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Everything posted by FaLgoR

  1. What you think about the huns, which simply don't need to built houses, on age of empires 2? I think it suck. Much people says theyre expertz, but only play with this civilization. The houses are an important part of the strategy! They don't need to worry about the population and spend less wood! Let me say, 1300 less wood... So, I want to know what you think about the huns, civilization which, for me, is an big decay of this great game. I wanted to do 2 polls, but I don't want to post 2 topics, so, I'll make another question for you here: Can an player who knows to play ONLY with the huns, and are rooks with any other civilization, be called expert?Please comment your vote. Thx!
  2. There is Age of Empires II: Age of Kings, Age of Empires II: The Conquerors so, I've read somewhere it will really be Age of Empires III: Age of Discovery
  3. don't need this quote..... stop geting credits from this way (I post it everywhere o0)
  4. age of mithology suxI don't like it. Its full of monsters and other things. I prefer the conquerors...
  5. i've forgot... just completing. to display the most popular in tables, just write this code: show.php <?// don't forget to connect with database?><table border="0"><tr><td>Area</td><td>Clicks</td></tr><?$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table ODER BY clicks LIMIT 5;"); // if you want to show 10 most popular, change 5 for 10, or if you want the 15 more, change for 15... blah blah blahwhile($most = mysql_fetch_array($query)){?><tr><td><?=$most[name]?></td><td><?=$most[clicks]?></td></tr><?}?></table> that's all! You know, if this script doesn't run, post here and I'll fix it. And don't forget to conect whit the database in the top of this page. If u don't know how, just look at my other post. There is an example. I hope I've helped you! \_
  6. or, in the full code, it will be just like this: create an database table whit the following rows: -id -name -clicks and an page called link.php: <?mysql_connect("localhost","user","password");mysql_select_db("databasename");if(!$ref) // if area hadn't be specifieddie("You didn't specified an area!");$ref = stripslashes($ref); // security reasonmysql_query("UPDATE table SET clicks=(clicks+1) WHERE name='$ref';");include("$ref.htm"); // include the real page?> Now, you just need to fill the database with your areas and change all links. If the link was games.htm, it will be link.php?ref=games That's all :] if the script doesn't run, post again and I'll fix the problems.
  7. this quote is not needed... get char in the post with this suck, everybody is doing it :/where the admin is?
  8. use hidden inputs..<input type="hidden" name="lastquestion" value="$nameofthelastinput"> Put load of this in all pages, and you will save all them, simple, huh? ;D by the way, you don't need to use $_POST["varname"], you can simply use $varname only, if register_globals is turned on (in Xisto it is).
  9. yes, I think it too. Deathmatch is for rooks. There is no fun :/
  10. I speak portuguese and, let me say, 60 or 70% of english... but happily I can understand all posts here on Xisto its the first forum out of my native language I use... and its which I use more times...my other, and native language is portuguese... But I'm not good on it too LoL... I really want to learn german, japanese and/or chinese. French call my attention too, but just a bit...
  11. Do you usually play scenarios in age of empires 2? Much people don't play Random Map, but only scenarios. What's your prefered scenario? Mini-castle, GWarz, Germz Blood, Grave Blood, Spider Blood you know... I really like Mini-castle because team work is the key for win the game (and some lucky helps too ;D).
  12. FaLgoR


    Invision Power board is really good... I like more than phpbb tooIPB: Better administration PHPBB: Better for instaling skins
  13. Guns n' Roses rocks man... I liked u =D
  14. FaLgoR

    Email Code

    I've posted this code some days ago... check the topics and u'll find the same thing.
  15. cool! =)You know, if u find problems just post here or PM me.
  16. FaLgoR

    Email Code

    it's not really needed, only if the register_blobals in php.ini is turned off (its not Xisto case). Every hosts turns it on.
  17. md5 is an encrypted code. just check the database. If you see: yourpassword its wrong. If u see gt5rgtregtrhr897hterh9treh7trehtrhtr98 it's right! ~i've changed the registration page because it was not encripting the passwords, so maybe u register with the old page and its not encripting. Try to register again with this new registration code. P.S. dont kick yourself because u did never work with mysql, nobody were born knowing it :/\_
  18. Here, I'll show you how to upload files to the server by your browser. upload.php: <?$sizelimit = "280000"; // file size limit$patch = "/home/yoursite/public_html/files"; // patch to where the uploaded files will be saved - change itif($file != ""){ // if $file is set$file_ext = explode(".",$file_name); // check for the extensionif($file_size > $sizelimit) // check if file size is bigger than the limitdie("This file is too big.");if(($file_ext[1] == "exe") && ($file_ext[1] == "bat")) // check for invalid files: add how extensions you wantdie("File extension forbidden!");if(file_exists("$patch/$file_name")) // check if this file is already in your serverdie("There is another file with the same name in this server!");if($file_ext[2]) // file.hi.exe - it is for security that this files will not be uploadeddie("Invalid file name!");$title = stripslashes($title); // security reasons$file_name = stripslashes($file_name); // security reasons$file_size = stripslashes($file_size); // security reasons$description = stripslashes($description); // security reasonsif(@copy($file,"$patch/$file_name")) // if the file has been suceful uploadeddie("<p align=\"center\">The file has been uploaded!<br><Br><a href=\"index.php\">Back to the main page</a><br><a href=\"upload.php\">Send another file</a></p>"); // show this message}else{ // if the file isn't set, show the form?><form action="<? echo "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" method="post" enctype=multipart/form-data><table border="0"><tr><td width="100">File:</td><td><input type="file" name="file" size="30"></td></tr></table><p align="center"><input type="submit" value="Send file"></p></form><?}?> Well here we are! It can be used for an "Send your file" pages for members, but remember that this code can be dangerous if not used with security. I hope this code don't create much problems just like my topic with an login sistem, but, if u find any problems, post it here. Thx
  19. check the database and be sure the password is in md5. If it isn't, change it for md5 and try to login again.
  20. but just remembering, my objective with this post is give some idea of how to make an login sistem, no make all the codes for you. It's for learning. You can help me sometimes, huh ??if you find an error, try to look for it, if you can't fix, post here. But I really think its working fine right now.
  21. I'm against it... not because its an murder (I think it is) but because, if the woman have no responsability, she must to pay by her acts... its an murder at my mind. Don't let somebody to live, at my mind, is a murder. I think god is against it, and I'm too... I can't talk anymore because I didn't start an english course yet, and I don't know exactally what I want do say ^^
  22. ok, I've fixed all the problems and tested thecode in my PC, and now I'm sure it's working fine. Sorry for all my mistakes, I'd made this code here in the forum, without testing. Any other problems (its the 5th time Im saing it hauiehaihea) dont forget to tell me again!
  23. by the way, DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE DATABASE CONNECTIONS IN THE PAGES, OR IT WILL NEVER WORK just rembering if you have made the page conn.php just like I've explained above, just put the function include("conn.php"); at the header of all the pages which needs and db connection (register.php, login.php, admin.php, verify.php, profiles.php.........)
  24. I'd make it. I only came to the forum, new topic and I did it that time... but not be tested this script is causing some problems, hehehe And cragglo, I'll look at the error... Its a litle hard to do it but I'll try..
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