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Posts posted by matak

  1. Start by adding a Document Type Declaraton which does not place IE into Quirks Mode.And confirm the Character Set for the page is a standard one.

    tried that, and it doesnt work..

    i know where is the problem

    in this piece i changed a bit...

    				case 'house':			echo ("<div>");			include("$house");			echo ("</div>");		break;

    When i write just Text in house.php it displays it right below..
    But when i just include house.php like this and write that <div> in file house.php it shows an empty line...

    Strange.. Oh, well...

    Problem is not that big, but it's that stupid. I even think that this is done on purpose, but well i'm kinda paranoid person :P

  2. Here's my script


    <?php$house = "house.php";$dog = "dog.php";echo ('<div id="navigacija">	<a href="index.php">Index</a><br><a href="index.php?index=house">House</a><br><a href="index.php?index=dog">Dog</a><br></div>');?>


    <html><style type="text/css">body {	background-color: #666;	color: white;}#house {	background-color: white;	width: 100px;	height: 100px;}#header {	color: black;}</style><div id="house">	<div id="header">Here Be Header!</div></div></html>

    Here is how it Looks..
    firefox is ok, but IE shows strange empty line.. WHY?? OOOO WHYYYYYY :D:P:P

  3. Ergh, Pardon Me But what's HD/TV ?! Is it plasma or LCD or something else?!I really don't have time to search for info, and i find this post great couse i intend to buy something bigger for my computer.I thought of 1m diagonal for monitor, and i don't know what to buy..What are resolutions they display?If i would have 1m TV for computer display it has to have at least 1024x768?Do you think is it smarter to buy BIG LCD for computer or just plain 19'' ? Thanks.. :PIt really bothers my eyes, when sitting long so i thought to buy bigger so i can be at least 2-3-4 meters away from monitor

  4. I really liked your design so i think this could help...

    <html><head><title>Try This</title><style type="text/css">body {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;}#wrapper {	width: 600px;	height: 400px;	background: url(img/header.jpg);	display: compact;}#menu {	float: left;	display: inline;	margin-left: 150px;}#menu_1 {	width: 150px;	height: 400px;	border: 1px solid #000;}#content {	float: left;	display: inline;}#content_1 {	width: 290px;	border:	2px solid blue;}</style></head><body><div id="wrapper"><div id="menu"><div id="menu_1">Leave this transparent</div></div><div id="content"><div id="content_1">Here goes content</div></div></div></body></html>

    Here is the demo!

    Now you have to be careful when changing those widths, your sum must be a bit smaller than image size...
    Hope you understand this code, if you don't feel free to ask :P

    Oh and, any further divs you must place in those marked as _1..

  5. What makes PHP fun is that you can have many includes as you want one file, just have to make sure they are coded correctly.

    Yes, I know!! I just figured it out yesterday. I knew that it is possible, but i didn't realize it would be this easy. Of course, for now i'm just going to stick by echo-ing html code when clicking hyperlinks, but now i understand the real power of PHP (or any other program). I just didn't know that it works that way, i always thought that i would need to make some powerfull function to do such a thing. With understanding of this, really simple thing i can get to programing smart and fun functions by the way. I'm not saying that is easier, just it's more fun.


    My worst problem is that i'm messy when saving and testing files, and i lose code all the time. You always have that feeling that it could be done better, more neat and simple. Not always is that true but i guess now that i learned this basic principle that i am going to be more neat when arranging files. Currently I'm developing template Made in pure CSS without IE Hacks, simple but functional, it's almost done. I even made small tut about it so i'll post it. Although it changed a bit from start, beacouse in half of making that tut i learned great thing about CSS so It's really simple but functional code.


    Also some of you mention database, yes it is great thing but i just don't feel i'm ready for storing data into tables 'couse i haven't learned that much yet. After almost 5 months wrestling with HTML, CSS, and some PHP finally i learned something worth mentioning. I just hope that rest of the stuff isn't going to be that hard, and that this great support on Xisto is going to be that great if not even better if that is even possible.

    Have fun coding, i know i am!!



