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Everything posted by Mjay06

  1. It'll have to be pretty spectacular to get me to switch from Firefox
  2. The layout I have on my test site might go well with your Harry Potter theme http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. This is only relevant to UK based websites, but you can register with http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ & they link you to relevant sites for free. You can choose from a list of sites who have already registered & ask if they would like to link with yours. I'm not sure how good they are, but its free & has to be better than nothing.
  4. The xoops script I installed was taking up nearly all my available disk usage (18.44mb) so I decided to uninstall xoops & start again using a smaller script.I deleted everything relating to xoops, including the mysql database, checked the disk usage screen which showed hardly anything, went to install another script but I am still using 18.44 mb.Am I missing something blatantly obvious which I need to do to lower this?Thanks
  5. I havnt been able to leave it alone since I installed it. Now I have it set with my preferences I only see stuff im interested in. You find yourself clicking the button just one more time to see what appears...I just added Xisto to the Stumble database, so with a bit of luck the site should get some visitors they would never normally see.
  6. The future of internet browsing is here! I installed this about 4 hours ago & havnt been able to leave it since. Basically, you install the extension, select what kind of sites you like, & click the 'stumble' button in your toolbar. It is highly addictive, I seen things that id never dream of looking for before, all utterly brilliant. If you find something you dont like, click the thumbs down button & similar sites will never bother you again. To give you an idea of some of the things I come across, check these out: http://www.bluechillies.com/ (you name it, its here) http://www.kingofdefenders.com/ (funny John Terry game, worth looking at to see the cartoon Sven) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Tells you how you have wasted your life so far) http://www.merzo.net/ (every sci-fi spaceship imaginable, side by side & to scale - a bit geeky but interesting anyway) http://www.channelchooser.com/ (free tv channels online) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (weird but funny singing horse thing) https://about.me/allanchangar (mad rabbit that clings onto your cursor) http://www.typorganism.com/asciiomatic/ (convert any jpeg into an ascii image) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (strange one this - nothing to do with law, but if you like 80s music this is for you. 1500 free music videos from the decade taste forgot. Utter class) That is just a small selection, I recommend you install this & go find your own internet nirvana. http://www.stumbleupon.com/
  7. For sheer thuggishness, Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse takes some beating. You wouldnt see chuck, arnie or sly rip someones throat out.
  8. Rambo films get slated a lot, but I thought the first one was a pretty good film. Sly let himself down with the dire 'over the top'. What on earth was he thinking :S
  9. I'm pretty sure paint.net opens psd files, i'll give it a go in a bitwhen ive finished downloading stuff from limewire.
  10. Even van damme is past his best now, but i doubt anyone will be able to replace bruce lee. Saying that brandon lee did a good impression of him in the bruce lee life story film.
  11. Its quite strange, you are greeted with that lot before you get the chance to login, & its a pretty simple url to get to that page.You get all the site images loading, though not in the correct place as the screen is riddled with error messages.Could it just be the database has blown up?
  12. Im pretty sure Steven Seagal would whoop his *bottom*.
  13. Can anyone make sense of this? Its not a Xisto problem by the way. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Use proper bbcodes when pasting.
  14. Firstly, it is spelt 'comparison'. Dont not presume you are superior to me as I sincerely doubt you are. I grew up long ago, not suprising as I left behind my teenage years in the early 90s. Now please, I repeat, GROW UP!
  15. Sounds to me like you got a slap on the wrist for breaking the rules, & have decided to throw teddy out of the pram by running down the security of Trap17s servers.Accept you have had a telling off, learn from it & move on. Acting like a baby will not improve the opinion other members have of you.
  16. I tried reinstalling netscape 1.5, & still had the same problem.Being clever, i tracked down a beta version of Netscape 2, installed that & my problem had disappeared.Unfortunatley, I now have another problem - being a beta, netscape 2 doesnt have any available themes or add-ons yet
  17. The usually excellent Firefox is annoying me.When ever I try & install a theme or add-on im greeted with:'Software installation is currently disabled. Click Edit Options to enable it & try again'So off I go to edit options, & nowhere is there 'enable software installation', ive looked through every menu on firefox & just cant find it.Where am I going wrong? Its very annoying.
  18. Try a G5 Dual, with dual-core PowerPC processors
  19. I use my P910 alot for collecting emails when away from my pc, as an mp3 player, watching dvds if im on a long journey (matrix relaoded at the moment), its has a good digital camera/video recorder so that gets a fair bit of use when im out & about, games when im bored (V-rally is ngage quality), browsing the net, (& using msn), & occasionally I ring people...
  20. My pc hard drive has always been a bit of a clanker, but it seems to have aquired a new & disturbing noise when processing things. Its not any slower than it was before, & doesnt crash or anything (well no more than anything else running XP)Can I expect it to self-destuct in the near future, & start backing everything up?
  21. I went & tracked the application down, but was unable to edit my information as it appears to have been locked.
  22. Adjust the transparency maybe, or open your colour picker & tone down the colour you are using
  23. Anything from ambient stuff like Jose Gonzales & BT, to trance like Deep Dish, Sasha & Push, to Jean Michel Jarre, who is utter class
  24. You can get free programs that will do it, bulent's screen recorder is pretty good - just re-record the section you want then edit it in any photo editing software you have. Download.com & tucows should have it.
  25. Ive had an excellent pc remote on my P910 for about a year or so now. It was good o start with, but due to the limitations of mobile phones in general its a novelty thing, it soon becomes boring.
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