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Posts posted by matak

  1. yes very good tutorial. i haven't read it all just now but it seems nice and easy for beginners.maybe you could write some code that connects PHP to MySQL database. Some script that can add a user, and maybe you could explain how we could create simpler apps that connects to MySQL and that lets user the option that everything that it does to site can be simply saved to database.of course that would lead to protecting databases in proper way, maybe with right editing of .htaccess file or similar. you have the power to write it simpler than some of the tutorials i've seen on internet so keep up the good tut's coming :)

  2. Sharn - it is all but impossable to OD on weed, you would green out long before you take enough to die :rolleyes:Me + co have thought about acid before, decided it wasnt the best idea. As you said, it is supposed to be the most intense halutionagenic you can get and we thought it would be best not to dive straight in on that. We probably will eventualy try it, but not until we are 100% confortable with other stuff like shrooms.
    Thanks for the info though :)

    before venturing into world of hallucinogenic drugs try reading some books from Carlos Castaneda, Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary. They were all drug addicts but in their books you can realize some things about drugs.

    And ask your parents about those drugs and the feeling you have that you need to use them. Maybe they can help you out with that.

  3. drugs are huge problem of society but not beacouse of their nature, but beacouse of those using drugs the wrong way. although i belive that all of us humans, and even all of these nature sorounding us is connected in some way so that one person using drugs hurts someone else regardless wheater he is smoking herb at home or stealing and robbing for his dope.you might think of me as a fool for saying such a things but i just like looking at things that way. i belive in god, a supreme being that watches on all of us and that she or he loves us more than our parents, grandparents. god loves us more than we love our own children. i belive that he created this earth and universe for us to live in and to enjoy it.but even god has enemies, yes the devil. devil is not much different from god. it has it's knowlege and power, but devil doesn't love us. devil just wants our souls roasted in hell for his pleasure beacouse she or he couldn't find it's place in god's world.now how can that be connected to drugs?do you know the story about garden of eden, and adam and eve? that forbiden apple which God asked them nicely to take care of but never try it. but we are humans, we have that something called curiosity and it was just the question of time when they couldn't resist temptation and they tried the apple :)it opened their eyes bible says? but to where?they realized that they are naked, they begun to fear from God and they couldn't look at him in the eyes anymore. God banished them from garden of eden beacouse they were not worthy, and Adam and Eve got their own children. They started raising apple trees beacouse they knew if they had that tree they have all the power they need.But that was 20 000 years ago? Do you ever wonder what is that apple tree now? Nobody knows, beacose it is forgotten. It is forgotten beacouse humans are not eternal, they get born, live and they die. Only thing that is left behind from them is knowledge -- the things they learned from their lifes which they try to teach their children who again act like they acted in first place. They don't listen. They think they are smarter than their parents and go away from their parents belives. Some of them find better ways for them to live in this world without need for those apples others stick to those apples thinking that they are the one who are going to find the answer.But both of those children are needed, and only the boundrys must be set between them. Those who found life without apples should leave those who can't find it at peace, but those who need apples must respect ways of those who don't need them.It's a question of ballance, which is real hard to find and even more harder to live by.to lewisM..If you like hallucinations try acid beacouse that drug provides most powerfull hals of all, with as little as possible damage to human mind. Just beware, don't get scared beacouse with that drug you unlock some parts of your mind which you maybe didn't know that they egzisted and you might end up is some deep shi'' if you aren't prepared for such a thing. before consuming acid you need to be in touch with your self, and as the proper name for acid is LSD-25 i think that it shouldn't be used before you have at least 25 years without it in normal life. in puberty you might think of some things quite different than when you reach adolescence, and establish a normal surroundings for your self.and PLEASE don't use it beacouse someone SAID YOU SHOULD use in only if YOU FEEL YOU ARE PREPARED FOR THAT!!!!! if anything bad happends to you i don't want to be the one who you are going to blame for that.

  4. to lewisM..


    The way you talk about drugs is the most common talk of all drug addicts. You said


    But, dont take me for an addict. I dont crave drugs i just enjoy them. i dont NEED them, i just like the feeling they give. Its kind of hard to explain, i think recreational use pretty much sums me up.

