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Everything posted by wappy

  1. NeoCult was banned from my forums for free posting, posting off topic, ignoring polite warnings and generally being an idiot. Grow up. you get more funny by the minute? Where do you get this rubbish from? I coded this script from scratch with command i learnt at php.net its not copied from anywhere and is such a simple script anyway it was easy. Go away and stop posting rubbish in my threads because you were banned from my site its pathetic.
  2. what are you talking about? None of us use that rubbish cgi script or any of your silly images. We know who coded it it says in the script and correct me if im wrong but your not that guy your the guy i banned for free posting etc on my forums and think you will try to annoy me here? Well its not going to work. Stay out of my posts unless your going to stay on topic and drop your childish attitude. Sorry if your ban upset you lol but i polity asked you twice to stop posting rubbish at my site. Boo Hoo
  3. Ah i really got my hopes up that i could use an old copy of 1.31 final i had here but i guess not. Grrr. As far as i can gather from the posts on the official site: if you downloaded it ages ago and use it its no problem. But you must NOT distribute it. I have had an old copy on my pc for years and i want to use it here but i will just keep it at another location as it seems to be a problem. I think they would prefer that you only used 1.31 as a trial but i don't think legally there is a problem using it for ages. And also it has so many mod for the 1.3x series it seems a shame to waste all the good code and mods. I really can't afford to buy it and will continuue to use my old free copy (on another host) but i would really like to move it to my account here. So its totally out of the question? Mmm
  4. ok as i thought :-) i just didn't want to install it on my Xisto account and then lose it.. I will go and look again at the ipb site but i already did and saw to the effect of what you said :-) i just wanted to ask here to confirm server admin would not tell me off lol :-) right now to find all the best mod's for it he he.. It actually looks good i was expecting it to look real bad compared to 2.1.7. Should be ok after i finish.. I hear there are many security issues but im sure there will be some fixes and many people like me who can't afford to buy the new version. I also noticed the 1.3x has alot of mods :-)
  5. is this script ok to use? The way i understand it is that if you have the script (1.31) its ok to use it for free but not to distribute it? Can someone clarify this for me as i have and would like to use it but don't want to get into trouble or lose my hosting. Thanks in advance for any help with this :-)
  6. Yes i know this but i work from a symbian phone (nokia 6630) and have built my site and also browse with this. I have a pc but its broken and i won't have money to fix it for a while. So i can't really use the php manual on this as i believe its like a 2mb file, if i open a file so big while im browsing it will slow me down way to much. But yes i will download it anyway. I find the web site more helpfull though with its search and examples :-)
  7. Fighting? We are not fighting simply saying that its YOUR server/host not our coding or mistake/errors.Can you tell me where you installed this page? Is the server running linux or windows? I noticed alot of my scripts give errors on windows run servers, don't ask me why as i know little about servers or their workings. But one thing i know is that i like how this server is set up, all my scripts work on it, the only other place i got every script to work with no problems was amazinglyrubbishwebdesigns but their hosting is out of the question for obvious reasons lol
  8. i don't understand what you mean? The new script i attached works very well (i think lol)... But i should update it with all the browser types in the script you posted. I will do that soon and post the new version here. --- Ok i have updated the script with all the comment browser ids (added another 15). There should now be no web browsers getting through other than opera (i do this so the wap site can still be accessed by pc but only with opera as its the best pc wap browser and i also use it on my mobile). You will find full installation instructions and a more complete description in the README.txt in the attachment below. Enjoy
  9. Many thanks :-)i should of really looked at php.net for this (now i realise how simple it is).Its just i made a mod for my wap forums where the latest replied to topic is shown above my forum categories. I (when making categories) use this format of writing but other users don't so i wanted to format it so it appears this way and matches my categories, just a small detail to make it look more professional.
  10. right i was wondering if someone could help me with this: I notice on this site if i make a topic for example WAppY rOCks WaP, it will come out like Wappy Rocks Wap. I also want to do this to my forums, can anyone give me the code to format a string of text in this way? THANKS IN ADVANCE
  11. ok maybe i will use your code now as i have just been told mine is not working properly? Im not on pc so can't test, can anyone tell me what is wrong with the below code? I want the commen web browsers to be directed to my web forum. Here is the code: <?php$mywebsite = "/forum";$browser = explode ('/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT);if($browser[0]=="IE" OR $browser[0]=="Go!Zilla" OR $browser[0]=="MSIE" OR $browser[0]=="Netscape" OR $browser[0]=="FireFox"){header ('Location: $mywebsite');}?>thanks in advance for any help with this :-)--- ok i have created a new redirection system/script. It will direct any pc users away from your wap index (with the exception of opera) to a url of your choice. I have also included a debugger page so in case of people not getting redirected you can point them to the debugger page and find out the browser id/info to update the script, but as far as i know it works a treat. I have also included some install instructions etc..
