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Posts posted by Milk

  1. Indeed I could have, but at the time, I didn't know what I was doing and was really just messing around. I usually just like to play around with filters and stuff so you know. >_> I didn't care about the canvas or it being cut off at the moment because I didn't see what it looked like with it just on a white background. I put it on a site that had a white background once, and it got all messed up, so i went back and sorta tried to revise it, but failed miserably. But oh well. I can remember to do that in future projects so it's no big deal.

  2. Whoa.....I totally forgot about this topic. >_>

    Very nice. I reckon it could look better with some AA or something on the edges though? Seems a bit rough/jagged...
    Oh and if you do have it like that, make the canvas size bigger so you don't cut off some of the glow

    I don't know what AA is....>_>;
    The glow is cut off because the circle started out in the center, and the glow just kinda got bigger. I tried to fix it, but then it didn't really work, so I just ended up putting a stupid border around it when I was done.

    Wow dude, that is amazing work. Where did you learn to do that? I have photoshop cs but I dont have time to master and learn everything about it. Did you use tutorials or what, and did you download anything like brushes or other stuff, and if so, where do you download them?

    >_> First, I'm a girl =P I didn't learn it anywhere. I was actually on a site and they were like, omg make ornaments for this picture of a tree, so I just sorta messed around, and ended up with this. I don't like tutorials sometimes, because some are just confusing and whatever. Makes me feel like I'm not being original enough. I didn't know about brushes at the time of creation.

    It's tough to gte good at if you don't have the time. I've been using ps for about 2 1/2 years now, still don't know everything in the progrtam itself.

    I know what you mean. I actually have time every once in a while, but it's a big program, and when you have 64 mb of ram, big programs aren't your best friends. I've only started using it like, around october 2004. I dunno. Whatever. >.>
    Thanks to all the people who said these were good....>_> I thought they were kinda crappy, but you know. <.<

  3. The meaning of life...There really is no true meaning of it. Everyone interprets it a different way but I guess that's why this topic was made, so that we could see the various interpretations. >_> Go me.I personally think the meaning of life is to reproduce and to survive. Survive meanin, population survive, not individual survive. The reason why people think the meaning of life is to eat pizza, or to climb mount everest, is because those are a human's aspirations. The fact of the matter is, that humans have brains far too complex for us to even figure out. We tend to over think things and seem to think there is a set meaning of life. The meaning of life is sort of like the religious views of a person. It's what you believe. Every other animal, plant, living organism on this earth has one purpose to fulfil. Just to live on and survive as a population. I don't see why people have to differentiate themselves and think there's some special meaning or something, cause in the end, humans and animals are pretty much the same thing, we just think differently. >_>But ah, if there were some higher power out there such as a god, it could be looked at as unsure. Maybe the higher power has something in store for our kind and we're actually meant to destroy the sun or something. Who knows right?But as of the current human situation and what we know about ourselves and the world around us, I think it's all very simplistic. We eat, we sleep, we work. These are all mechanisms for us to survive. We survive, we reproduce, our population continues on. Again, only an opinion =/

  4. um, I don't know about php or anything, but if you're willing to use style sheets, I can help you a bit.

    Just after the <head> tag put this:

    <style type="text/css">direction:rtl;</style>

    Of course, with the style sheet, you can add all bunches of stuff to make it easier, but otherwise, I don't know how to do the left side scrollbar. But uh, this does work. >_>

  5. Lol, I know what you mean. I see these middle school girls walking around in mini-skirts and purses their older sisters should be having, and I'm going wtf? Then I see girls with cell phones, blabbering about the horrible drama in their life, and I'm sitting there just thinking, "All I care about right now, is school. >_<" Then again. I have no life. >_>The doll companies make these things, like all the potty training, the dolls that eat fake food, etc, so that the kids can feel like they're grown up. Personally, if I had a daughter of my own, I would tell her to get out of the house and play outside. I wish I was able to do that. My parents always confined me in the house and study :); A child should be a child, not an adult. They can only be a kid for so long =/I also agree with mzwebfreak. It's all the parents. The parents usually think that giving their child everything they want is good, and they aren't hated, cause you know how some kids, if their parents don't buy them what they want, they say, "I HATE YOU!"? Yeah. It's like that. The parents don't like the be hated. >_> I remember, I once told my dad he was a *BLEEP* father, and he slapped me. =(I was watching this thing on Dr. Phil....or one of those stupid shows, and it was about how parents were spoiling their kids. There was this one 11 year old girl and her parents had bought her everything. EVERYTHING she wanted. She had make up, purses, teenager clothes, cell phone, and you know what? They even bought her a car....and she's eleven years old. The girl also had a brother, and the parents took his car away from him, giving it to the 11 year old. The brother was like, 17 or something, which I think is just total *BLEEP*.I think the girls who dress like that and are spoiled like *BLEEP* are pathetic. They talk annoying, look annoying, and act annoying. I always feel like grabbing their necks and choking them to death. Piss me off. >.>

