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Posts posted by Milk

  1. I totally agree with you, everyone should be equal

    lol....thanks for agreeing with me, but I didn't say everyone should be equal. There is no such thing as equality and no one wants equality, nor will it happen. If there was equality, people would stay the same. Our society wouldn't depress, but it wouldn't progress either... Equality is non-existant and will never happen.


    What I (hopefully) said, was that people don't want equality but respect. To be equal is to be the same. Therefore, no one looks up to you, but no one looks down on you either. There has to be different levels in order for progression or success to occur. It is in human nature to always be better than someone else, so equality is always out of the question. It is the human quest to earn respect...to earn honor....to earn dignity. Without these beneficiaries, there would be no point in man to continue on if there was nothing in it for him.


    All human strive to be better. My talk about women was that women are often the ones who are disrespected. I hate feminazis and people who say they want equality, because what they really want is something that makes them better than others. When people say they want equality, what they're really searching for is a boost up so that they can therefore achieve a higher platform than those who are treating them unequaly.


    In other words, I suppose you could say that I'm saying women are malicious, vicious, self-centered brats who want everything to be at access for them, whether it be respect or money or love....


    Anyways, point is, (on topic...) women want respect, not equality. I know it sounds like I'm speaking for them like I know exactly what they want, but fact of the matter is, girls/women are humans and humans have one thing in mind that makes them continue to reach goals and to go higher, and that is to gain the respect of their peers and any other human around them. So basically, humans are superficial freaks who ultimately just want power. Of course, there are those passive people who could care less, but they're not being addressed in this topic at this point.


    I agree, until I saw the point about the Bible. The Bible was not written by "old geezers".

    ( I'm a man. )

    Are you an old man? lol, sorry if I offended you. Would you feel better if I said the bible is composed of letters and whatnot written by travelling popes/priests/whatever who's mission in life was to become missionaries and convert everyone to their religion because if not they were going to be sent to hell?

  2. whoops..forgot about this topic. *mp3 rotation. not mp4 X_xI don't know what the ++ is for. I don't recall ever typing it. Well, after I lost most of the information on my site from before, I got lazy and didn't really wanna redo it. So now everything is scattered and I have nothing on the front page....so no I don't get a lot of visitors because there's nothing to see. Thanks for the responses guys.

  3. I never saw Xanga as a webpage. I always thought Blogs and websites were different. Lol, guess I was wrong.I have a xanga but I made my own layout...meaning I have my own tables and what not. I personally don't think it looks like the other xangas but what the dude above said....xanga is for beginners. And it's just a fun way to 'meet' people or whatever.I have my own site, but I've been trying to make a new layout...haven't really had the time to really put effort into making it though >_>

  4. I swear, it's hopeless arguing with you people. You keep twisting my words and making weird stuff out of it.

    Hmm. Most people here are like that. They're so dense you can see through them. Anyway, if they're trying to start a conversation, why don't you give them a chance? After all, most conversations (first meetings) start with questions. I don't regard those as stupid questions.

    No...those aren't stupid questions. A stupid question is a question where you already know (or should know) the answer to. If when you first meet a person and they ask something like what your favorite color is, how is that regarded as a stupid question? I was not even talking about that. A stupid question would be someone constantly asking what your favorite color is, day after day after day...Or if you're standing at the vending machine, someone (...with normal sight and hearing, not doing anything like sifting through change at the time..for those who like to be difficult) asks you how much a coke is and it's right in front of their face. Asking questions when you know nothing about them...those aren't stupid questions. :P

    Those types of stupid conversations would be annoying if they happened to me every day of my life, but most stupid questions bring people together. The amount of friendships that have started when someone asks a stupid questions is huge. The types of stupid questions you gave would barely ever happen unless someone was deliberately trying to be annoying. As previously mentioned by elvenmil they are not gonna go away, so you should try and make something out of them. This is a better example of your convo:
    - What's your favourite colour?
    - Green. What's yours?
    - Red.
    - I like that colour too.

    If that was a real convo then you could've easily made it like that by asking that simple question. If I'm still missing the point, what is the point?

    Again....what I said above. No where did I say introducing yourself by telling your interests/hobbies/favorites (or asking them for that matter) was stupid. You didn't give a better example of my convo, you just twisted it to mean something totally different at a totally different time.

    Where did I call you shallow? You're reading stuff that's not there. 

