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Everything posted by mortalmatt

  1. Not bad advice for new coming webdesigners. Thanks for the time in your post, and it was interesting information on how you suggest doing things. I think it's good for a webdesigner to keep a portfolio of all of the work (at least the best works) so that the previous work can be shown to the client to show what you are capable of.
  2. Hey, nice read man. I will be producing a nice website, hopefully soon! And, I think these are great tips for me (and others). Thanks a lot for sharing them. I want my website to be popular, of course, because it has been a lot of work for me to do.
  3. Wow, that's pretty crazy, and it is a bad way for the company to treat a customer in my opinion. On my mother's connection, I am not able to reach her computer. So, I am guessing with her ISP, she would have to confirm some switch before permissions were available for hosting some type of server. I will suggest to anyone who wants to run a temporary webserver that xampp is nice. You run the small exe, and it installs php, apache, mysql database, phpmyadmin, etc. It is great! You can easily run and stop the run of it anytime you want. I think it's great if you want to just do php programming and see results before uploading it to your real webhost.
  4. Yeah, it is good that they put the link there to easily switch between the two. I don't memorize that URL or anything, hehe! My memory is pretty poor. So, I have it in my link toolbar in Opera, and I just click on it whenever I want to open it in a new tab
  5. Thanks for posting that example form. I am looking for an example form that I can use that is similar to what I've been seeing on new registration forms lately. Basically, after entering a username, it puts a checkmark to the right side of it after I click on the next field to let me know that it is okay. Likewise, this is done after I type a password in the first and second confirmation box to let me know I typed it the same both times. If anyone can show me an example of this, that would be great! thanks
  6. Nlite is an excellent program. I was glad to see an introductory written here about it. I enjoy modifying my windows xp installation and creating silent installs for the programs that I use.
  7. Haha, I totally agree man. XP is the best Windows OS in my opinion. I had vista on my laptop when I got it; it was worth the time and effort to find drivers for the hardware to have support in XP. Vista is nice for multimedia, but I need an operating system not a movie always playing on my screen.
  8. This is more of an Internet related thing than Windows related, even though the hosts file is something in Windows. You can read more about AdMuncher and other approaches to blcoking ads at this url: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/85817-topic/?findpost=1064316681 Admuncher is a very good and small program.
  9. I have the help service removed in my XP, so it didn't work for me. That is a good tip though, thanks
  10. That is a good guide for people who do not know about that approach to installing the operating system and keeping their personal files in a safe area. That is the method I do too. I used to also place the PageFile on the 2nd partition, but I have that it is not a good idea -- only place page file elsewhere if you have a second hard disk to place it on. I keep my c:\ at ~6GB, so whenever I need to reinstall I only need ~20 minutes.
  11. Here is the way that I change my IP when I need to:1) start->run, regedit2) go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet3) ctrl+f and type in part of the name of your ethernet card, for ex. broadcom4) press f3 to traverse through the search results until you find your ethernet card settings depicted in the registry5) right click in the white area on the right and create a new string value6) type in some 12 digit value, and hit ok7) disable/reenable your ethernet card via device manager or network connections to get a new IP
  12. One that I just tried was zendurl hosting. After I signed up, things were working. But just hours later, their whole hosting went into downtime, so I had to give up on them. I just need something dependable; that's why I am here at Xisto! I am really hoping that this is the one; I read good reviews at the free webhosts website.
  13. Thanks a lot for this guide, man. I had a job interview yesterday, and they use ASP rather than PHP. So, I am wanting to learn ASP. Also, they are moving towards .NET applications, so I want to learn this and hope they will hire me, hehe. Maybe you can do some examples for new people like me to learn from. Thanks again
  14. If anyone here is using Opera to access gmail, you may want to use https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue= https://mail.google.com/mail/ This uses the basic gmail html interface without most of the bells and whistles. It's good enough for me to check my new email quickly and move on.
  15. Here's a site that I use sometimes to change my IP when I go to a website: http://www.iphide.com/ It's good for websites where your download limit for your IP has already been hit, and you maybe need to download more files. There are different websites like that; I just found that one by searching through google.
  16. I use the hosts file from that website as well! It's great for blocking the common ad servers. I also would suggest using AdMuncher. It's a great, small program that sits in your systray and will block any images and popups etc. that you would like. It's very easy to add in custom blocks on any certain website; whereas, a hosts file addition is used to block a whole webserver.
  17. This is a very nice tutorial; thanks I've used the curl function in PHP before to grab data from another remote webpage. It's a cool function to be able to grab statistics that are often updated from another website and post information related to that data on your own website.
  18. I believe you have to install the program first, then he is telling you how to get your browser to notice it. I use flashget, which I've always heard is the fastest one. It's a really clean application too. Here's a link to get a slim version of flashget to make it even better and silent installed: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Opera is the best in my opinion. I noticed a slowdown with firefox when I was filling out forms, so I have been with Opera for a long time now. The wand feature is really hard to leave too One downfall is that activex isn't being used in Opera, so I put a custom button in to allow me to view any webpage in IE when needed. Here's a link to read about how put some custom buttons in: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Here's a link that shows Opera is the best speedwise: http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html
  20. anyone have a tagboard real plain like: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ? i was working on editing that script, but it was too complex and messy for me to understand, i want one simple like that though
  21. i like that image! it has a real winter and christmas feel to it, nice job and keep up the good work
  22. online games are quite addictive, i get bored playing offline after a short period of timei'm not sure what is so addictive about online games, but they are... if anyone has placed their finger on it, please let me know, i'm just curious why they are
  23. i am still using my monitor from 1996, it's a 17inch ibm g70, i could use an upgrade, but no extra money to spend for a monitor, i would probably get a crt again unless i found a lcd for a good price, the only nice thing IMO about lcd's are their size, crt's seem better in all other avenues
  24. i was wondering who all here uses or knows information about windows 2003? i read in the unix vs linux post of someone who used win2k3 rather than a linux distro. i am wondering what's good in it other than the jsp/asp servlet running builtin? i am using windows xp pro
  25. suse 9.0 was the last linux distro i used, i like it, but there are a few programs that i need to run that are of windows, so i'm using windows xp pro again
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