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Posts posted by Tsunami

  1. in 2003 i found out about HTML from a few of my friends on a site called planetteen.com. I built myself a lil homepage on planetteen with a tutorial i found at htmlgoodies.com. my page wasnt much... just a dhtml menu i found and an iframe ... with a couple links to pictures and such... then i got all hard core and made a template for mysite (the one i have now too :)). I put a couple songs on it. made a stupid little javascript calendar that had to be changed monthly... put a few bravenet plugins on it and linked to a few places. then in 2004 i found freewebs. I began hosting my site there for quite sometime. I began creating my member based website using authpro.com's features. After a while i abandoned my site... only knowing html, javascript, css, and dhtml there wasnt much that i could do. Even if i knew other languages i couldnt use them because freewebs doesnt support any other languages. Then finally in april of 2006 i found a lil site called ripway. So i immediatly started bringing back my site. i learned php and xml and i went to work on my cms (Content Management System). I was able to make a registration, updates, links, and css system. I had 2 main features like the forums and 'the wall'. then i realized ripway wasnt enough i needed somthing better. So then i found a lil old site by the name of Xisto. Since i have been here i have updated both the forums and the registration system. I created an extensive Admin CP with features for managing the updates, users, links, css, forums, the wall, calendar, images, stats, and ads.


    In the works we have artwork galleries, story board and a chat. I am learning java so hopefully the chat will be better than expected.


    Tsunami Central - Check it out for urself

  2. oh wat the hell... i don't have anything better to except fool around in java...Name: Aaron (u can call me tsunami...)Email Address: Tsunaminc90@aol.comScripting that you do: HTML, CSS, DHTML, XML, Javascript, Java, C++, PHP (mysql), Actionscript, Mirc, Do you meet the requirements? (YES/NO): YESDo you agree to my TOS? (YES/NO): YESeh.. if you want my help im all urs but if you dont... well... ummm i didnt wanna help you any way... >.> ... <.<

  3. well... im pretty sure if your going any where near the speed of light that you wont be able to stay close enough to any one object to notice if time is still going at the same speed, but near as i can figure i would assume that the faster you go time would slow down because you would be going so fast that anything else is hardly moving compared to you.... as for the second one... im not so much sure as time going faster but im sure you could go faster at a higher altitude because the air would be thinner thus decreasing wind resistance...

  4. lol, ive been saying i was going to improve on it since like june... i dont think i am going to any time soon but i might... you never know... Theres not much i could do for graphics... as i dont have a very good graphics program... if anyone wants to make some animated sprites of them you know... i would be more than happy to put them in but other than that i would have to dedicate more time than i think i have... With SAT's around the corner and my lil job perdicament i dont know what imma do....

  5. Thanks Albus for clarifying that....

    Any ways, i was looking through some things i had made and i found a game i made for Avatar.... i know it sucks but i made it at the beginning of season two.... the graphics stink, there isnt any music or anythingt but eh... i didnt like the games that nick.com had so i made one of my own.... check it out and tell me what you think Avatar Bending Battle

  6. ok, did any one else watch the Avatar movie on Nick last night? Personally, i dont think it was worth the wait. I did think it was good though. Ive liked That show ever since the beginning, and ive been watching it religiously. I liked the first season better than the second because for one, the image quality was better, and two, they were all 'true to the martial arts' and junk.... now its like they do what ever just to make the kids happy... Leave it to Nickolodeon to take a good show and drive it into the ground... Well, i cant say that it is all bad because hey, im still watching it arent i? well tell me what you thought of it

  7. i <3 c++i use the md dos version though, i dont have any other compiler other than turbo c++ 3.0 DOS... but i still manage. I have made a header file that allows me to make 3d images and stuff with the lineto and moveto methods. I like to make games. Ive made all kinds of games like a mini-rpg type of game (not really an rpg), pong, and i also made this mini one-octive keyboard for my computer science class my sophmore year. But i havent been messing with c++ lately, ive been working with java ^.^ i <3 java

  8. i like the script however, might i make one suggestion. Try making it into one file all together, it might look somthing like this

