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Posts posted by Tsunami

  1. sorry i didnt name techno, i ran outta choices >.< I also like techno.i grew up around country too. I grew up around my dads family and they listen to NOTHING BUT country. but i didnt take to it as much as my brothers did. I like some country 'songs' but i wouldnt say i like country music as a whole. Same way with Rap music, i like Chamillionare 'Ridin' But i dont like Bubba Sparxxx 'ms new booty'. Theres one song ive been listening to like crazy and thats 'Buttons' by pussycat dolls ... does any one else like them?

  2. ive found that my users particularly like a messages system. They like the ability to talk to each other without it being broadcasted for everyone to see... If your interested but dont know where to find one i could give you mine. it uses a flatfile database system with one php page and however many text files depending on the number of users (a slight setback but i could change it to one text file for all if youd like). Message systems are a plus just pm me if ur interested (sorry not trying to spam)...

  3. lol well its glad to see another Spice girls fan ^.^. I loved my ipod even though i had it only halfway full, sad thing is i left it in my pocket when i did my laundry and it 'accidentally' got washed >.< The headphones still work though. Speaking of Rock & Roll, i was watching Nightmares & Dreamscapes (from the stories of Steven King *my HERO*) and on it they went to this place called Rock&Roll Heaven in Oregon. it Was Actual Rock & roll heaven but it was kinda evil... just figured id tell you ... :)

  4. Roflmao at least someone learned somthign from my post >.< its alt+0175 to make ?... and i learned it in Algebra 2 and i know that 'i' is considered apart of the number, because 'i' is not a variable that you have to 'find out' its value, it has a value already that is un-conventional at best :-p ... I actually took algebra 2 last semester XD

  5. Believe it or not, Imaginary numbers are actually a very REAL thing. No, Some crazy man DIDNT make them up. and yes, you can see them... Imaginary numbers are a result of Radicals. Radicals are Square Roots. Every type of number has a square root... except Negatives (-). Negative Square Roots are actually what make imaginary numbers. Since there is no squareroot for a regular number, the number is said to be 'imaginary'. We represent imaginary numbers with 'i' (usually in some form of script or cursive handwriting). This 'i' actually equals the square root of -1. So if we have to find a negatives square root, we just divide by -1 to cancel out the negative and then multiply the whole thing by 'i'. Lets look at an example The Square root of -25 is not -5. The square root of -25 is actually 5i. Lets see how i did it: (i am going to use V?() as the squareroot symbol)V?(-25) --> V?(25)i --> 5iWhat i did was i divided -25 by -1 to give me 25. I put that back inside the square root symbol and then i mulitplied the square root of 25 by 'i'. Thats pretty much it. here are some other problems just for clarification:V?(-8) = 2iV?(2)V?(-9) = 3iV?(-16) = 4iV?(-81) = 9i

  6. i beleive in karma.... its kinda strange that i believe in karma but i lack religion. Karma in its self is basically just life... isnt there that saying that goes 'life is but without a cruel sense of irony' ... karma give life that irony... i know life can be ironic even when you havent put out anything bad into the 'universe' but still... its usually the 'bad' people who say 'nothing could go wrong' then BAM! ... somthing goes wrong...Plus, Karma makes for good television... 'My name is Earl' is one of my fav shows... i dont watch it much anymore but its quite funny. its often promoted with the tagline 'karma is a funny thing'. But thats karma for u.... ironic

  7. Im not sure... but when they took this survey, were the specific or were they fairly broad about it... a couple questions i have are these:1) Women are more likely to wash their hands *period* than men... right?2) Men are fairly limited to the masturbation techniques... Theres the hand thats what you use, do women use their hands to masturbate? Not Most...3) Did they ask single men/women or people who are in relationshipsThese things can affect statistics... sorry if i was a lil to 'graphic' i tried to stay as far away from the perverse stuff as i could >.<