    I don't believe I said you called me shallow, but the fact that you mentioned things such as, "think about how your parent's feel" or whatever you said, leads me to think that you think I'm a shallow person for looking at this situation one-sided-ly. If that's not shallow, then refresh me on what "shallow" means.

    I hate stupid people who make stupid posts about such stupid matters.

    Oh really? I hate people who make stupid posts, responding to people who they think is stupid who posts about matters I think are stupid. Idiot. Don't say anything if you can't contribute.

  5. elevenmil, you are taking this way to seriously. The fact that you're not even seeing the situation right makes it.....

    The kid in the classroom... You're not supposed to be dozing off in class. When you're at school, you're supposed to be paying attention. Maybe for a public school, not paying attention won't be as costly, but you've got to understand different environments and situations...as well as the teacher. I will admit that I hardly ever pay attention in class but I still don't, and would never, interrupt the teacher, in the middle of the lesson, to ask her to repeat something she said 5 minutes ago. That's one of the rudest things you could ever do in a classroom. Get my point?

    I think that you, and some other people, overanalyzed this topic and looking only at the title, thinking that the tone will never change IN the topic.

    Sorry if it was unclear, but it was my fault here.....I suppose I should have titled it "annoying questions"? Would that better suit you? And again, don't think I'm so shallow to know that parents don't spend well over a million dollars for a single kid, but the fact that my dad never even talks to me makes me have a different opinion than you.

    And, don't be offended by a post of such little importance such as this again...these are only words on the Internet. They really mean nothing, especially if my "language" is so trivial and childish. Of course, racist rants and those of that nature can be offensive....still, it's nothing to get so worked up about. :D

  6. Maybe the people who are asking these stupid questions are trying to make a conversation. Maybe you should try and continue it.


    Okay..maybe you're not getting the point :P


    asdf: What's your favorite color?

    ;lkj: green.

    asdf: Why?

    ;lkj: because it's a nice color.

    asdf: Why?

    ;lkj: ....Because it means grass is nice and healthy.

    asdf: Why?

    ;lkj: ...shut up.


    Excellent conversation.

  7. I dunno, maybe it's cos the way you're coming across through your writing style. Have to say, I got a picture of somebody wound quite tight while reading your posts. But then it is very easy to misinterpret tone from what someone has written on a message board.

    ....Stress is not the same as being annoyed......

    As for the topic of your vent, with regards to 'stupid questions' from your parents, here's a news flash from someone who's a bit older than you: as you get older, the harder it is to keep a track of everything going on in your life.

    Don't misinterpret. I was only using my mom as an example...I wasn't just talking about her.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is, before you flame somebody for something they've done that upsets you, you should always try and see things from their point of view.

    <.< One more thing to you, before you come out and think I'm a really shallow person, notice that I'm only talking about one thing. This isn't about feelings or anything and I wasn't flaming anyone. This was a rant. I was complaining about something. There's nothing else to it.

  8. Wheather you like it or not, nobody is perfect and nobody is going to act the way you want them to act so just accept them because it's not wrong that they don't know the answer to a question just discussed. Maybe they have a learning disability or something. Who cares. I suggest that you just chill out because this stress about other people is only going to bring you down. Stress pretty damaging both mentally and physically so just take a breather when you feel the stress coming on. Life is too short to worry about all the little things.

    Did I say anything at all about those with learning disabilities? No I didn't. I did not say anything about questions among those with disabilities. How did you infer that?


    No where in my post did I say anything about the way people act. I said nothing about people's personalities or the way they act. Even if I did say something about that, I wouldn't want them to change just for me, because I'm not that big of an idiot. I wouldn't even bother talking about it. So, how did you infer that (2)?


    Where, anywhere, did I say this was stressful for me? Nowhere! I don't know where you're getting your information, but you're posting in the wrong topic. And again, how did you infer that I was stressed (3)?


    And by the way, if you were referring the "learning disabilities" part to my little story about the kid asking the biology question, something you might want to know: this kid is one of the smartest kids I know with nothing to hinder his 'ability to learn'. He did it to be an idiot. Don't say anything if you don't know what you're about. So again, I never mentioned anything about learning disabilities.


    Oh, and another thing. This is the Vent topic. If you're going to spew that crap at me, you might as well do it in every single topic in this forum.

  9. I know parents like to ask you about your day and they 'enjoy' hearing what you did at school, but don't you ever feel so damn taciturn that every single thing they ask irks you so much that you feel like strangling them?


    Or when you're in class and the teacher's teaching the day's lesson.