    <? if (!$_GET['send']){?><form action="mailform.php?send=1" method="post"><input type=hidden name=EmailTo value="You@mail.com"> <!-- // Change to your email address // -->Your Name: <input type=text name=Name><br>Subject: <input type=text name=Subject><br>Your Email: <input type=text name=Email><br>Your Site: <input type=text name=Site><br>Message: <br><textarea name=Message rows=6 cols=30></textarea><br><input type=submit value="Send"> <input type=reset value="Reset"></form><?}else{$Name = $_POST['Name'];$Subject = $_POST['Subject'];$Email = $_POST['Email'];$Site = $_POST['Site']; $Message=$_POST['Message'];$align = $_POST['align'];$to = "$EmailTo";$subject = "$Subject";$body = "$Message\n\n\n$Site\nBy: $Name";$headers = "From: $Email\n";$worked = @mail($to,$subject,$body,$headers);if($worked){?><p>Your message has been sent to the webmaster. You should recieve a reply shortly. </p><p><a href="index.php" target="_self">Go Back To Index?</a></p><?} else {?><p>Your message was unable to be sent</p><p><a href="java script: go.history(-1);">Click here to go back</a></p><?}}?>
    This is your exact script just made to work as one file instead of 3 seperate ones. You would name this mailform.php ( think that would work for albus' question since his site is php, my site is the same way)

  9. yeah... thanks for that, but like i said in earlier posts, that logo was made 2 years ago with cooltext.com. i have just made an exact replica of it with better quality to replace it. Also i plan on changing the logo thanks <_<. I never viewed the link decorations or the font families to be a problem so thank you very much for pointing that out to me. that is one of those minor things that can be fixed with a couple lines in a CSS document. I also noticed you said somthing about the colored cells being to big. I had just made the side boxes bigger to accomodate to other peoples suggestions. I do agree that the table headers are quite small. Ill play around with it, right now its is using the h5 tag, ill probably change it to h4 or h3. I think Verdana font in 8 point will be a lil small so what do you think about 10? ill try it out then tell you if it will stay or not in the next post.and sadly enough, no, i have never used ANY form of photoshop or any other 'good' graphics program. I dont have the time to download it nor the money to buy it. So i just use paint ... it works for most of my needs but i also have this stupid lil thing called 'presto photo designer' that allows me to use effects such as texturize and sphere. so yea. i know my graphics may be 'mediocre' but i try to make up for it with scripting genious

  10. lol, Unfortunatly im coding it all by hand. The reason i like to make my own stuff is because of a couple things. 1) it makes me feel good knowing that i made somthing that works and not having to use someone elses and 2) alot of times i dont like a feature or i would like a feature not on other peoples stuff, so making it by hand is the easiest solution. Making the Login and membership script wasnt that hard. The Beta form of it was made using nothing but text files as a database. All the users information is located in one text file. The first line in the text file has the number of users, and every line after that has the information for a user on it. the way i set it up is so its kinda like a mysql database, but not really. Im going to use my line as an example:right now i am the only member on the site (i would have figured since you all looked at my site you would join :'( but its ok ill live) the first line has a 1 on it then the next line looks like this:username|##|password|##|email|##|rank|##|name||##|so on and so forththe reason i use |##|'s is because how often do you see people puting |##|'s in their information? not often, not EVER (and you put it in your info just to mess with me i will kill you). then i use the file() function to read the information into a variable then i use explodes on the variable and then vuala! if you want the 1st members username you would use somthing like $user[1][0]. For accessing the the first thing on the first line (before the first |##|).... CMS stands for Content Management System. Which means rather than logging into the Xisto cpanel. I can add/edit/delete updates and such straight from my site. Because when i login as an admin (which is me) i gain access to the admin cp <_<if you want further explaination on things such as the forum or message systems just tell me and i will post in depth tutorials in the php section of this site. or should it go in the tutorials section?

  11. Lol, doesnt matter whether you are a web designer or not. Just the fact that you took the time to look at my site makes me happy <_<. Alot of times you will get your best feedback from people who have absolutely no clue about any kind of programming.Any ways. I am making some of the 'blocks' bigger right now. I just got done making the user profiles. Users can now change their avatar and such. I 'will' be changing the avatar. Like i said i will probably do it in flash. Cause with flash you can add lil clickamagigs and every one likes those. Ok i figure i might as well go ahead and post a features list of features soon to come:1) An Arcade - Containing all kinds of classic arcade games plus some new games or newer versions (all games made by me). The Arcade will have a highscores list that will allow you to view users total scores or individual game scores. You will be able to sort them by username or score (asceding to decending and the opposite on both)2)The Story Board - will allow you to post/view poems and stories (original works only) from our users. You will be able to comment on the content and rate it. Each week the best rated work will be featured on the front page. You can search through the content by sorting it by type, ie poem, essays ect3)Artwork Showcase - will allow you to upload/view artwork and computer graphics made by our users. You will be able to comment on and rate the graphics just like in the story board. Each week the top graphic will be featured on the front page. You can search through the content by sorting it into categories such as handdrawn pictures (there will be sub catagories), computer graphics, Photographs.4) Chatroom - Im working the bugs out of it now but it will be a php/mysql based flash chatroom (created by me). It will have smilies and maby little movie type things (inspired by Yahoo! messengers audibles and 123flashchat.com's chat movie things). Possibly even with the ability to talk 1 on 1 in realtime (or close enough) with each other instead of just through the pm system or in the main chat area. Maby even a whiteboard if i get it to working soon enough.Im getting a cramp. Plus i cant think of anything else so i will post it later if it comes to meTell me what you think about these ideas as well