  6. :)I suck at internet stuff. The most I can do is html, and my skills in that are still very minimal. I didn't make any or use any scripts cause I don't know php or whatever.BUT, I did let my friend borrow my account....said he made some sort of emailer..remailer...i dunno. Maybe thats what got me kicked off. ;_; Stupid *BLEEP*. I'm slightly irked now.

  7. Some infomercials are actually pretty interesting. Like those food ones and they're like, the self sealing ones. >_> You know they don't work, but sometimes you just love seeing it in action. It's so mesmerizing. <____<Of course, I only watch them when I am truly, TRULY bored and have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do. Which is rare, so I never watch them. Besides, I don't watch tv anyways cause I'm always so damn busy doing school work. Now that's what's annoying.

  8. Your history book is not bad source, but it is not appropriate for this occasion. Let my explain why:

    History book should and I hope is telling the facts that humans did sometime in history. One thing that history book is not talking about and all this conversation is about, is the Christianity. What ever you were talking what church did you were talking about leaders of the Roman Catholic Church. The text posted by Amby is talking about God not leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, so you are completely of the subject. God lets us have our choices and those were theirs so they don?t have to do anything with God?s will. God?s will was to stop that and he did.

    The stories it the Bible are more than just the stories, they are the guidelines for life.

    Our history books do talk about Christianity, they just don't preach it like you seem to want. And what do you mean by God's will was to stop that? Stop us from having our own free will? Well that's not very nice...


    When I read that at first I was shocked, but then I felt sorry for you. It just amazes me what you think or what you have been thought to think, because you don?t know anything about the Christian Religion. This comment of yours requires enormous correction: The people that did what wrote (Pope, etc.) would never do such a thing if they were true followers of the Christ. Christian religion never preached something like that; it was the people who wanted to take advantage of it. The conclusion is that the people who FOLLOW the Christ are not bad, it is the ones that think they are or knowingly take advantage of it.

    What I have been thought to think? You mean what I've been taught to think? To think that the Church is bad and evil? Oh nononono. My parents are buddhists, and who's to say I ain't Christian? I actually was back in the day when I knew nothing of it. I did not know the religion or the things it has caused. And the more I learned about it, the more I hated it. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a theologian, but I can say enough to know what I'm talking about. I have a bible and I have read some of the books. The Pope never wrote any part of the bible. If they were true followers of Christ? You can't honestly expect to be a "true follower", if you get what I mean.....


    You said that I don?t make sense when I type, I don?t understand why. I am going to try to explain anyway. ?We are trying to justify ourselves by saying that all this Christianity stuff is not true!?, means a person who did something that the Bible says is wrong is trying to convince him/herself that he/she actually didn?t do anything wrong, because whatever is written in the Bible is not true and there will be no consequences. It was not me saying that the Bible is not true it was a person who was trying to justify him/herself. I hope that makes it clear.

    What I meant by you make no sense is that your sentence structures aren't exactly great. I'm not making fun of you or anything since English might not be your first language, but sometimes they are very hard to make out.

    You make this sound as if the Bible is the final authority. You sound much like Martin Luther =/ The Bible is not the ruler of the world and it cannot and will not rule every person and Christianity will not succeed in making everyone obey those things in the Bible. That is why there are laws so there are consequences. People who do things against what the bible says aren't saying the bible is just a bunch of wishy washy crap. It'd be stupid to commit a murder just to prove to themselves the bible isn't true.


    My final words to you are:

    Knowledge is the key, if you spend some time studying the Bible (which you probably won?t), and not making conclusions on the worst examples that don?t represent it, you will probably know what am I talking about but until then you?ll be confused.


