your news system. You will notice the POST data on te beginging of the form, this will send the inofrmation of your login details to another page. Save this page to your "edit" folder and call it login.php STEP 3: Now, we will make the page where you have login details to, so you'll be able to get into the area where you'll edit your news. <?$user_passwords = array ( "this is your username" => "password" );// Designate the name of the "Logged Out" php page.$logout_page = "logout.php";// Designate the name of the "Login" php page.$login_page = "login.php";// Designate the name of the "Invalid Login Name or Password" php page. enters an $invalidlogin_page = "invalidlogin.php";if ($action == "logout"){ Setcookie("logincookie[pwd]","",time() -86400); Setcookie("logincookie[user]","",time() - 86400); include($logout_page); exit;}else if ($action == "login"){ if (($loginname == "") || ($password == "")) { include($invalidlogin_page); exit; } else if (strcmp($user_passwords[$loginname],$password) == 0) { Setcookie("logincookie[pwd]",$password,time() + 86400); Setcookie("logincookie[user]",$loginname,time() + 86400); } else { include($invalidlogin_page); exit; }}else{ if (($logincookie[pwd] == "") || ($logincookie[user] == "")) { include($login_page); exit; } else if (strcmp($user_passwords[$logincookie[user]],$logincookie[pwd]) == 0) { Setcookie("logincookie[pwd]",$logincookie[pwd],time() + 86400); Setcookie("logincookie[user]",$logincookie[user],time() + 86400); } else { include($invalidlogin_page); exit; }}?> What this does is set a cookie that verfies for how long you wil be able to access the editing the page, as well as the password and username that you will use enter into the news section. You can see that I have the area for the password and username, simply change those values to the ones that you want. Also, if you want to say, have multple people that can access your page, just add another line of password and username, like so: $user_passwords = array ( "this is your username" => "password" "this is another username" => "anotherpassword" ); Now, call this page protect.php and save it to your "edit "folder STEP 4: OK, now we have the page where we can login and a page where the script will know our password and username. Now, we need to add in a page where we'll redirect the user if they make an error in typing their user info: We will do the following coding: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <title>Login Error</title></head><body><table style="height: 100%; text-align: center; width: 90%"> <tr> <td style="height: 65px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 10px; text-align: left"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle"> <table> <form method="post" action="<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>?action=login"> <tr> <td><b>Login name:</b><br> <input type="text" size="30" name="loginname" onfocus="this.style.borderColor='#0072BC';" onblur="this.style.borderColor='silver';"></td> <td><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Password:</b><br> <input type="password" size="30" name="password" onfocus="this.style.borderColor='#0072BC';" onblur="this.style.borderColor='silver';"></td> <td><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p><? if (substr($PHP_SELF,-9) == "login.php") { echo "<p>Never link directly to this file, always link to the protected file!</p>"; } else { echo "<input class=send type=submit value=\"Login!\">"; } ?></p> <p><span class="error"><b>Invalid login name or password!</b> Please try again.</span></p></td> </tr> </form> </table> </td> </tr></table></body></html> This is simply an HTML page where the user will be recriected to if they type the incorrect password. Now we will call this page invalidlogin.php and save it to the "edit folder" too CHECK UP TIME! Now, just to check that we are on track, you should have the following folders and files >news ...edit ......login.php ......protect.php ......invalidlogin.php If this is how your strcutrue looks like, you're on the right track! STEP 5: Now, we will create a page that the user will be led to when they log out: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <title>Your news system</title></head><body> <p>You have logged out.<p>Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to login again.</p></td></body></html> Again, this is just a simple HTML page which shows the user that they have logged out. Call this page logout.php and save it to your "edit" folder. STEP 6: Now, here's an easy part, create a blank text file and call it "news.txt.", save this to your "edit folder". This textfile is the place where your news will be stored and saved to. STEP 7: Here begins where the news will come alive, use the following code: <? include("protect.php"); ?><?php$data_file='news.txt';$changes='';if(isset($contents)) { $archive=fopen($data_file,'r+'); flock($archive,2); ftruncate($archive,0); fputs($archive,$contents); flock($archive,3); fclose($archive); unset($contents); $changes='<b style="color:#ff6600">Changes made!