  12. I love the way you did your post albus, you told me exactly what the problem is and how i could improve. I am glad you all liked the wall, even though it doesnt blend "Harmoniously" with my site. I found the brick background but i had to make it lighter in order for the text to showup. The banner, i know doesnt look like much but its the first one i made for the site. And you were close by guessing flamingtext but it was actually at cooltext.com. I plan on making a flash banner to replace it. I plan on doing a few things to the site to make it look better and not so "plain". i will be making some graphics to use as bullets instead of "?"'s. Maby add a style selector as well.I know it doesnt matter what i like, its what the 'users' like. But i like black XD. I know thats pityful but im a pityful person so it works out.Ill definatly take your advice and make the tables bigger. <_< thanks for the input.p.s: It might take a lil while for these changes to go into affect because im running into a lil problem with my Admin CP. turns out the so called 'working javascript' i had on my comp is giving me errors when i uploaded it to the site. ill try to get that fixed right now

  13. Tsunami Central


    Ok You guys this is my site. It is NO WHERE NEAR DONE but it has enough stuff on it for you to talk and such. It consists of a forum, which you probably have seen on Sexymama's site "KinkyKittensClub.com" if you have seen the topic. Mine is a lil bit different though, ill leave it up to you to find the subtle differences. i also have a Message system, also see on Kinkykittensclub.com but with some slight changes. Then we have "The Wall". The Wall is an annonymous shoutbox type of doohicky. You can spray a message (max length of 25 chars) onto our wall for every one to see. Every time the page loads each message changes color and size. We also have a calendar. Administrators can post events on the calendar via the Admin CP. Admins can also post updates from the Admin CP (the CMS i told you about).


    Tsunami Central also has three built in Style Sheets. 'Solstice' is the main style sheet that we use, it is the one with the blue color. 'Autumn' is the Red/Orange one, and 'Hunter' is the green one. Administrators can also edit and change style sheets via the Admin CP


    I am looking for some Administrators and Moderators for my site. So if you join my site and send me a message we could talk about you becomming an administrator/moderator.


    Ill post a list of more features in a later post.


    Tell me what you think you guys. i am open to suggestions

  14. lol... Im to the understanding that iframes arent exactly 'the peoples favorites' when it comes to layouts. Yes, alot of the images i make do infact have alot of 'pink space' but that is because i use paint. We all know paint doesnt let you make transparent background GIF images so i do the best i can. And also i know that the pink on some of the images dont match the background of the site. Just so you know when i made the image it was the exact color but saving it was another issue. It changed the color automatically and i was to lazy to find a way around it. And as far as the font goes, you cant use to exotic of fonts because you have to use a font that the majority of people have installed on their systems. And of course i coded the forums, login system, and message system myself. I have also coded a CMS (Content Management System) and a style sheet editor (kind of like the one on invisionfree but it allows you to save as different names and switch back and forth as the active one on the site and edit them). I am also working on a chat. The first will be a prototype in just plain old PHP forms and such but after i get that working i will upgrade it to flash. I like making stuff in flash so i might post some of my stuff for you guys to checkout and such.

  15. On my website (to be released later on) i use php includes. i find them much more user friendly than iframes. Another little plugin i made but havent put on her site is a 'Whos Online' Feature. It allows you to see what users are online and what page they are currently viewing. It also automatically logs you out after 15 minutes of inactivity but when you become active again it will put you back in the list. I am a really big fan of php. Only untill like last month was i able to use it though. It sucked having to login to the host and edit all the files just for one lousy update. Now i have made it where you can login to the admin cp on the site and edit all the files aswell as add updates and events to the calendar. Ill Probably give you guys a link later on this or next week to download the file to install all these things on your own site.

  16. lol well thank you. Yea, i made it so that you could change the song but i forgot to make it so that you could just turn the music completely off. I think the thing i am most proud of is the forums because beleive it or not, Everything on that site uses flatfile databases. And the Forums consists only of 1 text file and 1 php file. But like i said, i didnt choose the color nor the layout as it isnt my site. I just make stuff for it <_<Thank you for the positive re-enforcement. Anything you think i could improve on?

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