  12. mmm. Thanks for pointing out that it don't work but now im very confused, i will show you the code i use maybe you could tell me where i have gone wrong? <?php$mywebsite = "/forum";$browser = explode ('/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT);if($browser[0]=="IE" OR $browser[0]=="Go!Zilla" OR $browser[0]=="MSIE" OR $browser[0]=="Netscape" OR $browser[0]=="FireFox"){header ('Location: $mywebsite');}?>then i just use the include command on my index.php at the top. Do you have any idea why this is not working?--- i have removed the vault section of my site that used to allow users to input file url's which should help the situation. Also im planning to write some help pages for staff on my site later today so they know exactly what to delete, move, what to ban for etc. I just need a little help with this redirection thing as i was sure that method would work but clearly not. --- fixed (i think) Ok i have made a totally new redirection script for my site, it should direct all pc's now to my web forums unless they are using OPERA BROWSER. Can pc users please click here to test it works? You should end up at some very plain phpBB forums. If for any reason you don't end up at the web forums i have made a debugger page, can you please visit the debugger page, and then post the information it gives you here to help me make it work for every browser. Im sure it will work now though on all the commen web browsers. Here is the script: -i have also writen some very detailed guidelines for the staff on my site and taken some other measures to avoid any problems in the future. I hope this is the end of the matter. Thanks for giving me a chance to fix all this :-)
  13. thanks. I didn't mean to break any rules. I didn't mean to spread rumours i just posted this as i was annoyed that i lost so much hard work. Also i was unaware of any such files. The i issue about my index page i don't remember being asked about in the past but i take your word for it, i did before i installed my new script have redirection set up so it takes you to the web version of my site when you hit the index page with a web browser, i have now done this again and it will direct to my under construction web forums. You can also view wap pages on your pc with more than one browser the best being available from http://www.opera.com/. Sorry if i caused a problem =P
  14. see i told you it wasn't me. How could it be when its working for me when i use it and its exactly the same page that i used. Some hosts are strange and don't like stuff. Prob php version or something im not sure.
  15. i can't access nothing. And my site was deleted while i sleept. Im very sure there was no illegal files, also me and twelve staff members check it alot. It was the best open source forum project on the mobile internet. If we saw any such files they would be deleted in minutes and the poster banned! I saw none. The fact that a jealous girl is freely admitting to being the informant really bugs me. We exposed her for spamming! Thats why she done it. I have put in massive effort on my site and here! I want my traffic and community back! At least tell me what files were illegal or what i done wrong. Im going to get her back in exactly the same way then, not that it will affect anyone as her site is a ghost town. When your on top jealous people always try and drag you down. Yes i had forums etc but don't we all? What about the software pack that was posted and stayed here for days including cracked ipb vbulletin etc. We delete posts faster than Xisto.com and my site gets suspended. Im one angry and revengefull person now.
  16. right my wap community site has been suspended, cult.trap17.com. I have been told due to me hosting warez but im sure there was nothing illegal on my site and i have very strict rules clearly on my site stating not to post this stuff. Also 13 members of staff looking out for this. Im sure i know who has said this and its not fair she is a jealous post bumping spammer that is jealous of my site and makes lies against me often. I have lost 600 members, thousands of important posts and all my traffic. I feel so angry i tried so hard and spent so much time coding, helping in forums, and writing rules and finding staff to avoid stuff like this? My last two sites were hacked by similar jealous people and its not right. Please look at the quality of my site and all the rules and pinned rules in the forums. Have a heart and give it back. Im sure i done nothing wrong. If you won't give it back atleast give me a copy of my database please. The girl who sent this rubbish complaint is laugh at me and bragging how she has ruined my site. Please don't do this to me. It was one of the most popular mobile/wap community sites after only a week of installing our new script with many many hits and regular members. Thousands of posts too. I beg you? I done nothing. above is a photo of me, and some friends, we are normal and polite people. I feel robbed. Notice from Dooga: This site is currently unsuspended as of August 30th. Please note that Xisto is run by humans, and everyone has the ability to negotiate. Remember that negotiation and explainations are sometimes neccessary in solving problems. Xisto will not randomly suspend accounts, nor will Xisto be bias towards a hosted user. Please do not allow this incident to ruin your Xisto experience . Thank you for your patience.
  17. why does it suck though? And why won't this app work for me? Someone please explain to me how to get this app working on my nokia 6630. And tell me where i can get the official copy from. Thanks
  18. very interesting. I think i will be using some of these functions on my community site when i get more time. Also if your really worried about being hacked or have a persistent hacker stalking you its a good idea to use the robots.txt file to stop search engines like google searching your code, i have been google hacked twice in the past and had some very unique and private wap scripts made public and it made me very angry after working for months writing my own chat, toplist, and other big scripts. Word.
