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Everything posted by wappy

  1. no i know about what pages phones can view and that page does have an error as others are using it i just tested another site and they have fixed it and its working on all phones. Its a pain. Someone said they will send the fixed one to me later so if they do i will post it here so you can see where the problem was. Its a massive community script an the copy i had i don't know how or where it came from it was stolen from another wap site that happened to belong to a guy thats hacked me in the past so im thinking i will fix, update, distribute :-)
  2. i have that script on my site but have never tried it. If its any good i will add it to the ravingwap script after i fix the last two errors. And chats if you were not lie about fixing it please give me fixed register.php and ravebabe.php all other errors i have fixed :-)
  3. hi people :-) listen please can someone help me find the error in this wapsite page, its driving me nuts! It works fine on some phones but not on others (giving a file format unknown error) and im having serious problems finding the error but i bet its something stupid/simple. <?php include ("config.php"); include ("core.php"); header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); header("Cache-Control: nostore, nocache, mustrevalidate"); print "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml;; ?> <wml><?php $uid = $_POST["uid"]; $pwd = $_POST["pwd"]; $cpw = $_POST["cpw"]; connectdb(); echo "<card id=\"register\" title=\"$sitename\">"; $ipr = getip(); $uip = explode(".",$ipr); if($uip[0]=="196" && $uip[1]=="207"){ $phone = "bar"; $phone2 = "bar"; $brws = explode(" ",$HTTP_USER_AGENT); $ubr = $brws[0]; if($phone==$ubr||$phone2==$ubr){ echo "<p>"; echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>IP range is disabled at the moment"; echo "</p>"; echo "</card>"; echo "</wml>";exit(); } } if(!canreg()){echo "<p>"; echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Registration for this IP range is disabled at the moment, please check later"; echo "</p>"; }else{echo "<p>"; ?> <small> <img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/> Allowed characters in userid and password are az, 09, and _. only<br/> <img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/> No vulgar words are accepted in UserID<br/> <img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/> UserID and Password must contain at least 4 characters<br/> <img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/> UserID must begin with a letter<br/> <img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/> Birthday must be in this format YYYYMMDD<br/><br/></small> <? $tolog = false; if(trim($uid)==""){ echo registerform(1); }else if(trim($pwd)==""){ echo registerform(2); }else if(trim($cpw)==""){ echo registerform(3); }else if(spacesin($uid)||scharin($uid)){ echo registerform(4); }else if(spacesin($pwd)||scharin($pwd)){ echo registerform(5); }else if($pwd!=$cpw){ echo registerform(6); }else if(strlen($uid)<4){ echo registerform(7); } else if(strlen($pwd)<4){echo registerform(8); }else if(isdigitf($uid)){echo registerform(11); }else if(checknick($uid)==1){ echo registerform(12); }else if(checknick($uid)==2) { echo registerform(13); }else if(register($uid,$pwd,$usx,$bdy,$ulc)==1){ echo registerform(9); }else if(register($uid,$pwd,$usx,$bdy,$ulc)==2){ echo registerform(10); }else{echo "Registration completed successfully!<br/>"; $tolog = true; } echo "</p>"; } echo "<p align=\"center\">"; if($tolog) { echo "<a href=\"login.php?loguid=$uid&logpwd=$pwd\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>Login</a>"; }else{ echo "<a href=\"index.php\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>Home</a>"; } echo "</p></card></wml>";?> also here is a working example of the page, even if it works on your browser/device i can promise you its not working on all devices/phones as i have many phones and have checked http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as you can see its the register page so i MUST fix it FAST! Thanks in advance for any help :-)
  4. wow an joined wap/web chat thats v interesting!When i release my latest chat (which is MUCH more advanced than this script) maybe you could help me do this? And no i don't think flash chat will work on wap or i would have seen it already :-)
  5. what idiots, i hate hacking kids they just waste our and developers time. I have had a few of my sites hacked in the past and hope i have taken enough measures to make it secure now. If you can't be bothered to update your forum your lazy and an easy target :)can you please tell me where or how i can contact the fbi computer united as i have a little hacking stalker that i would love to report to them and also me and others have log files with him admitting his crimes with his ip and browser included, is that enough information. I know he lives in pta (south africa) and i know his first name. He has a big ego though and i can probably trick more details out of him if required. Its not just me he has hacked in the past and he freely admits his crimes.
  6. wow there are more wapmasters here! I bumped this topic from the very last page of this forum.Jailbox please add your file as an attachment :-) also check the toddyBOOK topic in this forum for another great book :-)
  7. o hello hotblade, i take it you can see why i don't help people on wap now? As they are rude and ungratefull eh. So... / the fact you have to upload images to the folder was CLEARLY STATED at the begining of the post
  8. wappy