    That feeling that drug gives you isn't fake, it is real. Yes you can snort coke and feel like a king, or you can smoke weed and get high, nobody can say it is fake beacouse it isn't it is really real!!


    But why is it like that? Why do you need some sort of drug to feel that way?!


    I'll tell you the answer-- you don't know any other way-- and belive me there are plenty other ways to feel the same as on coke- Like sharn said try extreme sports beacouse the high you get when your body pumps adrenalin is even more than on drugs. Why? Again like sharn said beacouse it is more REAL!!


    If you think that this life isn't good enough for you, and that you can't find your "place" in it then you go trying some drugs that make you feel other way. They make you feel important, brilliant. Drugs are chemistry, and our body is capable of making same effects like drugs do if you know how to do it. You just need to find a proper way.


    If you are using drugs for some time, you will sink to bottom beacouse you'll probably end up feelling like most "addicts" do. You will start hating society couse of it ways, you will think laws are crazy and make no sense to you couse you know it better!

    Well do you?!


    If you are using drugs like you said just for fun, remember the feeling that you had on any of those drugs and try to find it in life without it. When you do, you will see that drugs are just a pathway to those lost in time and space that can either help you to become a better person, or destroy you to the bottom.

  5. I have a friend who is also new to webdesign, and wants to learn it. But finding good hosting which supports php and mysql is hard thing to do. Since i have premium hosting on Xisto i wanted to put his website on my hosting like matak.trap17.com/hisname.can i add ftp access for him but that he can access only that folder and not any other folders on my hosting? or do i have to modify his site...

  6. mojoman i think that evil should egzist to. it should be part of our lifes. but understanding evil from good is basic human characteristic so we should avoid doing evil things to each other.for those who like evil, and can't live without it, they should do evil to it selves. like sado-mazohists and ppl like that, and evil people should avoid doing evil things to good people. i think that that could work.oh, and one more thing about war that i just remembered. when you put all of that economy crap behind and ppl trying to get rich or profit from war, you discover one simple fact. war is always lead for territory (land) and that is the main reason i think. but in today society you can buy land almost anywhere so leading war for possessing land is not necessary.

  7. "war what it is good for.. absolutely nothing-- YEAH" :)during centuries of human history there was always wars, people were fighting, dieing for certain believes they had in their minds. they were driven to war either by crazy dictators or need for expansion. to simply talk about war is just not possible, but to say that it is necessary is even more crazy thing.yes, the whole world economy is build on supply and demand rules, and at that time when supply becomes much more than demand economy crises pops out, people lose jobs money becomes worthless and whole general moral of population goes into despair. the best example of such thing happened in 1930ties of past century. at that time in USA there was 30 000 000 people without jobs. stock market collapsed. it wasn't anything better in Europe or anywhere else in the world.at that time nobody really thought right how that situation could be resolved peacefully beacouse there was not enough time. Dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, and Japanese emperor (i don't know his name) started encouraging people in their crazy ideas. new world order was necessary, beacouse old empires like united kingdom had colonies in which they drained fortune while other country's just couldn't. it wasn't that hard for them to "convince" people in their ideas and people begin to follow. huge military machinery was built, people had jobs and soon war begun. In that war 20 million people lost their lives, yes there were some great discoveries for some of them i'm sure we don't even know yet.But wasn't that enough of a lesson?Why fight, why hate each other when we are all the same. Yes some are white some black and some yellow. Some are christians, some jews some muslimans. But isn't that all the same?!?!With all of this technology at our hand we still need to fight? I mean i'm not that smart beacouse i know things are way more complicated than that, but shouldn't we all be a bit more smarter.Why do we need to find balance in destruction, terror and fear. Shouldn't it be better if all of us found some common goal which we could reach for? I don't know, but just thinking of this post in which war is justified makes me really sad, beacouse in all of our history of fighting we still haven't learned our lesson. Maybe the war is the answer, the ultimate answer. Let us all fight and kill each other, and try to destroy this precious planet we live on beacouse we just aren't worth living on it at all.