    When you said that Pope?s actions represent Christianity, that is like you said that Denis Rodman?s hair style represents basketball.

    Knowledge is key, and you don't seem to have any knowledge beyond attempting to defend yourself. You yourself do not seem to know anything about the history of Christianity and the wreck the Church has caused. You seem to only know that the Bible, taught to you, is true.

    No, I won't spend time studying the Bible because it's a waste of time. I don't follow it and I don't plan on being a Christian Theologist. You yourself probably have not studied the Bible very thoroughly, but that's just what it looks like. I'm presenting the worst example am I? I believe we were talking about Christianity. If my 'examples' weren't good enough for you, then I apologize oh great one. I do believe that my examples tie in with Amby's first post. If they do not, please point out exactly where they are totally different.

    I definately am not confused. If I were, you could have easily proven me wrong with your bible intellect, but since you have not, I will continue on believing I am "more right" than you.


    I never said the Pope's actions represent Christianity. I'm saying what the church did, affect the way I look at Christianity now. If the Church hadn't done all those things it did, I could care less about Christianity and it would probably still be some backwater religion.

    What does Rodman's hair style have any effect whatsoever on basketball anyways? You were talking about things the Pope actually did. Those are actions. If you want to make an analogy, please at least compare two similar things.


    Like biscuitrat said, you're just repeating things. You're not supporting your claims with anything at all. You should at least sound like you know SOMETHING of a background of what you are defending. You just seem to be throwing anything out you can think of and attacking every word I say. You say that I twist your words, but you're being a hypocrite when you say that. To debate properly, you need substance.

  9. Oh me gah! I saw an ad for this on gamefaqs the other day and I was like, OH MY GOSH WAY COOL! But then it said that it was for pc and that you needed the Sims 2......well, when I looked at the requirements for sims 2 like, 3 months ago, my computer didn't meet it. I only have 64 mb of ram and i don't wanna waste like whatever amount of space i need for it anyways.=(I was deeply saddened because it looked so awesome. I just have to stick with the regular ol' console games. v_v But whatever. Controller is more fun anyways. </failed attempt to raise my spirits>

  10. It's hard to tell which game you mean, since you're topic title is a little weird and you didn't really make any specific references.Are you talking about Final Fantasy 9? Because that's the only thing I could possibly infer from your post =(I thought Final Fantasy IX was good. I don't know why people didn't like it. The FMV graphics were absolutely amazing and I loved the little moogles. They were so cute :angry: The characters were cool too. I really liked that game just because of the way the people walked and stuff. >_> Like in Treno, when they had the cobblestone streets (or in alexandria wherever) the sound the characters made when they ran or walked....it was just so cool >_________>Plus I like the card game. It was so fun. :blink:Now, unless you messed up and meant to put Final Fantasy 11, then yeah. I haven't played that and don't really intend on playing it. =(Or, you could mean Final Fantasy I and just messed up and put the little x there, then I sort of disliked it. Everytime you pressed "A" or whatever it was, it would waste your time and say "Nothing here" or some bullcrap like that. It got on my damn nerves. Never touched it again. I did however, enjoy 2 and 3.

  11. oooh...nice.I think your stuff could really be good with more detail. It would all look pretty sweet if you ask me.I thought the robot was cute. >_>There's only one thing that's really bothering me though. Your last motobike thing, it looks good, but the wheels are weird. Like, the things connecting them and stuff....I dunno. Just seems a little fake. But overall, it's good.

  12. I was reading some metaphysical poetry and was just sort of inspired I suppose.

    If you don't want to read all this, just skip down to the bottom.


    We know all about the rabbits foot and the four-leaf clovers and all that good luck sort of stuff. We also know about like, if you say "macbeth" in a theatre, the next play will end in failure or something. And we all know about zombies and ghosts, etc.


    Well, I personally, am a straight-forward, "dude, I gotta see it to believe it" sort of girl. Sometimes I'll believe certain things that aren't visible but it really depends on what mood I'm in =/


    I was talking my friend about how I don't believe in supernatural things and those stupid stories people make up to spook people into not doing things and she just blew up at me. I didn't know what her problem was but she's like some sort of crazy, psycho, omg we're gonna die if we do so and so, sort of person. Anyways, then we started talking about ghosts and I said I believed in them and she retorted with something like, "What the hell? How can you believe in ghosts if you don't even believe in the [insert some crazy made-up you're gonna die in 7 days story]????!!!", and I told her, "Because ghosts are real".


