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Everything posted by Someone

  1. There is: enter you ip adrress, this mean trap ip ? I entered trap ip adrress and this is the meessage wait for few minutes The DNS record for smartportal.cjb.net has been updated to point to Also I need Mail Server DNS Server (I have entered ns1.trap17.com) Please help thanks
  2. Do you know that everyone from other countries like croatia and so this mean NOT USA/Canada etc. have only 2mb and no 250 but then you have no ads! Really interesting so we have registered under Florida and we have 250 mb it's nice I use gmail also and is true is much faster, space is not the biggest advantage I have never used more than 20mb
  3. the problem is that my c++ builder compiler was to old, form 1997 :Pall exmples works in dev c++ But now I have questionHot should I link some file I mean if someone click on about then browser open a txt file for example and how should I define new page, if I don't use tabs because I don't know how, this mean that then browser will open another exe like in IEthanks
  4. Where should I change this dns if I register uni.cc domain, and if I change this mean that domain.trap17.com will not work? Then will I need to change all paths in forum an portal? I really don't know how with that, please explainthanks
  5. Morrowind is an EXCELLENT RPG < yes it is but you should try warcraft as you say with some patches is one of the best games and EverQuest 2 is good
  6. Probably because xp sucks microsoft have many enemies (hackers) because they have to many money while linux is open source and is created from side of hackers
  7. I recommend mk portal mambo portal and phpWS, php nuke have problems with creating new pages and links so I recommend those above :PYou have many modules for all of them, php nuke 7.6 is not free and this sucks because is not so god mambo is much better and mk portal but it's your choice xoops is not bad but have same "problems" like php nuke with linking and new pages, you can create only modules
  8. I have tried "programs" like hello world but I get erro with getchar or if I use with namespace! I don0t know what to do, I can't do anything ! Should I use visual c++ or other c++ I get same problems with dev c++, please help I must know why is that
  9. I don't have any bugs if you have just use linux or use windows 98 is better and is much stable I use winxp professional and linux suse linux is better back to xp sp2 no bugs beacuse I don't use it to much But I have some problems with IE my IE was gone for now and I can't find it but I don't need it
  10. Yes and suse is easy for install, feudora as well, If you have those linux on dvd there are no problems with instalation, you don't have to insert on cd then another and so because debian have 9 cd-s this is really many cd-s and you can have it on one dvd http://www.mojcd.com/ you can get any linux for about 7$ but this page is in croatian langugage so...30 kn is about 5$ but 2$ are shipping B)1 kn is 6.5 $ so you can calculate
  11. There are just problems with host it will be soon fixed, I have same problems, don't create nothing, in fact I can't get in my phpmy admin so I don't have to worry
  12. Ok I am glad that is not problem with me or that I have do some errors :DWhy don't you add some ANNOUNCEMENTS in ANNOUNCEMENTS subforum, it's empty but there should be such things B)Thanks on the answer
  13. I speak Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Slovenian (they are almost the same) and English, I have learned German but I don't know anything some wordsIch bin PetarIch lebe in KroatiaI know some words, in fact I understand gramatic very well
  14. I don't know if pes4 hase been released but if is what you think about this game, pes3 has been great and much better than fifa 2005 and I know that pes 4 is much better :PI think that the game is "old" released few months ago, if is not, my mistake I don't play games so often but I would like....
  15. It's seems that all my databases don't work, I can't login In phpmyadmin and whenever I want to acces forum or portal I get message that there are problems with database, i hope that is this beacause of the host and that will be soon fixed because my forum and portal have worked today but now....
  16. Opera is faster, I use opera 8.0 beta and I must say that is fast but firefox is much stable so I really can't choose what to use so I creatin own browser but I have so many problems, encoding, font many pages don't want to open and so on, if someone wants to help me just contact me please I need help, c++ (builder) is language that I use and because I am new in this langugage I have many problems, pascal is easier
  17. I can really say that browser that I have created sucks, I don't know how to create uncoding, font, should I use windows font from windows directory or what? Almost all pages don't want to open corectly or don't want at all, please help, I need to solve uncoding file-new pagefile save pageand sodownload ofkorsplease give me some examples of doing this just a few one thanks this is the code: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//Broko Browser Created by Someone(SmartPortal)//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <vcl\vcl.h>#pragma hdrstop#include "main.h"#include "DocSrc.h"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma resource "*.dfm"TForm1 *Form1;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner){}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TForm1::HTML1EndRetrieval(TObject *Sender){ CancelBtn->Enabled = True;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TForm1::HTML1BeginRetrieval(TObject *Sender){ CancelBtn->Enabled = True;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TForm1::Exit1Click(TObject *Sender){ Close();}//---------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TForm1::DocumentSource1Click(TObject *Sender){ DocSourceFrm->Show(); DocSourceFrm->Memo1->Lines->Clear(); DocSourceFrm->Memo1->Lines->Add(HTML1->SourceText); DocSourceFrm->Memo1->SelStart = 0; SendMessage((HWND)DocSourceFrm->Memo1->Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TForm1::CancelBtnClick(TObject *Sender){ HTML1->Cancel("test"); CancelBtn->Enabled = True;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TForm1::GoButtonClick(TObject *Sender){ if(URLs->Items->IndexOf(URLs->Text) == -1 ) URLs->Items->Add(URLs->Text); HTML1->RequestDoc(URLs->Text); Statusbar1->Panels->Items[0]->Text = HTML1->RequestURL;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------void __fastcall TForm1::URLsKeyPress(TObject *Sender, Char &Key){ if(Key == VK_RETURN) GoButtonClick(Sender);}//---------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Yes photoshop and you can use paintproshop ofkors corel is very good, there are many programs but only photoshop corel and paintpro are good enough for that
  19. We are sure that microsoft has all those features, for microsoft it's easy t o create hotmail with 1 gb, they have many :Pgoogle have only this search engine, if they add web hosting and all those stuff we know that microsoft will do something better, this is good we will have better services!One step ahead has google because we know that all programs and things from microsoft are hacked or they will be, people loves goole more than microsoft so this is an advantage
  20. Thanks on this tutorials, they are god I also know some good croatian tutorials if someone wants
  21. I don't se any sub forum for pascal so I will post this here, I have some problems, how to set this:i need to create program for seraching and deleting some files, if you have some examples or source code that will be great, and how to create some skin, or I don't know to create one normal program not the one like the dosthanks
  22. I will register a domain and because smartportal.com is alredy registered I would register smartportal.net so I just want to know if I can transfer .net domain because in "hosting request" there is >we only accept .com domain Please answerthanks
  23. Offline games are much better, if you think multiplayer then they are better but onlin games are to small, bad graphic and a have same problems with 56k modem... I play multiplayer ut2004 and it's working fine so please explain I can't read all those text of these peoples >>I'd say that, in general, online games are better...because you get to go against real human opponents...not stupid computer bots. Then if you win...it really means something.Multiplayer games are better, then what online games and multiplayer games are not the same!? they have diference
  24. I always have 35 posts, why is that, I post a new messsage and again I have 35 posts, please explain, I haven't noticed until now!? Thanks
  25. Because of that use prime95 is the best for that
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