  8. What kind of music do you like? Tell me what bands/groups/singers are your favorite...Personally, i go for the more Metal/Alternative Music. I like bands like Avenged Sevenfold and System of a Down. I also like some more indy music like Panic! At the Disco and Coheed and Cambria. Here lately ive found myself tuning in to listen to Musicians like Gnarls Barkly and Rainer Maria. My iPod is (was) my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Its nice to have a vareity of music...btw... did anyone ever like the spice girls XD? i was like OBSESSED with them when i was 8.... i went a concert in like june 1998 and i cried the whole time cause Geri (Ginger Spice) Halliwell wasnt there... I know i know im prolly the only one who liked/likes them but hey, can you blame me? (dont answer that because ill prolly get an answer like "Yes.... yes i can blame you").... :)

  9. Well hello tanuki, u use irc? i havent used that in AGES... u should try MIRC... it makes the experiance alot more fun... an ways what kinds of books do you like? theres only a few books i enjoy (ie the series of unforunate events books (the movie sucked compared to the books), the count of monte cristo) ... its nice to meet you :)

  10. i dont like this test....

    You answered "yes" to 61 of 100 questions, making you 39.0% sexually pure (61.0% sexually corrupt); that is, you are 39.0% pure in the sex domain. Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 19%, based on a comparison of your test results with 1219397 other submissions for this test.

    argh.... is that bad?

  11. Lol well thank you for the welcomes ... i love playing classical music and listening to it is fun sometimes to. But most of the times i prefer to listen to harder and louder music... Some of my favorite bands include System of a Down and Avenged Sevenfold (BOTH of which are going to be at ozzfest) my cousin got a viola for the orchestra at his school and it wasnt that hard to play. The first time i ever picked it up i got like halfway through Twinkle Twinkle little star ^.^ i need to edit my Avatar and Signature

  12. Ok to start off this tutorial, i would like to ask you to make a blank flash movie and set the stage to have a width of 600 and a height of 400.


    Now when the movie loads, we need to set some variables so lets start off by setting the origin


    origin = new Object();

    origin.x = 300;

    origin.y = 200;



    What this does, is it defines the origin to be an object with physical properties such as X and Y coordinates and it then sets those coodinates to 300 and 200, which is the center of the movie. Now we want to set what is called the 'focalLength'.


    focalLength = 500;


    What the focal length does, is it helps to define how much z will offset the object. The higher the number, the smaller the offset. We dont want it to be too big, but not too small so we will set it at 500 for the time being.


    Every figure whether it be 2 or 3 demensions has to have some coordinates, so lets go ahead and define the coordinates for our box shall we:



    boxpoints = [

    Make3D(50, -50, -50),

    Make3D(150, -50, -50),

    Make3D(150, -50, 50),

    Make3D(50, -50, 50),

    Make3D(50, 50, -50),

    Make3D(150, 50, -50),

    Make3D(150, 50, 50),

    Make3D(50, 50, 50)




    Make3D is a function that we will define a little later on, but what matters now is what is inside it. inside each function call there are 3 numbers, representing x, y, and z. these coordinates will make a box 100 x 100 x 100 at a little less than center. Now i know your eager to make the function Make3d so lets get to it:


    function Make3D(x,y,z) {

    var point = new Object();

    point.x = x;

    point.y = y;

    point.z = z;

    return point;



    I know its not quite what you expected BUT this is a very important part. What it does is takes those 3 coordinates and assigns them to an object. Just like with the origin this object has X and Y values, but this one also has a Z value. Then it returns the point object back to the array.



    and then we should make an empty movie clip to store it in:





    Ok were done with the easy part. Now comes the a lil harder but still pretty easy. I say this because it would be EXTREMELY difficult to draw a 3d object without it. In computer land, they dont have a Z plane like we do in the real world. All they have is X and Y. So what we have to do is make a function that will convert 2d coordinates to 3d by offsetting the X and Y values. I know its sounds like gibberish but bear with me... lets take a look at the function:


    function convert3d(pointIn3D) {

    var pointIn2D = new Object();

    var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + pointIn3D.z);

    pointIn2D.x = pointIn3D.x * scaleRatio;

    pointIn2D.y = pointIn3D.y * scaleRatio;

    return pointIn2D;




    see that wasnt that hard, what this does is when passed in a 3d point (which was originally made by Make3d() :) ) it takes the Z value and along with the focalLength, makes a Scale Ratio. it multiplies the X and Y Values by the scale ratio and returns the new point. beleve it or not... thats all the math involved ^.^.


