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Posts posted by Tsunami

  1. I have been wearing glasses since i was in the 3rd grade, about 8 years old. In june of 1998 i went to the spice girls concert and then i went into third grade so thats how i remember. My brother threw a rock at me and hit me in the eye. I had to wear an eye patch most of that year.... *shudders* i got nick names like patches and pirate face... but despite all that my teacher was still jealous of me because my hair was blonder than hers and she bleached it constantly. Up untill just the week before last i wore glasses. Friday of the 11th i went and got contacts. Every one always told me that i had pretty blue eyes. I always thought they were green but now i see what they mean. I highly recomend contacts. However contacts can be hard to get used to. You dont so much feel them when your wearing them. Its the getting them out that proves to be a problem (or at least for me it was). One night i stayed up till 4 in the morning trying to get them out. But now it takes me longer to wash my hands than it does to take them out. Contacts can be pretty expensive but recommend them.

  2. My school starts on friday the 25th. However my school sucks. I havent received my schedule yet. most people are telling me that we dont get them untill the first day in homeroom. Theres only one problem with that. If you have any problems with your schedule, Seniors go on the 22nd to fix them, juniors go on the 23rd and Sophmores and Freshman go on the 24th. Now you tell me how the hell am i supposed to fix my schedule if i havent gotten it yet? I think its just another plan for the school to not have to deal with us...

  3. i tend to type everything right into the the editor box on the host. but when i do things on my machine when i cant get online i use notepad. For my graphics i use MS Paint and this stupid lil program i got called "Presto! Photo designer". I <3 Notepad, but there is only one downside. When using php, they tell you on what line you have the error right? Well, if your using notepad you have got to count all those lines yourself >.< Thats the only thing i dont like. Just for the record when using notepad i turn wordwrap off :-p

  4. ok, recently, sexymama has asked me to help her with her website. So far, i have added quite a few features. Heres a list:

    --Sign Up/Login system


    --Message System

    --Blog (in progress)



    I know, i know. Judging by the name it sounds a lil .... 'off beat' to say the list but i can assure you that there isnt anything 'sexual' about it. I know it says its a 'womens' community, but i would appreciate it if any one, including the guys, would take a look. Im not asking you to stay active members, but more or less to see if you like my lil' site plugins i made. Tell me what you think i could improve on. Tell me if it just sucks all around. id really like to know. Cause my plan is that when i have made the majority of the people i come across satisfied, im gonna make it a self installing thing for you all to use (if you want).


    *A Couple Notes*-- When making her website i came across a small problem. When using iframes like she did, i had to make the links page reload after you login/logout. This is kind of easy, however, sometimes it doesnt like to register the new cookies. If after you login, and you still see the login link in the links bar but your name is on the main page. Just reload the whole thing. That will fix it <_<

  5. i guess some people think words are long if they have these qualities:1) The word has more than 1 syllable.2) The person cannot pronounce it correctly3) The person has absolutly no idea what the word meansi think words are long if they have more than 10-12 letters in them, depending on the every-day usage of the word. For example:--Establishment has 13 letters. Everyone knows the word (the majority), everyone can pronounce it (the majority), and even though it has 4 syllables, its not necessarily a 'big word'. Don't get me wrong, it is a 'long' word, but not classified as a 'big' word. Someone wouldn't call you out on it. They wouldn't say "Why do you have to use such BIG words?". Lets look at another: -- Floccinaucinihilipilification has 29 letters (is one of my favorite words). Hardly no-one knows the word, many people probably cannot pronounce it, and it has 11 syllables (give or take) is concidered a 'big' word. lil' fun and learning for ya. ^.^

  6. i got my grades in june before summer but ill tell you any way.

    Semester Final Grades

    Spanish 3 --- 90/B

    Business Law --- 94/A

    Civics & Economics --- 93/A

    Algebra 2 --- 96/A


    First Semester Final Grades

    Intro to Computer Science --- 100/A

    Spanish 2 --- 72/D

    Hon. English 2 --- 82/C

    Biology --- 93/A


    Those are my grades, the ones that are lower than the others gave homework. I dont do homework >.<

  7. Hard to say whether its just a phase or actually "you" probably a bit of both, meaning that you'll probably never stop but with time you might become less annoyed by unnoticed mistakes. I highly doubt that it is any kind of OCD though.


    For somebody who claims to be a 'Grammar Freak' your grammar is awefully wrong:



    this? It

    I highly doubt any grammar book will use the verb "to like" in this fashion

    Its like wow how can u put like so much many grammar mistakes in an sentence?

    things plural -> it were


    Sorry just beeing a smartass.... and I don't consider 'cynical' a big word at all.


    did i detect a bit of valley girl in my post too? i think i did. I like what you did. That was like... 'The *BLEEP*' in lamens terms. Tis better to be a smartass than a dumbass hmmm? Alot of times when im posting ill either leave out a word or type it twice like ' you you '. That will happen quite frequently >.<. Another thing i tend to do is when im in an 'I don't ( <_< ) care' mood, is that i dont use the right word for there/they're/their. Anyway, thanks for pointing that out. I will probably do the same thing again but it's to be expected.