  6. You don't even need to use positioning for that site...

    Cut your picture in two parts, and use one for content background and one for header background

    Try making divs like this

    <div id="wrapper"> <!-- OPtional><div id="header> </div><div id="navigation> </div><div id="content> </div></div>
    Try making styles like this
    #wrapper {   i won't comment this div}
    but using just this divs like..
    #header { margin-left: 100px; background: url(your_image) or just widht: (your image width)#navigation {  margin-left: 100+yourimagewidth}#content {  margin-left: 100+yourimagewidth+yournavigationwidth  background: url (other part of image) center left no-repeat}
    i think that should work..

    wrapper comment..

    you could plobably use margin-left, and margin-right: auto to align it to center, then you wouldn't need that first margin-left: 100, but IE couses conflicts when using that auto..
    i dunno why, ask bill gates :P

  7. You can download this working template to see how it is structured.
    Every template MUST be structured like that, and then compressed into file.
    You don't need FTP do upload template.

    Go to joomla administration installers --> templates - site, there you browse to that zippy you downloaded to your computer, and click install (or ok i don't remember)

    Only conflict that can occur is that you can't install it beacouse you don't have permission to install to TEMPLATES folder.

    templates folder is located in joomla installation folder, go to cpanel, file manager find that folder and change permissions to 777. For security reasons later when you install template you can change permissions as they were..
    There is a post Here, on joomla template design (links are broken), but maybe it can help.

  8. OT Question, problem is solved before this post

    Thanks for those security tips, i was just about to ask that question but you beat me with answer.. Oh well few credits less :P

    So what is the proper way to arrange files so that you don't get into trouble and conflicts later. Is it the same to put all of the content in one content.inc.php file, or is it better to make separate file for each categorie you have on site


    If i have News, which display in my index, and than maybe Stories which display on href=stories. Is it better way to store variables in same file, beacouse some of them are going to be displayed on both links so that i don't need to copy/paste them in two separate files.



    I feel that I'm getting a bit closer to understanding the proper way to build small custom CMS system, so i wouldn't want to go in wrong direction with directory and file structure. And good tut's about that, or do you arrange structures based on your feeling (like after Format C: :P )

  9. I am new in php an want to make a browserbased online game.. But i do have som problems wit the login and registrer script! Just wonder if anyone can make a compleate login/register script for me? It would also bee cool if you could make the sql files also..
    See ya later!

    Thanks to the person ho will do this for me... its not a smal task!

    user wakeupcall mad loginscript when helping me in my project..

    here download zip file.. i think he wouldn't mind


  10. So basicly you wanna say that if i included my details.txt anywhere in page with this

    <?php include("details.txt");?>
    which contains string $detailsabout, and $detailsabout1 that i can call them separatly with <a href>

    Does that mean that all of this time i've been doing it wrong?! :P

    I thought when file was included that it shows just the files name, i didn't know that that file can contain variables that can be shown separatly on click..

    well, this makes more sense now. thanks, i'm going to try something and if it works i'm just gonna be massively happy!

    First and foremost, always sanitize user-provided data. Search this forum for many a thread in which it has been discussed.

    Sorry for not searching, i just don't know how to search for this question, beacouse something like this is hard to explain and even harder to ask at second hand, i probably read this answer million times before but it makes sense only when you get to the point when it can make sense. I hope you understand and don't mind for asking something that's been asked for houndered time...

  11. I learned the way to load other files with the code posted on this forum.

    Now i wanted to try something for my side menu.


    I am calling this a string, --> $tekst , maybe it's called something else i'm not sure


    Now let's say i have a file called details.txt


    In that file i would like to have something like this


    $detailsaboutphp1 = ("details details details 1");

    $detailsaboutphp2 = ("details details details and even more details 2");


    How to make a code that loads those $strings on click of a mouse.



    When we tried to load external file we used this:


    <?phpif ( !isset($_REQUEST['content']) ) {	$content = "home";	$menulhome="menulhome";	$menurhome="menurhome";}else { $content = $_REQUEST['content']; }?>

    Than we included other files with a href


    <a href="index.php?content=details">Details</a>

    For loading details.xxx in place where we placed this code


    <div><?php include("$content.xxx");?></div>


    All i need now is a way for that Details to load other $string that is defined in text file..

    Thank you

  12. Why don't you try it. You can talk and think it is possible, but try to make something like that...If you are into that free energy than you need to start testing your ideas and inventions, as communitykat adviced you.Don't be discouraged by us making your ideas worthless. go to local hardware store buy battery, dynamo, pull and try to make it yourself..Maybe, and who nows maybe you just might invent something.Also check out some basic formulas for electricity and how it goes. Using parallel or serial connections of batteries, try to find pullies with as less fraction as possible.If you make 2V from 1.5V battery you will be famous, and rich of course. Just think it through, and be smart.also you might check out jutube for videos of perpetual motion devices. There is some really fun(ny) devices there, so don't feel alone in your try to make free energy...