</b> » <a href="../">View Changes</a><br />';}function getfile($filename) { $fd = fopen($filename, "rb"); $content = fread($fd, filesize($filename)); fclose($fd); return $content;}$data=getfile($data_file);?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <title>Your news system</title></head><body><table style="height: 100%; text-align: center; width: 90%"> <tr> <td style="height: 65px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 10px; text-align: left">Login succesful! - Please edit your news.</td> </tr> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function view() { q=open("","l"," status=0,toolbar=0,width=560,height=420,resizable=1,menubar=0,location=0"); q.document.open(); q.document.write('<html><head><title>News/Content Publisher - Preview Window</title>');fs q.document.write('</head><body><table bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%" height="100%"><tr valign="top"><td style="color: #666666; line-height: 16px; padding: 10px 20px 0px 20px;">'); q.document.write(document.forms[0].contents.value); q.document.write('</td></tr>'); q.document.write('<tr valign="bottom"><td align="center" style="line-height: 16px;"><a href="javascript:window.close();" onmouseover="window.status = \'Close Window\'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status = \'\'; return true;">Close Window</a>'); q.document.write('</td></tr></table>'); q.document.write('</body></html>'); q.document.close(); } //--> </script> <form name="editform" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" onsubmit="if(q&&!q.closed)q.close();return true"> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle"> <div align="center"><fieldset style="border: 1px solid #CCC; width: 50%"><legend style="margin-left: 8px"> Edit News/Events Information Here: </legend> <div style="padding: 20px"> <div align="right"><a href="<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>?action=logout"><img src="/art/logout.gif" alt="Log Out" width="17" height="16" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Log Out</a></div> <?php echo $changes; ?> <p><input style="margin:0px;" type="button" value="Bold" onClick="editform.contents.value+='<b></b>'"> <input type="button" value="Italic" onClick="editform.contents.value+='<i></i>'"> <input type="button" value="Space" onClick="editform.contents.value+='<br>'"> <input type="button" value="Dbl Space" onClick="editform.contents.value+='<p>'"> <input type="button" value="Quote" onClick="editform.contents.value+='´'"> <input type="button" value="Dbl Quote" onClick="editform.contents.value+='“”'"><br> <textarea name="contents" rows="20" cols="50" tabindex="2"><?php echo $data;?></textarea><br /> <input class="send" style="margin:0px;" type="button" onClick="view()" value="Preview" /> <input class="send" type="submit" name="submitdata" value="Submit" /> <input class="reset" type="reset" name="resetdata" value="Erase Changed" /></p></div></fieldset></div></td> </tr> </form></table></body></html> I know it's a mouth full, but i will do the best to explin it. At the very top, you see the protect.php include function, this means that only autoixed users which know the username and password can enter, otherwise, they will be recitected to the login page. This include function ensures that your news system is safe. The rest of the php tells the server to write and send the information to the news.txt file. Now, the rest of the HTML is the area that you will be able to edit your news. Now, save this as index.php in the "edit folder" We're almost done! CHECK UP 2! Just to see that you are on track, you should have the following files in your "edit "folder. index.php protect.php login.php invalidlogin.php logout.php news.txt STEP 8: We're now done the hardest part of the script, it's all smooth sailing from here. Moing away from the "edit" folder, we will now go to the root directory, meaning to the "news" folder. We will now create the page which will display all of the information that you have posted. Put in the following code. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <title>Your News Login system</title></head><body> <? include("edit/news.txt") ?></body></html> All it is a simple HTML page that will do the PHP include function, which in turn places the information into an HTML page. YOU'RE FINISHED! Now uplaod all the files to your server, and go to http://ww38.yoursite.com/news/edit/index.php, this will lead you to the login page, login with your username and password, and bingo! you will get in. You will have a text box along with other functions that will let you add text to it, and it's also HTML compatible, so you can paste HTML and it will be rendered out as HTML. After you have posted, go to http://ww38.yoursite.com/news/index.php, and voila! your news! If you want to have multiple pages display that informaiton, simply use the include function in PHP like so: <? include("edit/news.txt") ?> I highly recommend adding in sytle sheets to make it suit your taste. I know it's a long tutorial, but hopefully, you've learned how to make a good sizeable news system, further more, you can enrich it by adding in CSS Style sheets, something that I haven't done here. feel free to modify this script, but give me some credit . - whyme (hands and fingers are sooooo tired) If you have any questions problems or difficulite,s don't hesitate to PM me or poast of this thread
