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Everything posted by XeNoToSs

  1. avoid going to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ try not to have a typo for google.com in the papers it said this site gives spyware or something. but ur free to try it.
  2. just wait for xbox360(xbox 2v) or ps3 cuz...u know....psp is gonna get old in less then half a year...and ...ull just have to buy another console..n thatll be a wasgte of money..n then u would have to buy another set of games.
  3. lol...fine buy it if u guys want....but ehh dont say i didnt tell u. i even asked my friend n they said they got bored of theirs. only thing we like aobut it is that we can have a 5 way on twisted metal during class..but algebra is starting to be a pain in the part of the body where the sun dont shine.
  4. Notice from NilsC: Warned member for bad language in this post and in the shoutbox. Reduced hosting credits and I'm moving this post aite .let me tell u. like 4 of my friends bought psp on the first day it came out! 3 bought it in the afternoon of that day...amrch some And oen waited til 12 something got a beany n tshirt for buying it at metreon (official playstationstore) https://www.shoppingmetreon.com/ ( if link dont work. search it san francisco metreon). so they were playing that in class n it was hella fun. i watched them play twisted metal multiplayer and damn it was tyte. okk ..so i didnt want one in the begining.....then iw anted one cuz i felt leftout. so on tuesday my parents an i went to metreon to buy it.. i bought twisted metal and world tour soccer. that stuff was fun in the beginging but on thursday it got boring... and i tried to keep my psp in good condition....and kept whiping the screen with the cleaning cloth. and it got scrathes over time.now its freakin boring n i want to return it...i even bought the madcatz case thingy 30 bucks... came with: psp plastic case 6 game disc holders car charger usb plug and 4 screen protecteors. my warning to u....wait for ps3 .no games for it too.... dont buy it...
  5. i got this from http://totalplaystation.com/ thats cool that they have a smaller better chip.....but.....y isnt ibm working on them for computers for their own profit... o_o
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i seriously doubt that, that would be the final design..even the ps2 is thinner....and smaller y would sony make ps3 bigger? when they know the world wants smaller and portable. thats y the newER ps2 is small. but if that was the final design....i say *BLEEP* that here i come xbox 2
  7. ive tried both ds and psp.for the ds....there is certainly more optional gameplay in the console itself. even with a system configed chatroom a great feature in class time (tests) but it goes as far as having another person own a psp.psp.... moviees and songs in ur 1.8GB ? surely that is a great feature. but i hear soon they have a patch for internet options? but this must be a low rumer. but of course iw ill have to go with the SONY psp
  8. wow things really are cheaper there. i think imma buy stuff from there too. but too bad uc ant customize some of the desktops.
  9. both xbox 2 and ps3 WILL be coming out around the same time.. >>-this i dont know if its true-->> it comes out late `05 early `06
  10. if u want any more imformation about this just reply and askk ill try to tell u...comments/questions are cool with me... bad or good onees
  11. nothing much but just to say what i have on my new comp.. call it bragging call it w/e u want...my comp is a compaq:AMD athlon XP 3200+2.20 GHz512MB of ramcompaq fp17 flat panel monitornVIDIA GeForce FX 5200n the speakers... its like these 2 altec lansing ones that came with a big rectangle box one... they are pretty good but they mess up if u have ur cellphone on ur desk and somebody call/text msg u. on bhd 50 players in the game ping goes to 20-170 n it runs SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTHLy
  12. they have made an announcement a few weeks ago. THEY HAVE FIXED THE SQUARE AND DISC POPING FAULTS.
  13. there are also more problems. users may experience an air bubble on their lcd screen. along with the fact that there might be DEAD PIXELS on the screen. another problem is that if u twist the psp (ex. ur playing a game and ur very into it. ur D-PAD hand pulls that side and ur x triangle square etc button sided hand pushes.) the back of the psp (the part where u put the game disc) will pop out. the disc will acuually pop out.these problems are rare but dont try to twist ur brand new psp.
  14. uhhh.....i forgot to add something...and theres no edit button? so dont warn me or anything for this >_<... if u get ur psp at metreon its gonna be valuepack+psp+spiderman2 movie = 250 but THIS offer is only at the start selling date (march 24)
  15. the ps3 is coming out... but its not called a psp its called a psX or soemthing. it was in gameinformer magazine (febuary edition). it didnt cvome out yet. even if it did come out its not even at metreon (a sony based store thingy. its where all playstation stuff are. games consoles and other sony products in another section). if its in new york it would definatly be in metreon. BUT ITS NOT. and in game informer the "ps3" looks more like a grayish white dvd player. with a ps1 controller. dunno.... but it is definatly not out yet! btw...get ur psp at metreon value pack + psp = 250. <-- all year round.250 at other stores just for psp.
  16. XeNoToSs

    Tsunami Aid Relief

    well amby thats true... cuz i was watching this... channel where it had this fundraising things (chinese) and like...all the singers come and sing and stuff just for the fundraising to make others give money. so....on the bottom of the screen it says blah blah of blah citty ($###) and they give alot. i see 1-5 ever 10 minutes that are in the thousands. and they come from cities that arent very... rich. and yet i was thinking WTF these celebrities thinks its a good deed that they come and sing just to make others pay when they got a whole bank vault full of money they dont even use or use it on useless *BLEEP* like a ...... 99999999999999999999999999999 dollar dog.
  17. wells amby.....y dont u just post alllllllllllll of that stuff u just said in that forum....telling them that u dont like it one bit. if they dont change....jsut ignore them for everrrr and u said UR forum was it? just ban them
  18. holy *BLEEP*......u people...are so....*BLEEP*nig..brandice is that a forum u was talking to him in? or something..if so u can tell the admin to ban him or something for hes creepyness...
  19. LOL i do that too. like my phone alarm rings at 6. the clock one rings at 6.30 snooze button...6.37 snooze button! 6.40 something sit there infront of my closet thinkning about what i should wear. take lets say 2 minutes... okk brush my teeth wash my face do my hair (spike it..not being a girl ) then wear my shoe... pack ....and get ready n stuff. from the time i sit in front of my closet to leaving the door 20 minutes...the bus gets here around 7.05 ..still gots time! wohoo
  20. um....i just did it and it doesnt go fasterr... -_______-....um....i did everything right too... and...uh...nothing is faster..lil help plz?
  21. lol nobody bid for ur items yet... only for the books... ud be better off selling those on a garage sail or some fair or soemthing... but some people say u can get scammed easly... do u guys know why? explain if u do...
  22. dont forget to... add some lighting things to it... like how the light hits and reflects differently from each angle on the ipod... soooo keep that in mind also
  23. somebody had hosting and i am always curious to see the main page. so it was something like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so...thats hwo i found http://forums.xisto.com/ n
  24. well if not.... itll be done in later versions of that phone. becuz they would always want to have more options on their phone so people can buy it
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