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Everything posted by dyknight

  1. It is probably syntax. Here is what I suggest: Open up Firefox, go to tools-> Javascript console and hit "Clear". Then open your page and test the script. Then open up the Javascript console again and see what are the errors. Hope this helps. Paste the error reports here. Anyway, Javascript uses soft-typing. So if (sth == ""){} is the same as if (sth){} because null translates to false.
  2. Is the world coming to an end? Is there more pandemonium today than ever before in history?The Iraq war, the Timor Leste insurgency, the Congo civil war, the Thailand political crisis, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the Japan-NorthKorea-US tension, the Bird Flu, the SARS, the Hurricane Katrina, and, they all seem to point the world in one direction: self-destruction.Why is there so much more fighting in a modern world that champions globalisation, peace and diplomacy? Why is there so much more diseases and natural disasters? Is it God, or is it us?
  3. yea yea...isn't funny when you start to think about what you are made up of? You start from your body systems, then to the tissues, cells, then you come to wonder: how does a combination of these result in intelligence?During fertilization, the sperm fuses with the egg and forms a zygote. This single cell then develops into us. At which point during development does thinking actually start? When the brain cells are formed, they seem only to exist as a machinery to allow thinking to start place. What starts the machine?If atoms and molecules are capable of producing intelligence, then can bacteria "think"?Is it God or cross-dimensional conspiracy?
  4. No offence, but I beg to differ. A world without religion is a science world. Yes. A science world so people would have more logical ideas. No. Religion causes people to have illogical ideas. No. Logic, I reckon, can only happen when people are in the correct state of mind. When people let the head rule the heart and not the other way round. Does being entirely scientific allow people to have perfectly logical ideas? There will definitely be times where even the scientist loses control of emotions and turns irrational and illogial. Human beings are, after all, not robots, but living and thinking creatures with emotions and impulses. Moreover, contrary to your point, religion helps people to generate logical ideas. Many a times one may have criminal impulses, but religion causes one to control oneself and step back from the verge of offence. Guilt, resulting from religion, also brings about resent and remorse, allowing rehabilation. Even in a modern world of today, religion is used to counsel ex-offenders and prisoners.
  5. Good morning everyone. I recently came across this new barcode known as QR code. Popularly used in Japan, it is a martix code or 2-dimensional barcode. QR (Quick Response) is specially created for fast encoding and decoding and boasts of larger storage than the normal barcode. "QR Code is open in the sense that the specification of QR Code is disclosed and that the patent right owned by Denso Wave is not exercised."from the Denso-Wave website. In Japan, firms store advertising information such as shop addresses in QR codes and print them on their advertisements. Consumers who wish to copy down the information no longer need to type or write; they use camera phones to take a picture and decode the QR using downloaded software. A web-based QR code encoder is available here: http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ Hanphone Java decoder is available here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_Code
  6. Wow...I thought I was a weirdo until I saw this thread.I have been thinking about this since I was 10, and I still get headaches. I thought I was the only one then. However, my thoughts are slightly different from yours. I do not think of what people agree about or decide about when they see something (like this blue-green colour and he says it is geen but I say this is blue), but I think of what they perceive when they see something. It is kinda hard to bring across, but I think it is the same with what Nitefell has in the first post.Ok, there is this colour. I perceive it green. But another guy comes. He says it is green as well. Now my soul leaves my body and enters his. As I look through his eyes, will I see the same green? Or will I see another colour? Another colour, maybe blue to me, but because this guy has been taught that blue is green and he says it green, because that colour is named as green. Like what if this is the same for everything else? Like I see it like this, you see it like that, but we think we see the same thing, because we were taught that the "thing" we saw was to be refered to as a particular name. Not the mental opinon but the physical qualities. What is we have different dimensional perceptions?