    Teacher: "Sponges belong in Phylum Porifera"


    and some idiot kid asks 10 minutes later, interrupting the teacher,


    Kid: "Wait, what? What phylum are sponges in?"


    He's all trying to be funny but it's so retarded it's just idiotic.


    That's not what really pisses me off though.


    Today was the first day of summer school (for Physical Education...) and my mom came and picked me up. She was just asking all these retarded questions like, "What do you have on your schedule?" (What the hell? You paid for one class. What else would I have on my schedule.) Or, "What's your second period?" (Goddammit wtf? YOU PAID FOR ONE CLASS, I DON'T HAVE A SECOND PERIOD).


    And then, I hate people who ask useless questions. Questions that have no point or just questions that are non sequitur. Like for instance, "Was your teacher male or female?" (What the hell does that have to do with anything?) or, "Was your teacher black or white?" (That is totally irrelevant. Are you suggesting that ethnicity makes a difference?)


    Or for instance questions about routine. Like, I've been going to school for a freaking 11 years. There is a routine to how school's do things and it is the same each year. My mom always asks me the same questions every single year. Asking, "What'd you do on the first day?" Blah blah, (Yes, I picked up my schedule..like every year...)


    OR, I hate when my I give my mom some sort of school form that she has to read and after she's done "reading" it, she'll hand it back to me and ask what it is. -.-; That is so annoying. You just read it, is your memory so poor that you cannot remember what you read 2 minutes ago? Or do you just enjoy pissing me off?


    I know there are certain questions asked that are idiot questions....but if the person doesn't know before hand, it's not a stupid question. Asking about things you know is stupid and retarded ::shakes fist angrily::


    Just, idiot questions that make me waste my breath on something useless pisses me off. I'm a really quiet person and I don't like talking a whole lot, but honestly...People say there are no stupid questions, but jeez....

  10. Hmmm...

    Personally I refuse to believe we "accidently evolved" from lizards nor monkeys rofl and no I won't believe the story of Adam and Eve as well...

    Even if we "evolved" from moneys I would rather think it had something to do with genetic manipulation, because we have this extra thing in our DNA wich made us the way we are now and till now no other species have "evolved" such extra DNA provided by Nature itself.

    Might be weird and I'm sure most people brand me as maniac, but I think we are not what we think we are :P


    Evolution doesn't just happen... In order for evolution to occur, there must be a change. Therefore, you're right. I'm sure that some monkey somewhere had mutated DNA that caused it to look something like our preceding "*person*" ancestors. They probably eventually branched off into having more mutations, eventually leading to us looking like we are...


    If there's not a change in an individual of a population, nothing will ever happen. If the mutation benefits the creature in some way, that creature will eventually pass on the mutated gene because it allows it to survive better.

  11. I have to bump this because I read the last post...and I'm refuting it and returning to my original statement...having been inspired.I think most of the laws intact right now concerning the two genders are perfectly okay. Some could use some refining and tweaking here and there, but overall they are fair based on how well we as seperate humans can cope.That's where good rights came into place. Is allowing women to do what their ability allows them, rather than restrict them to the home to cook, clean....because in human(istic) terms, our only purpose is not to clean after men. It is not to cook for me and it is not to please men. If we are individuals, we have our own thoughts and personalities. I go back to saying that women don't want equal rights. All those women back then who were fighting for women's rights...I hope they were not truly wanting rights as much as they wanted the respect of others. Respect is what people want. Equal rights does nothing and is not significant. Good rights serve a purpose but not equal rights.

  12. i think people should realize that abortion is killing the most defenseless life on earth.


    Abortion is not killing the most defenseless 'life' on earth. You're talking like a human now. You think that the human baby is the most precious life on earth. You think that all other creatures in the world are not as important as the human baby. You think that "killing a baby" is more preposterous, than killing a baby pig, or goat, or wolf, or cub. What you're basically saying is that you are depleting a mother of a zygote. All you are doing is preventing something from occuring. Nothing is being "killed."


    If abortion is to be made illegal, then make killing baby animals illegal. You do it all the time, yet you don't give a crap about them. You have been taught that humans are superior to all others around us and that abortion is the worst thing ever. Think about what you are saying. You feel utter pain when this happens to people, but I'm sure you wouldn't blink an eye if you were to see a bear cub being slaughtered.


    I don't agree with abortion simply because of biological reasons.. I believe that our purpose in life is to reproduce and sustain the human species. Killing off all those that could be would just defeat our biological purposes and make us....human. Just to live for love or lust or whatever isn't our true purpose, but survival of our population is.