  13. That clears things up. I would have thought that they don't dream at all since they have never seen anything before (blind from birth) but it does make sense that they can still feel, hear and smell in the dream - anything but sight.

    actually that assumes the idea that the blind person was blind since birth. not all blind people happen to be blind since the day they were born, so you could say that it doesn't apply to all.
    what's more interesting, rather is if a person dreams in color. or does his other senses work in a dream, like smelling something in a dream.

    I agree with these assumptions, couse it is logical if you ever saw anything, and then lost your vision you will still always remember the colors, even more to that i belive like

    I also would be interested to know whether blind people have a 'mind's eye'. So, if you asked them to imagine an apple sitting on a plate in front o them, would they be able to see it in their heads?Hmmmm, I wonder how you describe a colour to a blind person...

    said that there is a "minds eye", and that nerves don't impact on dreams, couse they are not connected in that direct way.
    Most simple thing is that how do you dream, and do you really "see" in a dream! You only visualize, and feel that you are somewhere but you don't actually see it. Basicly we enjoy in our dreams only beacouse of our senses belive that we are enjoying. Just like when you are reading a good book (i cant make analogy with movies :P ), you read but visualize that what you are reading. And when you feel wall, a face you don't need a colour to tell you is the wall cold or warm, is it wood or concrete, you don't need to see someones face to realize is the face beautiful or not. Your mind sees it as it is, as you feel it.

    and dreams are all just feelings so you don't need to be blind in order to see :P

  14. If a parent lives to see his child take his own life it his a horrible thing.. If a child lives to that his parent takes his own life it is something even worse, for the psyche of that child. For someone who tries to end his life, and fails punishment is not the answer. That can't be a crime! Only crime is the crime of our society that leads someone to that decision.At the peak of our glorious race, when technology, standards and kulture reach it's highest levels throughout the whole history of human kind certain individuals are driven to that mad act. You, me or anybody can't be the judge of other one's psyche! All of this fast life that drives people to accumulation of richness and wealth, making them feel "I want more, i want more", and even when they get that more it isn't enough.Some people are just left behind.Remember yourself seeing a sad face of person sitting alone in the park, his eyes glazing into emptiness of his surroundings, how did you react?Did you maybe approach that person and asked her the problem, or did you just look the other way!It is easy to judge, and talk about knowing better. But sometimes just smile, one single, small, sencier smile can mean more than whole books, schools and meanings of this whole life together.Remember to smile, and not to judge. Try to feel the pain of your neighbour and embrace it. Try to help and live with it, try to give it a meaning.Suicide is not the answer, life is.

  15. Well the reason you see those is because your computer has cookies that have gone to pornographic sites. :o. If I remember correctly, the ad's system OpaQue uses cookies to display the ad's based on those cookie files. So stop visiting those porn sites and you won't see them here :D, that simple.


    I'm sorry, really but.. :P:P:D:D
    Just to confirm this, i've never seen these kind of ads on Xisto!

  16. well i guess i've really been living in past!basically all of those ideas i was trying to make are already done. i really didn't know that.. so practically the only thing that is left for me to do is that house part.all other mods are availliable under different licences and that's fine by me.development of this is going to last for aprox 2 years, so bear with me..happy surfing, and best wishes in new year

  17. Trap17 hosting is sooo greater than others that soon i'll host few sites for my friends (who don't speak english so good) but are interested in web design!!Thank you Xisto for this great opportunity!!!This is for sure the best free hosting system that I ever came up on the internet!!Keep up the good work, keep up this great forum, and never ever ever shut down!!

  18. i need php or java whatever script that makes this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ react to when someone clicks on one of the chairs (babies), so that other user who comes to the site can immediately see which chair is taken...
    after that it would be a good thing to make some kind of super simple chat for those two users..
    And of course let the option that there could be more chairs on site...

    Thank you

  19. Glad that it works. Happy to have helped. That is the best part about hanging around here, there is always another pair of eyes to have a look at what you are doing and assist with getting it done. :P

    Yeah!! Xisto has some great members which are always willing to help! I really like that 'bout this site. Not to mention hosting, i wonder which computers and connection do they use, couse it's great and stable hosting!

    And maybe there should be subforum called "Errors" in which users could report errors when they try to code something, so that it doesn't mess with normal solutions.. But that's just an idea..

    After i uploaded this guestbook i found, which works fine now i'm up to installing simple CMS (also found). So be sure i'll post more errors soon :P
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