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Posts posted by MusicOnly

  1. hahahaha, good one!it will only help you because you will get profit from clicks and people wont probably find anything interesting on that sites! oh, did i messed your plans? you wanted to get easy money by running some poor looking site with a lots of ads on it? wrong forum you picked for selling nothing! i have seen a lots of that people who are just like you! they never break the magic line of 5 posts. only use t17 for advertising... i am really sick and tired of this!your chance! post your payment proof from that sites that help you make $4000/month which are listed on your site and i will apologize and edit this post!

  2. I've searched scripts like this but I didn't find them I tried joomla and mambo but thes can only post articles but can't let the members or visitors to put comments on it.

    i am afraid that you are wrong! as you can see on my site, people can comment on my site and my site is joomla powered! how can they do that? simply i installed component called jomcomment!

    i guess you wasnt searching enough!

  3. Well i am reading my email on Gmail.com and i dont use any program. probably because i had problems with outlook and from that day i hate mail reading apps.. but you know what!? i ll try thunderbird because i am using firefox and i am very happy with it so i guess thunderbird is also great piece of software!

  4. hello, i am having problems with my site.
    i cant access my site if i type www prefix. it works fine without www.
    i contacted my domain provider and they said that this is your problem!

    that is the issue with your hosting provider not with us. They have badly configured zone for your domain at their nameservers. Explain your problem to them, they will definetely fix it.

    Let us know if there is anything else.

  5. Hello!
    I dont even know how much times i have tried to build this site... well, i dont know why but i did it again :lol:
    Content is coming soon, but the most important thing right now is layout. so please tell me what do you think about my banner, color scheme and other things.
    I would appreciate you to be hard on me because i know how to deal with comments!

    Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    i created banner myself :lol:

  6. lol I don't know how you are going to continue with your major as Computer Technician if you want only 20 minutes a day on the computer but I hope things work out for you there and play on.

    i also dont know how will i manage to do this, but for now its working. today is my 8 day of being non addicted! it was very hard in the beginning but now it s completely normal. thanks for your support!

  7. Hello my dear friends!Well last few weeks i was going through really hard time. Maybe you have seen mine discussion about my cousin who stopped playing guitar. He was my idol.. so last few weeks i was thinking about myself as an artist and as an guitar player. Do i want to continue playing? Is this worth of the time i spend playing? Believe it or not YouTube helped me solve this problem. I saw one guy who plays guitar amazingly and suddenly i realized that this is it. music is my life and i have to continue playing guitar.. To get more time to practice i stopped being addicted to one thing! This is worse than a cocaine or anything similar! I am no more addicted to INTERNET and computers.. usually i spend around 3 hours on Internet and now i am only for 20 minutes a day! Just to check my mail and my friends here on trap. This is great feeling because i now have more time to practice and for myself..but the funniest thing is that i am going in school for computer technician:DCheers!(20 min for today are over)

  8. Hello Sdteam and welcome to Xisto.com! I know you will enjoy your stay because i am here for few months and i can say that it s wonderful. A lot of members with different aspects of life... You like music? Well just look at my name and you will probably notice that i am also big music lover. I play guitar for almost three years and i know i wont stop playing it ever! I cant stop thinking about guitars, music and me playing in front of people. as a result of daydreaming i get bad grades in school but this isn`t gonna stop me. my parents are support to me and they understand me. whenever i need anything for my guitar they give me the money to get it.do you play any instrument? Thanks and remember:::..Enjoy creating the music..::

  9. how are things going? is everything ok?well sduke, are you done with my effect layout? i just wanted to see how is it going!I know i may be pushing this to fast but at least i would like to see "sketch". Unless you aren`t interested in designing layout for me. if you aren`t please write it here, i wont blame you, but if you cant i would like to find someone else who can do this for me. thanks

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