  8. 1. He said that i should take some pills beacouse if i don't i might go "crazy" before new year

    How did you feel about taking pills? I only ask because i dont like the idea of pills being used much because it doesnt get rid of the cause or treat it at all, only treats the symptoms and some drugs for very badly affected people are like tranquilezers sad.gif

    And its true that drugs and possibly alcohol can cause schizohrenic symptoms like halucinations. Strangely enough a drug used to treat parkinsons disease (i think its parkinsons) can also cause schizophrenic symptoms which is freaky considering a lot of older people are probably taking this drug

    And finally

    “I gave way to delight,as mystics have for centuries when they peeked through the curtains and discovered that this world so manifestly real was actually a tiny stage set constructed by the mind. We discover abruptly that everything we accept as reality is just social fabrications."
    Timothy Leary, 1966

    That is one fantastic quote! the man must be a genius! Thanks for posting that tongue.gif

    Yes timothy was a smart guy. I just hope he is laughing at all of this somewhere, wherever he might be :blink:

  9. But beware of todays psychology. I had some trouble with this illness and went to see psychaitrist about it. He said 3 things to me which really worys me about this whole world concept on treating patiens with such simptoms.1. He said that i should take some pills beacouse if i don't i might go "crazy" before new year2nd and 3rd are just to private for me to say it on internetBut this 1st one is really the one that bothers me most. I know it's a "duck" (that is how we express about things that are "oposite of oposite" in Croatia, well at least i do :blink:. i hope you understand what i'm getting at. I'm really not sure how that can help someone, even if it did help me personaly but it took me quite a while to get the meaning of that. Baicly all he said is "try to beat me to it" or et least that is how i think of it right now. This is what i wanted to express about early simptoms of schizo. You might think that the whole world is up against you -- maybe it would be better to think how the whole world could be how you wish it could be. All you have to do is build your psyche to it.And just to notice. By resarching this disorder i noticed that severe use of alcohol and drugs (marijuana, acid, Heroin, Ex and such) could induce such simptoms.

  10. I think that most of youth today are already aware of what has happend to this world, and they don't have ambition, ideas or even hope for that that something can change by their own will.That is not their problem, that is problem of our parents and grandparents beacouse that maybe had hope before but after they lived their lives it became clear that there is no path you can chose in life just the oposite the path choses you. That is the problem, no matter how u were raised probably in bottom of your heart you feel that same thing your ancestors felt - weaknes and despair. Ancestors knew everything but in all of that knowlege they still couldn't change the world to be a better place.Now, it is present and everything is clear about it. You can know all the things that everybody else maybe knows and still you can't know one and the most important thing -- how to live your own life. Somebody killed hope, was it drugs, coke, mobile phones, computers, cars? Nobody knows, and beacouse of that everybody is just pretending that they have normal life no matter wheater young or old, beacouse it is easier than fighting the war that you know you already lost...

  11. ?I gave way to delight,as mystics have for centuries when they peeked through the curtains and discovered that this world so manifestly real was actually a tiny stage set constructed by the mind. We discover abruptly that everything we accept as reality is just social fabrications."Timothy Leary, 1966Many many schizophrenics would probably agree with this...

  12. That's interesting. However, how are you going to present it to your visitors and not get them confused at the same time?


    I'm thinking about the whole concept of that "community". I want it to be fun and usefull at the same time. Also, i would like it to have the option so that "everybody" can make their own "house" and at the same time it can be connected to all other houses (but that is just an option, it may be more complicated to program something like that)


    For now i still don't have any material to present it to visitors but soon i hope i'll create a basic concept so that you or anybody else can see (and understand) what am i thinking of. Only problem for me is that i'm alone at this for now, but i hope that as soon as i get that basic concept online more ppl are going to be intrested in project.


    The reason i posted this before even building a concept is beacouse i need to find out average profile of users. What are their needs and intrests, so that "registration" can be more precise, so that users can easily find someone with similar intrests.


    This is what am i came up for average user profile

    user needs news for their intrest

    also he needs a good resource

    communication between users

    question of annonimity? to have it or not to have it

    Also user would need to contribute, beacouse good and quality resources would require user to have some sort of CREDIT in order to read it. Similar to Xisto sistem but there would be many many more ways to score "CREDITS"..



    how do you mean confuse visitors (just a reminder this is all in one big BETA faze :blink: )?