  7. The world won't be better without religion. People need some form of spiritual support. Something to turn to when all else fails. Something to give them hope when they struggle in the hours of darkness and the shackles of despair. The poor pray. The ill pray. The needy pray. It gives these people a sense of hope which would otherwise have been non-existent without religion. It is what makes people hold on till the last minute. Imagine what would have happened if the family members of the victims at the 9/11 attacks didn't have Jeus Christ to turn to. Imagine the despair, the sense of loss. Belief, I say, can be a strong source of strength. Of course it would be difficult to debunk that fact that many wars in history started because of religion. However, does this necessary mean that a world without religion will be a world without wars? Definitely no. It must also be noted that religion has also played a part in avoiding wars and promoting diplomacy. When interviewed by TIME, Imelda Marcos, wife of former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, said the following in response to the question on how she negotiated with Gaddafi to stop Libya's backing for the separatist Moro National Liberation Front in Mindanao: It can thus be concluded that it is presumptous to dismiss religion as useless in today's world.
  8. Good morning everyone. Have you ever wondered how to allow your visitors to edit content on your blog? Like adding a post straight off the page, adding a link, editing your profile etc. This will be extremely useful if you want your visitors to contribute to your blog besides writing comments or tagging. 1. Adding a post straight off the page. Go to blogger.com, login, select your blog. Go to settings -> email. By enabling blog email, you can now add a post by simply sending an email to the address you specified. The address should look something like: yourusername.secretpass@blogger.com Now open up a text editor, and paste this code (note the italics): <?php/******************************************* This script sends an email to Blogger to post on blogspot.com Called by: form on blogspot.com*********************************************/ $subject = $_POST["subject"]; $headers = $_POST["author"]; $message = $_POST["message"]." ".$headers; $email = "[i]enter your blogger email here. make sure it is in the inverted commas[/i]"; mail($email,$subject,$message); header ("location: [i]enter your blogspot address here. make sure you add http:// before the address[/i]"); ?> Save the above file as a php file.Upload the php file on a server that supports php, such as Xisto dot net. Go to blogger templates, and paste the following code (note the italics) where you want the form to appear: <form action="[i]enter your php script URL here[/i]" method="post" name="post"> <table> <tr> <td><label>Author</label></td> <td><input type="text" name="author" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Subject</label></td> <td><input type="text" name="subject" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Post</label></td> <td><textarea name="message"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Post!" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> Tada! Now your visitors can use the form to add a post. The form wil call your php script, which will send an email to blogger and redirect back to your page. 2. Changing content. For this tutorial, I will use "Links" as an example. The script will let user add links to your 'links' section. Go to blogger template and paste the following code to create a links section. Do not put anything inside the div: <div id="links></div> Now open up a text editor and paste the following (note the italics): <?php /********************************************* This script appends to the javascript links.js Called by: form on blogspot.com Calls: links.js *********************************************///open file$quotefile = fopen ("links.js",a);flock ($quotefile,LOCK_EX);//get contents$time = "<h3>".$_POST["time"]."<br>";$title = $_POST["title"]."</h3>";$quote = str_replace ("","<br>",$_POST["quote"])."<br>";$msg = "quotes = quotes + \"".$time.$title.$quote."\";";//writefwrite ($quotefile, $msg);//closeflock ($quotefile, LOCK_UN);fclose ($quotefile);header("location: [i]enter your page address here. don't forget the http://[/i]");?>'>http://[/i]");?> Save as a php file.Next use the text editor again to create a file: // JavaScript Documentvar quotes = "[i]enter your formatting here. e.g. <h1>links</h1>[/i]"; Save as links.js.Upload both files to your server. Go to blogger template, add the following at the top of the script, within the head tag: <script type="text/javascript" src="[i]enter the address of links.js. Make sure you have the http://[/i]"></script>'>http://[/i]"></script> Add this to the body: <form action="[i]enter the address of your php script. Make sure you have the http://[/i]" method="post" name="post"> <table> <tr> <td><label>Date/Time</label></td> <td><input type="text" name="time" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Title</label></td> <td><input type="text" name="title" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Quote</label></td> <td><textarea name="quote"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Add!" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> Now, go to the end of the html, and add this before closing the body tag: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">//print quotesvar printTo = document.getElementById('links');printTo.innerHTML = quotes;</script> And you are done. The form will call for the php script, which will append to links.js. The html will load links.js and the variable quotes. The last script in the html will get the div "links" and write the contents of the string quotes to the innerHTML.
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