    However, if I were to speak from a religious point, I have to say that I totally and fully support religion because if I were a Christian per say...then Abortion is a freedom of choice. God gave us our damn free will, right? So if he gave us this free will, why are you saying that abortion is not allowed? Oh right, because the priest said so. The person who preaches God's words to you from his own interpretation. You trust this person so much, you'd rather have him make your decisions for you, wouldn't you. This man who has the title, famous in America for molesting children, you like to listen to his words of immoral actions such as abortion. Choosing to smoke marijuana, choosing to drink at 17 years, choosing to eat your aunt's untouched pudding...if you make Abortion illegal, more people will want it. Why? Because it's out of reach. You might as well allow abortion with restrictions, than no abortion at all.


    But um...If there was a rally to support abortion, I would be there. Life isn't something you toy around with, but it all depends on what you call a life. An actual being who can feel, or do you think life is an egg and sperm?

  13. I'm a little meh about the whole FFVII thing...I don't really want it to be remade, but I wanna see what ideas square has for it.I would obviously choose ps3 simply because I don't like xbox and nintendo is...i don't really like any of the games for it. I mean, zelda and mario is great but that was when I was 5. PS3 has an awesome look and I'm a final fantasy girl so yeah. >_>Holy Hedgehog, the PS3 is also more like an entertainment center rather than just a console. There was an article interviewing some dude at sony about the Playstation and he said that the playstation originally wasn't a game console. It was orignally based to be an entertainment center and since gaming is entertainment...Sony was the first to introduce the whole CD and DVD thing in gaming consoles so I don't know why you would say the xbox was more like a media center. I mean, their psp even plays movies #_# I don't know what else sony is gonna add the the ps3, but we gotta wait and see =) Anyways, ps3 for me.

  14. Ha, I want a ps3 as well. The look is awesome and I read an article that it's not only a game console. Like, it has some sort of cell ability and it just has TONS more functions. Plus, it coming out after the xbox 360 will make it probably improve on the erm...qualities that the xbox has. Making it better overall. Hopefully. Well, I don't like xbox so I'm getting hte ps3 anyways. Maybe a few years after so I won't have to pay so much :rolleyes:;Playstation isn't about quantity and it's more about quality. xbox is too much like a computer and I can't say anything about Nintendo.Nintendo is great because it's the 'original' next to Atari. I would get a nitendo, but I don't have any games I really like to play on there. I'm a Final Fantasy girl (it's the only thing i play #_#) so i would get a ps3 for that. Um but in reply to the topic, Playstation.

  15. =O You didn't even have to read it! just scrolled down and read that I wanted a critique. Thank you for being my first poster ;_; I know i sound like a loser, but I really wanted critisizm. Her hands...I tried to make it look like her fingers are sort of up so that her hands aren't just flat. They look really small compared to her head but whatever. This isn't a real picture. Thanks though =)

  16. If we clone this animal, who's to say the next animal to be clone won't be a dinosaur that's been extinct for millions of years. This could hurt us. Yes they can say 'we have guns to keep it under control' but that will only work for so long..What if this power of cloning fall into the wrong hands..Should we risk this just to bring an animal back to society? What kind of life will the animal have? It would be forced to be in a zoo, where it gets gawked at for days..What type of life is that..The animal is made for vast areas to roam, not a cage.

    >>Cloning a dinosaur isn't exactly possible right now. To clone an animal, you need dna from the animal, and a live egg from another animal of the same species. You then have to swap the dna and what not. Since there is no live egg (cell) right now, cloning dinosaurs is impossible right now. And they might not hurt us. Have you ever heard of domestication? We did it with farm animals...Now I understand that a dinosaur is a very different creature, but there are also many types of dinosaurs. They're not all vicious carnivores. >>When you speak of the animal being put into a zoo...you say that like only one animal will be cloned and none will reproduce after that. You're placing an animal into the wildlife after the first clone, to see if it's successful. They cloned dolly. Although I think she's dead right now, she wasn't placed in a cage. The point of cloning this tasmanian tiger isn't to put it in a zoo, it's to help keep a species from extinction. Put it in a zoo and you might as well just not clone it. There would be no point, unless you're keeping it their to reproduce in the safety of human hands...