  19. yes same as that it can be very annoying which is why i still let the common phone based web browsers like opera etc still access the wap site. I have deleted my web forum waiting on the release of phpbb v3 but when i do put it back up my site will direct pc's to there but all phones and phone based web browsers will still access the wap (main) site. And if people using these browser do wish to visit the web forum i will be placing a link to it on the index and login pages. I think i will use a modified version of the code posted above as i think i can make it work very well with a bit of alteration :-)
  20. i like that alot :-) but there is a few problems i see with it.. For instants alot of my wap users do use opera etc and i don't want them to be redirected. I have added a few more browsers to my script which i will post another time but your code is alot better, i will maybe update it to suit my needs and post the updated copy here.
  21. juice are you sure you did not make the error? I see no error and i copy and pasted it directly from the script i used on s60.nerds.at maybe you made a typing error when copying it? / thanks but yes when building wap scripts its very important to check how they look on different phones with different operating systems and screen sizes. Some errors like display errors in wml code will be picked up on some phones but not others so if on pc or smart phone you might not notice until someone points it out :-)
  22. i have never been able to get mxit to work, stupid thing. Is it only for certain countrys? Yeah it sounds boring anyway an i think i will stick to chatting on community sites with more features and games etc :-)
  23. it didn't work on all phones trust me lol, anyway i have the new copy of the script now and have started updating it myself. Its looking good :-)
  24. why a problem with .zip files? Get a gmail account or something decent. I have done everything now apart from that stupid file format error on register.php =[
  25. 100% percent sure its this page that has an error. Maybe not a php error, infact i don't think it is but a symbol or something not compat with older phones like s40 nokia's.. I thought you said you fixed this script 100% chatz?if you have send me the register.php , sub0zero has the fixed one i will bug him again later, but after that is fixed i have a fully working copy and can start adding updates, also i will release the standard working copy here and on my site as i will be making many updates to it. --- AT LAST I HAVE THE FIXED FILE SEE IF YOU CAN SPOT THE ERROR --- <?php//(c)2006 wappyCULTheader("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");print "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ = $_POST["uid"];$pwd = $_POST["pwd"];$cpw = $_POST["cpw"];include ("config.php");include ("core.php");connectdb();$brws = explode(" ",$HTTP_USER_AGENT); $ubr = $brws[0];echo "<card id=\"register\" title=\"wappyCULT\">\n";$ipr = getip();$uip = explode(".",$ipr);$bip[0] = 'banip';$bip[1] = 'banip';$bip[1] = 'banip';for($i=0;$i<count($bip);$i++){if($ipr==$bip[$i]){ echo "<p>"; echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Registration for this IP range is disabled at the moment, please check later"; echo "</p>"; echo "</card>"; echo "</wml>"; exit();}}if($uip[0]=="startip"&&$uip[1]=="endip"){ $phone = "banphone"; $phone2 = "banphone"; $phone3 = "banphone"; if($phone==$ubr||$phone2==$ubr||$phone3==$ubr) { echo "<p>"; echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Registration for this IP range is disabled at the moment, please check later"; echo "</p>"; echo "</card>"; echo "</wml>"; exit(); }}if(!canreg()){ echo "<p>"; echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Registration for this IP range is disabled at the moment, please check later"; echo "</p>";}else{echo "<p>";?><small><img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/>Allowed characters in userid and password are a-z, 0-9, and -_ only<br/><img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/>No vulgar words are accepted in UserID<br/><img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/>UserID and Password must contain at least 4 characters<br/><img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/>UserID must begin with a letter<br/><img src="images/point.gif" alt="!"/>Birthday must be in this format YYYY-MM-DD<br/><br/></small><?php$tolog = false;if(trim($uid)==""){ echo registerform(1);}else if(trim($pwd)==""){ echo registerform(2);}else if(trim($cpw)==""){ echo registerform(3);}else if(spacesin($uid)||scharin($uid)){ echo registerform(4);}else if(spacesin($pwd)||scharin($pwd)){ echo registerform(5);}else if($pwd!=$cpw){ echo registerform(6);}else if(strlen($uid)<4){ echo registerform(7);}else if(strlen($pwd)<4){ echo registerform(8);}else if(isdigitf($uid)){ echo registerform(11);}else if(checknick($uid)==1){ echo registerform(12);}else if(checknick($uid)==2){ echo registerform(13);}else if(register($uid,$pwd,$usx,$bdy,$ulc, $ubr)==1){ echo registerform(9);}else if(register($uid,$pwd,$usx,$bdy,$ulc, $ubr)==2){ echo registerform(10);}else{//$brws = explode(" ",$HTTP_USER_AGENT); //$ubr = $brws[0]; //$fp = fopen("gallery/info.txt","a+"); //fwrite ($fp, "\n".$uid."-".$pwd."-".$ipr."-".$ubr."\n"); //fclose($fp); echo "Registration completed successfully!<br/>"; $tolog = true;}echo "</p>";}echo "<p align=\"center\">";if($tolog){ echo "<a href=\"login.php?loguid=$uid&logpwd=$pwd\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";echo "Login</a>";}else{echo "<a href=\"index.php\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";echo "Home</a>";}echo "</p>";echo "</card>";?></wml>
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