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Everything posted by Tanuki

  1. I also used to like the Spice Girls, I think I still have their film somewhere I'm really a Music *BLEEP*, I try to buy a lot of CDs because I'm attracted to the object but my mp3 player (an Archos, really pretty) is also almost full.I'm a rock fan, my parents have a lot of CDs (they used to have vinyls too, first edition sometimes) of classic rock bands like The Beatles, The Who, The Doors, Ten Years After...So I grew up with a rock atmosphere.But I'm also a rap, rnb fan, when it's good I don't care of the kind of music.
  2. I have a lot of funny avatars. Will probably put them on my website when it will be done.I catch them after surfing on the web.
  3. Hello Aaron. I'm a violin fan too, I went to a concert once of a rock band with a violonist inside, it was amazing. But violin lessons cost way too much and I'm lazy and like you I don't have a violin. Life is cruel isn't it?Anyway welcome to you here Tsunami (may I call you Tsu? ^^)
  4. Interesting. Kinda true. My bathroom is too little to let enter more than 3people but it could be true.I remember having a Shaving Party once, I went to a friend house and with others females friends, in the bathroom we shaved our legs, our eyesbrows (not completely, silly) and...well everything that needs to be shaved on a Lady in summertime It was funny, but at the end there were hair everywhere, kinda disgusting.
  5. I think boys are far more relaxed about masturbation, my male friends talk about masturbation all day long and without any taboos. When I'm with female friends they speak of sex but never of masturbation, one day I even tell a shy friend of mine masturbation was okay and she told me "yes I know but girls don't masturbate, only boys do" I was like "er...okay...".Anyway I think masturbation for girl is pleasure, only pleasure, our own orgasm. It really rocks.
  6. Ok those are really really stupid tests but it still interesting. One of them Have you ever done a purity test? Failed to a purity test? Are you pure? Un-pure?
  7. I'm Greedy. Really really greedy.And I'm a compulsive liar too. But it's not a deadly sin.
  8. Well I was looking on the internet for Gmail invitations, not long after it was created. And finally after two months of begging for one on forums I finally got one from a friend on forum.hardware.fr and after that I invited my sister and plenty friends of mine because I really fell in love with Gmail.
  9. I hate it. When I went to see Harry Potter 3 at the cinema, there were two awful kids constanly screaming, laughing and running in the cinema. Everybody shouted "Shut up" and "Sit down!" they didn't stop and they even shouted at us. I felt really angry against the parents of those kids who let them disturbing people like that. Anyway I get pissed off really often when I'm in the cinema, even a baby crying disturbs, but well I pay 7euros to go there... More disturbing than kids is teens because they can talk. I was at the cinema once and they were a group of 4/5 teens talking and talking and talking...about the movie, about their life, their girlfriend and they were throwing popcorns at my face too because I told them -gently to shup the f*** up.
  10. I don't really know if what I'm going to say about American school system is stupid or not, I've never went to one, but I watched documentaries and shows (like Made on MTV). I always thought American school sytem (**bottom**) wasn't stupid at all, much more interesting than the one we have in France (I can tell you that -_). I find the groups of interest very interesting, you know in France when you're a student, from 11 to 17 it's really "shut up and learn" you go to school at 8am and you leave at 5pm but the only things you do there is learning, learning learning. And everybody learns the same things, in public schools there are zero activities, few computers but only for searching infos, no dancing, choral or theaters groups. And nobody cares about you...Anyway I think the **bottom** is more concentrated to the future of the kids, in France if you don't care at all about Maths, Literature, History, he still has to work that until he can escape from the school (16years old) and start have a formation for start working. That really sucks and I see you don't have this in **bottom**. So yeah I think it's a good idea.
  11. Green eyes are hot.I really dislike brown eyes, it's not original and not really beautiful (sorry for you guys).I have light green with a touch of grey eyes, I think it's okay. My sister have deep blue eyes but she has to wear glasses so we cannot really see their beauty. My parents have both green eyes.
  12. As a European, A French European when I hear Europe I think 'Unity', 'Euros' -except for those annoying Brits - Europe is really powerful and I'm proud to be a part of it, I'm more proud to be European than French. When I think at Europe I think at old history, Europe is the old continent where America history began, the centre of the world in the Middle Ages and Antiquity...