    You know, it never crossed my mind to check my grammar...


    but the reason i ask about the word 'cynical' is because my friend was like "Do you just get online in the middle of the night and look up BIG words for you to use so that you seem smart?", and no i dont. I learnt that word in the 5th grade >.<

  8. Ok, What do you think about this. it has been pointed out to me, that i am just going through a 'phase', with my being 16, where i tend to correct people. I say its just who i am that it has nothing to do with my 'age' or hormones or whatever. I get in fights with my mom sometimes because shes like "You always correct me and thats disrespectful" but she doesnt understand how it just gets under my skin when mistakes go un-noticed. I guess you could call it a sort of OCD (Obsessive Compusive Disorder) if you will. I am also a big 'Grammar' freak. When people write things without proper punctuation or usage of words it just drives me nuts. My brother asked me to look over his resume for him and i like changed ALOT. It was little things like 2 spaces here, a space on the wrong side of a comma, or even a semi-colon (<_< in the wrong spot. Then he gets mad at me for it. Its like would rather show up with a resume at a job interview with errors or would you rather me just fix it. Could you tell me if you think its a 'phase' or 'adolecence' or whatever you think it might be, like i said, i think its an OCD.btw... do you think 'Cynical' is a big word?

  9. i personally think that if trap 17 offered free domain names. it would destroy the quality of the site. For one, the site would have every body and their grandma on it. not that thats a bad thing. Domain names are for people who are 'Serious' about making a website and have the financing to make it take off. When people buy a domain name they tend to put more effort into it because they have money invested into it but when you take away that investment you get a stale and boring site on a domain name that someone else could be using.

    its not that im trying to bash the suggestion/idea i just dont think it would be in the best intrest of the site.

    This topic was raised before and we have discussed that as of current time, Xisto is only Free Web Hosting, No Ads service. However, Xisto Corporation is working towards something similar to your idea (and others before you) when the time is right.

    I did acknowledge the fact that you said that and i realized you said somthing 'similar'. I also know that the above might have been said needlessly but i have said my peice

  10. wow old topic to bring back eh? let me just point out that this is one of my fav songs. but:

    My personal oppionion is tht hes proving a racist point tht the cops (patrollin) are always looking for the african american people to oull over and send them to jail. (riding dirty)

    in the song he talks about having a 'blunt to spark' and a 'gun in the car' and numerous other things that arent concidered 'acts of a law obiding citizen'. so would they be racist if IN FACT he was guilty? I do admit however that there is a bit of racism in the law however how many times have you ever seen a black man get caught on 'COPS' the tv show. I grew up watching it and i would say one MAYBE two every episode when they are busting dozens of white folks.. but you have to admit that white people are a mlllion more times more likely to get drunk and do stupid and crazy stuff... which is most of the times the case. But there are alot of other rap songs that talk about the same kind of stuff.

  11. I know, i <3 salad fingers. my oober most favorite one is 'Picnic' ... "Whats wrong mister fingers... do you not like my mouth words" .... "Naughty Mouth" Those kinds of things dont write themselves... i think David Firth is a combination between a genious and a mental patient. l also like nettles... for reasons unexplained. but the reason i vote for foamy because 'squirel' plus 'vengence' = 'fun'... plus those cartoons introduced me to the word 'barista'. My favorite Foamy episode is Squirelly songs... and jiggly butt....

  12. Foamy Videos - found at Ill Will Press
    Salad Fingers Videos - found at Fat-Pie

    Personally i like both but i would have to say that foamy is better just because of pill-z. but salad fingers comes in at a close second... i <3 morbid entertainment and i wanna know who else does too ^.^

    for those of you who have no clue what either one of the two are or both GO WATCH THE VIDEOS i assure you that you will find at least one (if not all) hillarious... if not for yourself... do it for me :)

  13. Tsunami Central


    My website is called Tsunami Central. My website is a 'Community' website which means that it is based around getting people conversing and interacting with each other. I know it doesnt look like much not With its Forums and such but when you sign up you will learn that we have a message system (kinda like the one on this forum but a little different). The site also has a dynamic 'Whos Online' Page to let you know what users are online and what pages they are viewing. Unlike most community sites, i dont 'try' to provide you with content that i want you to see, instead, Most of the content on the site is user created which means that you can submit your own content to get it featured on the site. I hope to get a few things up this week such as the Artwork Directory that lets you upload some of *your own* original artwork and graphics. Also the Story Line page will let you submit your stories, poetry, essays ect.. for every one to see. If your Artwork/Writings are all inspiring or just all around divine, you could receive a Graphical Award on your profile for each one that is worthy. You will also receive a 'banner' which will allow you to post it on your site/blog/myspace showing that you have received recognition for your work. Those are just a few of the things i have planned. Feel free to drop by and sign up :) i would greatly apprechiate it.


    *ps the site automatically logs you off and on when you exit and reopen the page*


    Tell your friends


    (BTW thank you Xisto for the great hosting)

  14. judging mainly from the polls... it seems that no 2 people like the same type of music. However there are only 6 votes. but judging from the posts, it seems that Rap and Alternative/Metal Music has been fairly popular. Tis good to know what people like when making a community site. I recently heard this new song, i dont know what its called or who sings it, but its somthing about 'every time you come around, my london bridge wanna come down' .... i dont understand it >.< Could someone tell me what its she means by that

  15. Subject to approval...pending

    This is the reply i was given to my Host Request application. I did a lil' reading and i found that i seem to be the only one with this reply. As i am not sure what to make of it, i turn to the good people here for some help. I understand the concept of 'Pending' however i noticed that the topics in the request forum only have 1 reply at most. I figured since mine has 1 reply, but it isnt accepted or denied, it might run the risk of being overlooked. My question to you is simply this, Should i be concerned and why am i the only one?

    thanks in advance
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