    As for the cloning people so that we have spare parts for ourselves when we need it. I think that is wrong / right depending on the situation. Lets say I needed a kidney, and my clone was fine with giving me one, and it wouldn't kill them (I'd never go for that) then, I think it would be just the same as if my sister wanted to give me and organ.
    You know they can clone individual organs...right? I don't know the actual process, but they have found a way to do so. Besides...no one would be for killing a clone for a spare heart =X
    Yes, but because of us, who's to say it would survive today in the wild if it was brought back. And how much would it cost? And how much is it costing to research the cloning process? All this sort of money would be much better spent making sure the planet doesn't overheat or explode or sink into the ocean rather than fighting to bring back one species of animal that populated only a tiny part of the world.

    Why would it not survive? They cloned Dolly and she survived. If the clone is brought up in the proper conditions, it really wouldn't matter. It's not about individual survival, it's about the species surviving. Money spent on making sure the planet doesn't over heat? Well, we've already figured out the problem as to why it's overheating. Why would this world explode or sink into the ocean? wtf? Just disable the use of a nuclear war and we're fine for now. If you keep this species from being able to clone, we might as well just wipe out all endangered species. I doubt you'd say the same if this species of animal was a human race.

    2) People that don't have an idea what cloning is (or even worse, if they think that a scientist can make a person, or an animal split into two) start to relieve themselves from that lack of knowledge by attacking the scientists around the world (that are trying to save lives, if you haven't noticed) and saying that "God is against it"! "We aren't God!" "We can't be compared to God!"

    If that is true, than God will smash us into tiny little pieces when we invent space travel, so that we can't reach him and see his face somewhere in the stars :rolleyes: !/QUOTE]

    I think that scientists are getting slandered so much because of people's beliefs. If we somehow were going against God, don't you think he would have struck thunder down on all scientific cloning labs to prevent this? If we are going against God, I'm pretty damn sure he'd do something about it to let us know he doesn't want this to happen. That is, unless God is no longer omnipotent.

    Religious belief is why you should never argue with a closeminded religious person. They often are blinded by their religion and don't see the comcept of science. =/


    Personally, I think they should clone the animal. If we don't, the total number of animals existing today out of the total number of animals that EVER existed would slowly decrease to less than 1%. How do you know that if you don't clone this animal and let it die into extinction...how do you know that your own food supply would falter? If you change one aspect of the food chain, you can change a whole bunch. I don't know about the feeding patterns, but I sure wouldn't want the species it's supposed to eat to overpopulate then eat all the ones below it and then the ones below that to overpopulate...etc...then they all die off...No cloning now may result in future regret. Think throughly before you make decisions people. They're not JUST one species.

  17. What irks me about many evolution vs creationism debates is that people on the creationism side somehow see creationism as a valid theory that can be imposed on others. While I don't mind people disagreeing with the theory of evolution if they think that there are major flaws in it, I do not approve of passing off creationism as a scientific theory.
    The theory of evolution is a scientific theory, it's based on research and most importantly, it's falsifyable; if it's not correct you can disprove it. The belief in creationism isn't a scientific theory, it's based on dogma, and it's not falsifyable; whatever counter-proof you would come up with, a creationist could always twist the belief into something fitting with the facts.

    Wow, I totally agree ^^;

  18. I agree with you totally. Venting is to let something off your chest whether it be a stolen donut or some huge world issue...But there are certain guidelines that should be followed. This is a public forum and there are moderators. Moderators are here for a reason and that is to keep this place a happy and um...clean? environment.I don't think your topic was closed because of what it was because I had a topic basically exactly like yours and it was never closed...but it could've been because it's not really viewed anymore. I think it was closed because of the way you approached the subject. Maybe if you had typed it a different way or did this or that some other way to the point where some people would not be emotionally stressed, the topic would've kept up. Even though I think it's stupid and retarded that anyone could get hurt from reading a bunch of words on the Internet, but that's just me.

  19. Ha, yeah. I really hate vending machines too. That's why I hardly ever buy anything from them. But sometimes vending machines are nice because there are tricks you can do to get two things for the price of one. Like, once my friend was at a vending machine getting a kit-kat bar and she put in like, 60 cents. She did SOMETHING and bam, 2 came out.Another time, there was a malfunctioning vending machine at school where if you pressed 2 buttons of the same soda or whatever, 2 of them came out (giving only like, 1 dollar) It was a good deal... Maybe certain vending machines eat money because some vending machines give 2 for one. Maybe the companies started running out of money so they did this on purpose >_> Damn them.I remember I was at a vending machine getting something to eat. I put in a dollar and it ate my dollar. I was so pissed I never bought anything from there again. That dollar could've been the link between being rich and being dirt poor =( HATE.

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