  13. I'm from France. Extreme North of France.I live at two hours from Paris, one hour from Belgium and three hours from Calais and Britain.
  14. As my avatar say it, I don't put myself under one label. And in my school nobody really cares of that kind of things, we don't have cheerladers and only a few goths -yeah French school really rocks.Anyway some people call me a nerd or a geek because I'm interested in computers and science-fiction but I do have a social life (or something that can be called like that).
  15. So Hello.I'm 15, I'm a French girl who is good in English so don't worry I won't screw the forum with bad English -at least I'll try.I like computers, I enjoy reading books -I think there's nothing better than lying on your coach reading a good blook while a thunderstom, or lying near you swimming-pool during summer (too bad I don't have a pool ). Anyway I like music too, I buy a lot of CDs -online or in stores but I also download a lot of music -legally and illegally What can I tell? I'm here for a 150mb hosting account -for my weblog- so I guess you'll see me on the forum a lot. Sorry if you don't like me, I do my best By the way, Tanuki is a nickname a friend of mine gave me on IRC, he said I look like a Tanuki -you know that strange little jap' pets? I won't post a photo of me here but you can imagine me as a Tanuki if you want Thanks for reading everything, you are very brave!
  16. I agree. I know a damn lot of songs lyrics by heart, French or English songs and I can't memorize -or I forget in one hour- German verbs or History Lessons.I guess it's because you're are far less interested in learning lessons than learning lyrics of songs you like.I tried to memorize a lesson like I learn lyrics -by repeting it in my head, I even sang it in my head -how pathetic I was It kinda work.
  17. I live in France and I already went to Germany, England and Spain.But what I would really like to do is a travel through all Britain, from Cornwall to Scotland.Next year I would maybe go to Ireland.Japan doesn't attract me, I'm interested in Japan culture but I saw a documentary about Tokyo and it doesn't attract me, it's so fake and new. I'm far more interested in old cities, little town, castles and Histories.I already visited almost all French castles such as Versailles (amazing) and Chambord (beautiful) so I have to see others countries now.Canada attracts me too, my aunt is currently in Quebec, she says it's beautiful and that's interesting for me because they speak French there
  18. I don't like sleeping, It usually takes me a lot of hours to completely wakes up on the morning and I'm usually on really good shape the evening and the night. I go to sleep at 2/3am and I wake up on 9/10am but I'm zombie until midday. It really sucks, I should change my habit
  19. The colour hurts my eyes, it's a bit too dark and we don't see the text on the header very well.The text in blocks is a bit too big and goes out.But I like it, I'd give you 8.
  20. I saw "A History of Violence" with my parents at the cinema. There are two sex scenes on that movie, I tried to watch without acting strange or stuff like that, those sex scenes weren't "sex for sex" but I have to say my father was far more embarassed than me. That's was funny looking at him trying not to look at the screen and ask me what time it was. Usually when there are sex scenes on TV Shows like in Rome, I make a joke about it to show I'm not shocked, anyway my parents are not strict, I know they will never force me to not have sex before marriage (my parents don't believe in stuff like that).
  21. I made my first website on AOL webpages. I was 11 or so .It was about Lord of The Rings, I was proud of it and I like to think it became "famous" (or almost). I didn't know anything about tables or PHP, only HTML basics.I deleted it but I still think about it with emotions, because now I'm able to make websites with tables, php, mysql, ajax and all their friends but I don't know what to make my sites about.
  22. I saw on TV today that the testoserone he had was synthetic. So he lied. I think that's reallt pathetic, everybody knows that he cheated, he could be fair-play and admit that he took drugs. I watched -a bit the Tour and Floyd was really beyond everyone else, that was odd
  23. The World According to Garp definitly changed my life. It was written by John Irving, one of the best-known American author. I don't really know how this book changed my life but it did. I read it one year ago but still I think of it with much love, the story of the life of S.T Garp and his relatives really changed some opinions I had towards life. I really suggest you to read it if you haven't already, it's really really good.
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