    I know some of ya'll are probably going, "Oh my god, this chick is a lunatic. ::stops reading::" but WAIT. Let me explain?


    See, ghosts are not what you think. Or maybe they are I don't know. When the average person thinks of ghosts, they think of those whispy, translucent creatures that float around and haunt you, or they're like casper. Well, ghosts really do exist. >_>

    This is the normal definition of "ghost": The spirit of a dead person, especially one believed to appear in bodily likeness to living persons or to haunt former habitats.


    Correct? Stolen from dictionary.com. Anyways, this is what it should be:


    A collection of negative energy, concentrated in a single area in a surrounded field.


    Well, I'm not so sure about the surrounded field part, but I mean like an enclosed room. What i'm super sure about is the negative energy part. A ghost is a collection of negative energy. Like, an extremely abnormal amount of electrons in one area.


    That being said, ghosts exist, no ifs, ands, or buts. >_>


    So anyways, the entire point of this post was to ask one simple question:


    Do you believe in the supernatural?

  13. This is a funny topic >_>I think aliens do exist. I mean, that whole Mars thing and just the universe being so wide and so massively large, stretching farther than the eye can see, why not? I highly, highly doubt we're the only form of intelligent creatures existing in this universe. Of course it's possible, just highly doubtful. I always resented the fact that I was born into this era of time where the technology is so limited. I always wanted to either meet the future of mankind, or the destruction of mankind. I mean, if you were given the chance to meet a creature of equal or greater intelligence, not of this world, wouldn't you greet it? I know I would, even if it was going to eat me. Aliens, at our current place in time and at our current build of knowledge, do not exist. In the future? Possibly. In the past? Maybe. I'm really interested in what they've discovered at Mars so far. I mean, they say there's traces of water and stuff, for all we know, we could've been the inhabitants of Mars and since the resources were running out, we came here >_> But I dunno. I believe aliens exist but we'll probably never get the chance to know for sure, in our life time. =/ I wish I could be reincarnated somehow...

  14. I'm using an optical one. It has the little wheel in the center and 2 side buttons that seem to have no function other than to make clicky sounds when pushed upon. It also lights up when moved. It lights up red which is a disappointment since I would rather it be red or green, but it's still a nice mouse. btw, that "real mouse" thing made me chuckle :angry:

  15. People are lazy. That's why they type that way. If I didn't want to be taken seriously I'd type that way too. But, using those weird words with the weird characters I don't get. It does help get the word noticed so it isn't all bad. Using words in life? well it sounds really weird most of the time but some words like pwn and 1337 are easy to say and those two are the only words I use in life. I might sound like some dumbass, but I'm lazy.
    pheeew glad typing correctly is over >.<

    People are lazy? So how is typing like this, " |_1|<3 0|\/|6!!!!!shift+on3!!" a relief from being lazy? If you ask me, it's harder, requires more work, is hurtful to the eyes, and takes longer to figure out what the hell you're trying to talk about. Typing in alternate caps is not exactly 'un-lazy' either. You have to hold shift every other letter.......so I'm not exactly sure what you mean by lazy.

    Unless of course you are speaking of shorthanding like "u, r, ur". If that's the case, then you look like an uneducated prep. =( And you're right, you cannot be taken seriously when you type like that.
    If you wanted to get the word noticed, it would just be easier to type it all in caps.....no?

    "pwn" isn't exactly easy to say. I've come across several occasions where there's a topic that asks how "you" pronounce the word "pwn" and so many people say it like, "p-owned" or "pawned" or whatever. It's stupid and retarded. and 1337? You mean "one-three-three-seven"? That's stupid. If you mean "elite" well that's an actual word, so.....

    I mean, why do you say them? What's wrong with just saying, "oh mah gawd, haha, she owned your freakin face dude!!" What's the difference between "pwn" and "own"? I see none except "pwn" is stupid.

    Glad typing correctly is over? You totally lost all respect I could have possibly had for you. Thanks.
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