    Download Script

    goth punk stop posting short non informative posts or you may be accused of spamming.Ah i forgot about smf, so you think in general it is better than phpBB? And what about the up and coming phpBB3, i was looking forward to this but i think its only for php5, which we don't have here at trap? =[
  9. the SCRIPT TAG does on work on WML/PHP wap scripts only HTML (just incase anyone didn't know this) :-)
  10. yes i don't think any themes or templates should be included as they are so simple to find and also SO SO SO many of them. BUT being a wap/mobile site builder i would love to see some wap/mobile scripts there, not that there is many good wap scripts out there that are stable. I have a massive forum/chat/games community wap script but it has many errors (trying to fix it all now). Still my eyes would light up if i saw wap scripts added :-)
  11. can you explain to me what is flash chat? And is your chat for wap/mobiles like this script? Chat without refresh.. Mmm interesting. I only really build wap scripts :-)
  12. i already said i won't ban the networks but as i said had been very tempted in the past. And yes there is alot of za people on wap bro.
  13. but did you check this one juice? It was config.php i missed out im sure? And before i posted this i re zipped it and wrote better instructions. It also has a few cache bug problems fixed hence the C on the version number :-)
  14. but bear in mind that script is for mobile/wap sites. But you could easily change the headers etc and make it work on web :-)
  15. wappy

    Download Script

    Is there a good download manager for phpBB? I found one on the homepage but the download link was broken and it said the author was no longer giving support for this mod?
  16. no i don't mind sharing it but mine needs updating. Before you post a topic or ask for code/scripts search the forum. I found the script timer come right here in this php programming forum at http://forums.xisto.com/
  17. was great all i can think of is that -stupid- banana smiley i used to use all the time and the -tea- one. I should really be doing more work on the chats again :-)
  18. The package stated above is terrible! You could probably find someone who would give you that for 5 pound a year or similar pmpl---Xisto is the best web forum i have visited yet.Every member i have spoken with seems mature and helpfull unlike alot of other sites i visit.The packages are great (but i do agree with the comment on diskspace above).The hosting and support feels like you have paid for it, and the rule system in the forums keeps them clean and easy to navigate or find what your looking for.Top job :-)
  19. if you want to ask questions about wap im happy to help but PLEASE DON'T FILL MY THREAD WITH OFF TOPIC POSTS. Here is for comments on wappyFTP script. You can click the "start new topic" in php programming and make a topic with a clear title of the wap info you require and i will post there.MODERATORS PLEASE DELETE ALL OFF TOPIC POSTS IN THIS THREAD. I HAVE SET IT TO SEND ME MAIL ON REPLY TO THIS TOPIC AND I WAS HOPING I WOULD GET QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS ON THE SCRIPT. Thanks :-)
  20. yeah true but it would save me alot of hassle lol, i have been running wap sites for a couple of years now and have had more hassle of sa people than any other country dude. Yes i would lose about 10 friends, but would also lose almost all trouble on my site. I won't do it, but anyway as i stated above i don't want to talk about this wap war style stuff here. This is my escape from all that, this forum has nice helpfull people. Not like certain other forums i won't mention.
  21. you fixed raving script? Where? Best coder on wap? Sorry but your not? Lol where is this raving fixed and uploaded i want to see? An the errors are not fixable they are huge mistakes, so huge infact that i started again from scratch with a new top list.Whats your site url i wanna see?An if you really have fixed the raving script fully you wanna share? Just uploaded 26 new scripts to my folder.But you can't go round saying you the best coder with people like ahmet, gumslone etc pmpl your funny.---o and btw check the raving script with more phones. Mine works fully on my nokia6630 or any s60, but it don't work fully on my nokia6230 or any s40. It has some real strange file format unknown errors.
  22. yeah maybe i did go over the top with the stats and maybe i will put a link to a stat page instead. I like the layout though with some centred and some not. The reason for the minimal graphics is not every one has a phone with high memory and adding more than that will lose me many visits.Wap scripts don't descriptions they have instructions if not they are just random scripts. Take a look at some other wap sites lol and maybe try with a phone not pc/opera. Also my page hit it with IE and it will take you to my WEB forums so i don't lose traffic in this way.I can't really tell what the web site looks like as well as you on pc but i think the wap site is nice looking, and have seen much worse. Also i think an average of 600 hits a day is not too bad for 26 days open? With only one ranking advert?Thanks for your comments :-)
  23. yes toddy he will be because when dj.dumb uploaded my script to gumslone's site he assumed i used the original sql.. So he posted the ugly monkey sql not my sql ho ho ho ho. :-) also that script is rubbish. I made a few mistakes and am working on a new toplist for my site which will be much better. Enjoy trying to fix my errors and GOOD LUCK ha ha :-)
  24. hi people :-) please take a look at my sites and give me your opinion/suggestions, but please bear in mind im very new to building web sites so my main site is a WAP SITE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (you can see instructions to view wap sites in my sig, to get opera wap/web browser for your pc visit http://www.opera.com/). My web site is very new and just forums which i plan to mod further later http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/forum hope you like them :-)
  25. im not really sure bro. I got alot of my scripts from friends etc. I visit gumslone's web forums once in a while but its full of the same nasty idiots i try my best to avoid so i just download every new script and get out as fast as i can.There is a serious lack of wap developers which is why i have made many of my own scripts. Or try grabbing a really old or crude script and updating it yourself. Like i did with mobillichat. When i started it had about 24 files in the script but now my chat has 209 (i think) or more files. If you just work feature by feature you can learn most things on php.net :-)
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