  13. Hy

    This project is something i've been thinking about in my free time, and now the time has come to offer this idea to other internet users. As i learne about webdesign and php programming i see it has a great potential for the future internet users, so they can make their life and surfing much simpler. Also by spending lot's of time surfing i realized how there is a small line that connects every internet user, that is SEARCH. Google is powerfull search engine but it has no soul. There is just to many websites that provide the same thing and finding the best one (or at least the one with the right answer) can be a reall pain in the *bottom* sometimes.

    Development of new blog tools, forums, and cms sistems made surfing a lot easier to common users. With a little reading and some basic webdevelopment skills everybody is allowed to create their own blogs, forums or websites. But that makes all of the internet even more complicated, beacouse every newcomer who makes website and registers it to google just makes another internet users search even more complicated. There is over 4,000,000,000 pages available for search now, and finding a right one just doesn't seem possible.

    How could we make this better?

    The idea i've been thinking about is internet house, neighbourhood or even city. I've tried Second Life, and found some things in that "game" very interesting. But bandwith that it's using is just way too much. For 30 minutes playing around you can download more than 50-60 megs. Now that just isn't right. Sharing bookmarks is fine thing, but againg if u get someones bookmarks how can you really know how much is their value? Again you are obligated to go to those pages, check them out and see do you really need them in bookmarks. We all know some things that make our life simpler when it comes to internet, but do we know them all?

    Ok, now what is it what am i babling about!!

    Simple. Imagine that you come to website in which you have a house, maybe some roommates that you share your interests, or even maybe a neighbour which you hate so much. In that house you would probably have everything you need to surf the net, and it would be easily availiable for other residents of the house. Maybe if someone else is online in your house you could stream music, some movie clips or just share your recent discoveries and news you found out.

    To make everything more intresting, design of houses, rooms, and perks would be done by user. Everything would be free but user contribution would be required. That is as far as i will go for now, beacouse i'm not yet sure in which way is this project going to go, beacouse first we need now is to discuss these things:

    * Organizaton of all files, code, mysql and access rules
    * Optimization for possible future upgrades
    * Graphic design (How is that all going to look like)
    * Everything, everything, everything.. All i have for now is a "vision" :blink:

    If you have free time for this join and discuss. Only after everything is decided i would like to start developing this future "CMS"

    Thank You

    for now i only put joomla and forum so you can ask anything you need if you are intrested in developing this with me
    check it out here

  14. So ? would you pay 5$ a mont for using google services ? all of them ? search, gmail, google earth ?
    I would pay only if that would make google even more and more better ! and not just for google to earn mony.

    What about you guys ? all those google fans :blink:

    i wouldn't pay a dime, only for google. but if there was some better service, and i think that's possible maybe i would pay some bucks to it.
    or even better i would probably look for a way to contribute to that "new" thingy rather then paying.

    but i don't think google is ever going to be in a position to pay for it's services. all they have to do to TRIPLE their profit of BILIUNS is to put a few adds on google.com :wacko:

  15. well, so what if google is a spy?!?so what if they know everything about you. where you live, what you do, what are your hobbies.. i mean what are we like some criminals or something surfing the internet so we are afraid of spys.for google spying on us can only help us, by easier searches, better ranking pages etc..only criminals should be afraid of spys.. are you one? :blink:

  16. yes qwertyiscool that is the piece of code i've wondered about.but i'm real noob at all of this, beacouse right now i have great problems with joomla and file permisions. something is messing everything up. i don't know, maybe the problem is in my .htacces file, i'm editing it right now but file manager is not working right. beacouse of permisions i can't edit it in ftp client. i think i need to go to sleep, and then i'll try this piece of code of yours tommorow :blink:installing filezila as my last option..

  17. all of the files are available for download, which you could figure out if you read the post...i didn't put joomla extension beacouse it's easy to google it, and if you are using this tut you don't even need itmy website is in total development. i posted this tut in desperate needs for credits, and i think it can really be helpfull.if you know basic html - developing a template in joomla is simple, beacouse you build your plain html or even FLASH site, and just add this joomla pieces of code.the only need in your html site that joomla is using is CSS and that is why joomla looks like it looks.

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