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Everything posted by hts

  1. you won`t win a lot, unless you are going to read emails and click banners all day long (boooring )...but, if you have lots of free time, not in school and have no job , you might try (though is sounds from the beginning like a scam: why don`t you share these sites with all of us here, eh?)
  2. My cellphone is Motorola v360. What made me decide to buy it: low price for what it offers - microSD card slot (most important ).., camera (quite poor quality, but hey, it`s there )..and of course, all other features common to "modern" phones Here`s a link to a description of the phone: http://www.gsmarena.com/motorola_v360-1058.php
  3. if you use firefox (I recommend you to do so ), you can try this extension to block ads and banners on any site.
  4. here are some more links to great css-related articles: 1. http://alistapart.com/article/negativemargins - create a liquid layout using negative margins 2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - all css properties, all units that you can use to define size, pseudo-selectors etc...very useful 3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - some css-only layouts explained 4. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - the complete list of css tools 5. http://css.maxdesign.com.au/ - css resources and tutorials these are the most interesting and useful, methinks, that I have in my bookmarks, under the css category ... if you want more (isn`t this enough? ), tell me...i`ve got some more
  5. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that is a good place to start - a collection of 40 layouts, only in css (of course, only the skeleton of the page, you will add your own css formatting to the stylesheet )..
  6. tables will not be removed from browsers` engines, as tables are used to display tabular data (that`s why table tags exist - it`s quite difficult and time-wasting to display tabular data with css, and in such a way that they don`t "break" on different resolutions )... see above-tables are for displaying tabular data, not at all for layout ..every html tag should be used for what it was created
  7. you may try cssplay.co.uk - in the menus section, maybe you`ll find what you need
  8. Occupation: student - college Interests: 1.web development (design+programming - no graphics or flash though ) 2.watching a good movie (comedies, generally ) 3.listening to music 4.watching mythbusters & brainiac Hours Online/day:as fffanatics said, too many (between 4 and 6).. Nature Of Sites you visit often: all categories (well, almost ).. Sites You Visit Often: -besides several forums and blogs I like: 1.scriptlance.com 2.gmail.com (I check my email very often, you know ) 3.localhost80.com (just "stumbled-upon" it - full of links to webdevelopment resources ).. 4.some torrent trackers 5.metacafe.com / youtube.com
  9. tables are deprecated...read more about why you should avoid using tables when creating the layout of a site here (from this site, especially this page) and here but that`s already a bit offtopic
  10. as a first suggestion: move the left column a bit to the right, and the right column a bit to the left (use margin-left/margin-right for those div`s )..also, at 800x600, the design is totally messed up ...besides, I think it would look better if the layout would fill the entire viewport (so no margins)maybe I`ll come up with more comments some other time..good luck anyway..
  11. remove that "Vote us...blabla" thing on each page, it is really annoying and it is VERY unprofessional (you are supposed to be a webdesign company, right? )
  12. erm..maybe this is want you want (don`t know, you were given several solving methods, I`ll just add mine ): put this code in a htaccess file and upload it in the root of your site: or whatever file you want...this will load paste.php, instead of index.php when someone visits altscripts.net Hope that`s what you need
  13. whatever layout you`ll be using (my vote goes to the 2nd one, though - the header is looking good, me thinks ), just change the font; it`s so..boring and common...
  14. nice tutorial - as far as I`ve read (first few pages)- it throughly explains basic php...good point to start from..as a suggestion: build some kind of table of contents or navigation system through the pages, with the title of each "attached", so visitors can skip from a page to another with ease..good job nevertheless
  15. I know what a Download Accelerator is...and how it works... I`ve tried some download accelerators on my previous dialup connection, and also on my current broadband one, and the speed was almost insignificantly raised Basically, the browser doesn`t use the whole bandwidth available..but even with such accelerators, you won`t be able to get a speed higher than has been assigned to you by your ISP... nevertheless, the ability to "resume" a download is useful sometimes...
  16. One of NASA's goals is to return humans to the moon by 2020... or at least that`s what they are saying on their site..read here Moon is a good option, me thinks, as it is quite close (so to say ) to Earth, and maybe transportation of the materials needed would be easier ...anyway, how would they create an environment which would be suitable for human life? for example, the atmosphere... your opinion?
  17. @crazyteens: what is your downloading speed without the download accelerator, and what is it with it? is it really the 5x *guaranteed* by the producers of such softwares? don`t think so..but anyway, share your results with us
  18. they are just too many scammers for "the cyber police to teach them a lesson" the basic idea is that you must be aware of what you are doing on the internet, as you might get fooled by such people.. and it`s not only Nigeria - there are lots of scammers in other countries too...one good example is Romania (where I live ) - see here for example and that`s the "latest" happening ...some frauds never come to "light" - that is, people never know of them... anyway, always be careful
  19. ONE of the definitions that came in my mind as for now:a patriot is a person that when it reaches a powerful position (acquired through good means ), it will do more for his country, rather than for himself ....unfortunately, we don`t have such people here in Romania ...
  20. well, it works for me - I use Firefox and the favicon is displayed for all sites that have one ..tell your friends who have this problem to clean their cache and refresh the page, maybe that will do it
  21. you`re welcome ..ps: help to get helped later
  22. the icon you are talking about is called a favicon... how to use a favicon for your site? simple, just follow the steps below (hope you understand ) : 1.create your icon and save it as .ico file (windows icon) (I recommend you to use Irfan View for such a job, it is a free image viewer and basic manipulation program) Note: your .ico image size must be 16 by 16 pixels in height and width 2.upload it to you root folder 3.put this code between the <head> and </head> tags on your page4.you might have to clear your cache / history to see your favicon regards
  23. well I can`t say for sure - I`ve seen a documentary on Discovery about this and the arguments those people brought in favor of the "nasa faked moon landing" variant are quite strong (there`s no wind on moon, but the flag they put there was waving...also, some shadows were just "wrong" speaking of direction and some more...)so, we`ll probably never know
  24. thats why Absolute Zero temperature cannot be reached.(I guess ). ps: if you don`t know what Nero was talking about (the universal gas law) - here is some info about it: clicky
  25. if you are asking how to build a shopping cart, then you are certainly and obviously not able to build one...start learning php (or another server-side language)- start with the basics ..then, if you like it and really want to learn, bit by bit you`ll achieve the level of php knowledge at which you can develop your own shopping cart.but enough with all this blabbering - just install a pre-made script (free or not )..
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