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Everything posted by hts

  1. if you have a new keyboard (that is, not antique ), you can press:"Windows Logo" Key (near left CTRL) + D to minimize all windows
  2. ok so you can store in a session variable some content to use in another page of your site..for example, you can get some text in page1.php and put it in a session variable..You can later access and use it in page2.php, page3.php etc.. example of use: page1.php: session_start();$_SESSION['MyVar']=$mytext;page2.php//you can display that text retained in page1.phpsession_start();echo $_SESSION['MyVar']; Good luck using sessions
  3. @Bkag: beside what you said and some corrections (what you should and can do)-> -301 permanent redirect is safe...the bot will handle the situation -add your site to safe and trustworthy directories who don't require a backlink.. -the domain name is important for google also.. -unique, high quality content will help you rank better -SE-friendly URL`s (like https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/overview/ instead of https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/overview/)..this helps bots to index your site -build a sitemap and submit it to Google Sitemaps -use alt tag for images and title for links,.it increases keyword density -links to the important parts of your site must be on the first page (index) -use robots.txt let's say it`s a short summary about seo..just read from the sites I posted in my first message of this post:)
  4. hts

    Info Bar

    http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex10/topmsg.htm this is easier to understand how to use ...you just change the colors of the font, background, the size etc...you`ll handle it...otherwise, write back here about your problem and I`ll try to help you
  5. san andreas for me...my computer was able to run it, but quite sluggish..well, i just reduced some graphics settings and worked *almost fine :)why? because that "from da hood" feel you get when playing is extraordinary...also, the feeling that you belong to some gang, and you are at war with others--that`s also very nice.. however, I didn't play it anymore because I blocked at those flight learning lessons...just couldn`t pass that mission ..however, very good game...just play it
  6. so here it goes:1.Gothic I&II2.Warcraft III TFT3.C&C series (Red Alert, Tiberian Sun, Generals)4.Age of Mithology5.Zeus + Caesar series
  7. simpleillusion.tldillusionist.tldillusionomatic.tldtechcreator.tld :Pwell, just try to combine the word, geez
  8. I really think this is a scam... has anyone got any money from it ? (I don't have an e-gold account, so just asking - out of curiosity )
  9. so my advice: the best thing to do is to buy your own domain from a serious registrar...a lot of site who give free domains are scam...you get the domain, point it to your hosting..you promote your domain, and soon the site who gave you the free domain disappears..and all you SEO work is gone..trust me, it happens a lot , especially with "offered4free" domains (sometimes with paid domains bought from unserious registrars ).. and, $10 a YEAR..I really don't think it is a lot..if your parents won't give 10 more bucks if you ask them nicely enough , then just put away 1$ a day from your pocket money..in 10 days you have your domain paid for a year
  10. ok, so I haven't read the whole thread, just the first 2 pages, but: if you have traffic enough, you will get some money (not just few cents/day or /week )...the CTR (click through rate) (that is, how many of your visitors <- snipped -> ) is (estimatevly, of course) 1.5-2%... for who asked about payment in non-US: yes, you can signup if you`re not from US and get payed -> check the list in their faq the payment / click is influenced, mostly, by the keyword value for that ad... here`s a list of some high paying keywords: http://www.cwire.org/highest-paying-search-terms/ (maybe old and/or incorrect, don't know..you can search for your own on google for something like : "adsense keywords" and you`ll get some good results oh yeah: about those closed accounts -> if you`re sure you didn't clicked (intentionally or accidentally) on your own ads, you might have been click-bombed .. that is, someone clicked a lot, from the same IP on your ads..if you experience unusually high CTR (see above in this post if you don't know what it means), email google adsense team about this problem and ban that IP so you won't be threatened again ..you might not have your account closed if you tell them about this
  11. the same for me now...it was working some hours ago :)delete the <center> tag, that's the problem, me thinks :Pa html document starts and end with <html> and </html>, respectively
  12. so, some ideas:1st, you can use a CMS (install it manually or from the cpanel) and then easily add content, change the template of the frontend and so on. 2nd: if you really want to learn (at least amateur) webdesign: download some free templates, open the files in a html editor, and try modifying them to suit your needs...also, read tutorials (goooogle can help you:) ) and view sources of pages you visit (this is a great way of learnign new things after you have the basic knowledge)..ultimately, go buy a book :)after learning basic knowledge, go advanced: read about cross-browser design, tableless-css design, web standards and accesibilty..for now, that`s all...your reply?
  13. as it is obvious from the error message you get, you can't open more than 8 connections (links) from your IP to the server...
  14. my opinion:Xisto offers, as what I`ve read on their site (I don't have yet a hosting account), the best hosting of all I`ve seen - ad-less - (and trust me, I`ve searched a LOT)asking for free domains (which, btw, you can get very cheap - 10 euros/year - and that`s almost the maximum price) is almost being with no common sense... I mean, you get an excellent hosting service for free, but for you it`s not enough -> you should rethink your attitude...you can't get everything for free in this world, you know :)oh, and we have a Romanian saying (approximate translation): a gift is taken away from who he is not happy (or unthanked to say so ) with it
  15. http://www.seochat.com/ http://forum.seopedia.ro/forum.php?s=8ba585a7a2ada826f19b964a0e869849 https://moz.com/ etc.. just search google for "SEO" and you`ll find more than you can learn
  16. try making the links SE friendly, so that search engines can index you easily
  17. that code with dynsrc...is it cross-browser? if it isn't, I don't recommend you use it for valid embedding of audio/video/flash: http://www.webstandards.org/2006/08/15/val-object-markup/ (follow those links in the first lines of the article)
  18. to keep a webhost up, you need a lot of RAM, a high-speed processor (the rest of the pieces matter less) and a veeery good bandwidth, otherwise your visitors will leave before the page is fully loaded
  19. header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");header("Location: [url=http://your-new-address.tld;]http://your-new-address.tld;[/url]exit(); that is a better way of redirecting, as it is Google-safe (SEO-wise) Notice from serverph: added code tags.
  20. well, the site is not really new ..it is up from many years, you know ..nice anyway, for those who didn`t know about itnever tried making some money on it... how much can you win? and how do they pay?
  21. you can get a co.nr domain for free..or purchase a com/net/org/info etc and then associate it with your Xisto hosting account
  22. well then you probably don't know about extensions too ... the ability to install extensions for FF is one of the best feature of it, IMO.. check this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ some of the extensions there are great...
  23. well my account has been banned 4ever..as I told you, I`ve sent them an appealing email and they replied negative to it:) (I think it was an automated answer though)...try to keep ontopic: I want adsense on my future site... of course, if it won`t be possible, I`ll try smthg else..but until there: does anyone has a solution?
  24. that`s your very own opinion (that G sucks)... first of all , Gmail is much better than Y! .. and about Google Checkout: maybe it will be more widespreaded than PayPal..I live in Romania and we have no paypal here, you know
  25. hmm..then there`s something wrong with my mysql queries ..as I told you, I get an error when using ' '...I`ll check this out ..thank you for the information
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