  10. Perhaps most people around here don't watch hockey, but just yesterday, NHL Commisioner, Gary Bettman, annouced that the 2004-2005 NHL season would be cancelled. This is becasue of the fact that both sides are disputing over how much money players should get for playing hockey, and long story short, after almost 6 months of dispute, they fianlly decided that the seasons would be cancelled. Appreently, comedians like Jay Leno say that Americans aren't affected one bit by the cancelling of the season, but up here, we Canadians are pretty disspaointed.(It's like not having any football or baseball, see the horror? )
  11. So to say, this student is probably the most unliked student in our class, his name? I will call him "A". He is a ANNOYING, ridiculous and desperate student, in grade 9, and apparently, everyone dislikes him. The comments that he makes during class time are beyond comprehension, meaning that his comments lack any sort of logic, and his desperateness is viewed through his attempt to try to make friends. A small description of him, the tallest in the school (almost), and not the brightest either. Here?s some things that he?s said in my class. We are discussing about taking History grade 12, so our teacher says: The next thing you know, he asks: Far from begging to differ, here?s another quote: We are discussing about PowerPoint in class, he thinks he?s a genius, so he says to everyone: So our teacher asks: And lo and behold, he says: and just for good measure (he actually said this) And the creepiest part about this is, he added a girl?s windows messenger to his contacts list, but apparently, the girl blocked or deleted him. In a normal person, they would give up and not bother trying to do anything about it. But, ?A? actually took the time to make ANOTHER email address, pretending to be a different, person and added the girl to his contacts list again, and freakily enough, his email address was: cool_dude_945@hotmail.com. I swear that someday, this guy will become something nasty. I feel so good now that my anger is a vented out. Phew!
  12. I must aree with this. I hpe you don't mind some constructive critisim, but there are defeinetly some, er, not so good aspects of your site. a) putting the two "Enter ->" around your slpash page is not very inviting, better yet, you should have something less "agressive" and make a very simple and blank page with a simple little tahoma font hyperlink for the splash page as ill has said, Frames are indeed a thing of the past, the frames on your site makes everything look very uninviting, and limits the amount of "page" the viewer can see. I highly recommend that you remove the frames. c) having the stars and the snow banner on the top and bottom of the site really distracts your viewiers from your actual content, so removing those would make your content more visible. d) I strongly suggest that you use PHP to do most of the work in your website, such as using a PHP contact form instead of a "mailto:blahblah@Xisto.com" link, and you can automate your news section using a simple news manager such as CuteNews - @ http://cutephp.com/, also, you may want to use a PHP forum, such as http://www.myphp.ws/, https://www.phpbb.com/, http://www.phorum.com/, or another tpye of PHP disscuision board. The current brave net one is filled to the limit in advertisements, and lacks a lot of feaures that you can get in other forums, and also loads alot slower, basiaclly, whatever bravenet offers, they fill it with ads, but if you use PHP scripts, you can do anything with it That said, I think your photoshop skills are beyond amazing, (i can't do much with it ). Your artwork is sure to capture someone's eye. Cheers, -whyme P.S - a great resources for very pure HTML nice templates is Open Source Web Design, @ http://www.oswd.org/ Again, I hope you dont mind my, er, constructive critism
  13. PHPBB identifes that there is a theme by checking the folder directories in your templates folder, so, you should something more or less like the following directory structure. >Templates >SubSilver .................>images .................>admin >Charcoal .................>images .................>admin If it's not, re-extract the theme and make sure that the directoires are all in the correct place. It is using this structure where the PHP code reads the first folder name. I woould try to test another template (like nosebleed or corundum, my favorites, and see if they work, if not, thee must be something wrong with the scripting, perhaps you modifeied some parts of the forum? If so, you may want to try reinstalling the forum, (but make a backup first!). On another note, you can contact the creator of the theme.