    now we have to draw it. But these coordinates are just the virtual coordinates because we still have to make each point relative to the origin... Lets look at the code:



    function draw3d(item) {

    //Make Real Points ^.^

    var realpoints = new Array();

    for (i=0; i < boxpoints.length; i++) {

    var itemPoint = boxpoints;

    realpoints = convert3d(itemPoint);

    realpoints.x += origin.x;

    realpoints.y += origin.y;


    // draw




    item.moveTo(realpoints[0].x, realpoints[0].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[1].x, realpoints[1].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[2].x, realpoints[2].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[3].x, realpoints[3].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[0].x, realpoints[0].y);


    item.moveTo(realpoints[4].x, realpoints[4].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[5].x, realpoints[5].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[6].x, realpoints[6].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[7].x, realpoints[7].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[4].x, realpoints[4].y);

    // connecting bottom and top

    item.moveTo(realpoints[0].x, realpoints[0].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[4].x, realpoints[4].y);

    item.moveTo(realpoints[1].x, realpoints[1].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[5].x, realpoints[5].y);

    item.moveTo(realpoints[2].x, realpoints[2].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[6].x, realpoints[6].y);

    item.moveTo(realpoints[3].x, realpoints[3].y);

    item.lineTo(realpoints[7].x, realpoints[7].y);





    all we do to convert it to real coordinates is add the origin x and y to the point. Then we draw it by first clearing everything inside the movie clip, setting the line style then drawing the points. I wont get into the details about the moveTo and lineTo functions but what happens next is it draws the bottom. Then it draws the top.



    now we need to make sure it does this on every frame, so in the onenterframe command you would put:





    And your done! feel free to edit the coordinates and such to make new figures once you get the hang of it ^.^

  13. Hello, My name is Aaron but you can call me Tsunami (Tsu For Short). I have a website called Tsunami Central that i have been working on ever since the summer of 2004. I hope to make it a community site to the level of myspace in proportion. I absolutly LOVE to play the piano and the guitar. I wanna learn to play the violin but there is one small problem ... I dont have a violin >.<... I know HTML, DHTML, XML, Javascript, PHP, CSS, C++, and Actionscript (Flash).... I love making 3d stuff in flash... i dunno what else there is to say about me except for i m 16 and i represent North Carolina ^.^

  14. lol well you could make a yahoo email account or what not just for that purpose. for people with DSL or Broadband who can stay connected to the internet all the tiem can just leave it on while they do their daily stuff like while they are at work or somthing. if you leave it on you could make$18 a day$126 a week$540 a month$6444 a yearit could pay a cell phone bill or 3 .... hell that would pay ALL my bills ... with like $10 (give or take) left over. I dunno if youve gotta be 'active' on the site or you just have to be 'on' the site but eh, it could be a plan, but then it would suck if they refused to pay you >.<

  15. Im a bit of a gothic/prep, i know it sounds like an oxymoron but its the truth XD. I dress more preppy and stuff but i hang out with more of a darker crowd, i seem to be the only person that wears a color other than 'black', i think the darkest thing i own is like dark green. I prefer the golf-t's because they rock! that and im blonde makes me seem preppy so i put preppy down on the poll. But the way i act and such might make me different lol ^.^

  16. What you should do, is make a website on a free subdomain host, prefferably a community type of site. Get it lots of traffic and lots of users then sell it. Because any one can make a website, but it takes alot of work to get it thriving with people. So, 'some' people who have money to burn take the easy route and buy someone elses site and just plaster their name all over it when its all said and done ^.^ thats what i suggest. If your any good with HTML/PHP you should make templates and such and sell them. Thats what im doing....

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