  14. As of now, MyPHP Forum is only in version 2.0beta, the relase of version 3.0 in march will feautre an avatar system, a more graphical approach, more complicated topic controls, and member mangement. As well, more people are developing in this source code too, I think that with time, it will develop into a very powerful forum.
  15. sorry, i missed this post, if you're living in the United States, Google needs your Social Secutriy number and vaildi home address, if you live outside of the US, it takes less of a hssle, becasue you dont need to include that information. Also, "Google Search Technology?" i thought you wre applying for the Adsense program.. Anyways, just give them valid info, and I'm sure they'll include you for the Adsense program.
  16. i've tested it in Firfox, and it works for me, i'm postiive that it's got something to do with your pop-up blocker, go to Option > Web Features to disable it and try it again
  17. Have you requested for a sub domain change? if so, they would have taken off 10 credits inordr to change it.
  18. seeing that eveyone seems to have problems, i jave dbugged part 1 of 3 for you guys Basicaslly, I've just solved the hardest part of the code, Nowthis part is the hexadeicmal, (cough*converts*cougH*) Succsefully converted/cracked part 1 of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
  19. Here's mines, nothing fancy, it's getting awfully cluttered on my desktop....
  20. Hmmm.. I see now. I think I should be able to control most of the disadvantages: 1> If any of the user spams, your account will be closed and you lose everything and also the trust of your members. I will make very close monitoring's of each users account, and i don't even expect to get more than 10 users (I've only got 100 megs so far). 2> The BW is checked only once per day and you will never come to know that you have used up your BW. I'm currently testing a script that will actaully control the amount of bandwidth that a "folder" uses, so, if i directed each user to folder, controlling the bandwidth shouldn't be anyproblems. 3> The resources of Xisto are being used without recieving appropriate contributions from the members. I must say that is true, but, I think I'll implement a request for all users to at the very least give a link back to Xisto on thier site, as well, I'll most more frequently. 4> Making more sub-domains and putting it to use altogether puts considerable load on the servers. As said above, i don't think that I will be able to host more than 10 users altogether, so i don't think it will become as much of an overhual on Xisto's resources, if you like, you can give me a limit on the amount of subdomains you want me to give out. 5> We might not be able to expand this service without getting proper response. Again, I'll implement a request for all users to have at the very least a link back to Xisto. And of course, I'm putting a bit of a risk on my account, but, heck, I'll make sure I mage what's on the content of the website as well as how it's being used on a timely basis, so Xisto's resources won't be misused. Thanks a lot for letting me do this (somewhat silly) thing. - I'll post here again when my hosting service is fully up and running, finishing the script... - whyme
  21. hmm..i guess so, but, its always worth a try.
  22. I'm making the assumption that you knew that there was the interent, but then, by some micracoulsiuly mysterous reason, it just dissapeared. then, what would you do?
  23. i've just finsihed my hosintg site, you can see how it looks like. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ *crossed fingers*
  24. You can take legal action by "intrusion of personal/private information" as well as "hacking" IF, your data logs in cpanel were able to record any sentisve information that might reveal which ip messed around with your site. ideally, if the logs prove useful, and prove enough data, that "dingbat" can get sued for "loss of information" as well as "damaging of digital information". These are all possible leagal actions that you can take. Further more, you can request thier ISP to relase info about them. (Sorry, but some of my er, "law" information maybe wrong, i only know so much , but they can more or less be charged like that, just scroll through all your logs and stuff, and een better if you have some sort of remotely hosted statisctic tracker, go see those logs as well, like statcounter.com or the traker that rap17 is using)
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