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Posts posted by Milk

  1. I'm using Windows 98 SE, and in the Windows folder, there's a folder called "TEMP". I was looking through it and it looks like it's a folder that holds all of the downloads I have ever downloaded, but I'm not sure.My computer has been having a lot of problems lately like, the RAM is being used up right when I start up my computer. I've gone into Safe Mode and have run McAfee, Spybot and Adaware to see if I have anything....but I didn't have any viruses/infected files. I had like, 2 spyware things but that was it.....Something still continues to eat up my ram.I was thinking that the TEMP folder, since I guessed that it held everything I downloaded, I would think it would hold everything that was automatically downloaded as well...maybe virus scan was stupid and missed the folder or something. If I deleted everything in that folder, would anything happen? And or, does anyone have any suggestion as to why my computer's ram keeps magically getting used up even when I'm not running anything and have used spybot to prevent anything from running at start up that I know I don't need?

  2. I've used both, but I can never really get into those things.  They just don't really do it for me, I guess.  both aren't very customizable, and a lot of people you meet there are really fake.  I found an account that belongs to my friend, and she lied on nearly every field about herself.


    They're actually quite customizable with the right codes. I mean, you still follow their basic layouts...I don't know about LJ, but I have seen some really nice myspaces.


    And the last part...this is the Internet you know, you shouldn't expect about 87% of the stuff to be true.

  3. Nah...'clique wars' aren't so childish as you think. It's merely your perspective of what is mature and what is immature...What you seem to be getting at is just simple human nature. There are people who are submissive and would rather keep things simple...in other words, 'weak' people. Then there are those who need something more and enjoy the feeling of empowerment, 'strong' people. The 'strong' survive because the 'weak' survive...the strong chew off the heads of the weak so that they will feel good about themselves..whether to earn respect, gain more, or just feel liek they are better. There will always be people like that.blah, it's basically that the guy likes to feel superior. He loves support, so he tried to get you to...agree with him. If he has no support, he really isn't all the strong. Take away the ground they stand on, and they will cripple like an old one. ^_~

  4. Mmm, but if these people did put their trash in the right places, (garbage cans), then what need would a cleaning person be? If everyone threw away their trash, there wouldn't be anything to clean. Maybe the occasional window and seat...but it's all just entropy =/ You're doing a favor to society (or at least your church :D)...trying to help reverse disorder. It would be nice if people could leave things the way they were when they arrived there, but hey, what can you do?Be thankful these people have been potty trained...otherwise then, you'd have a bigger, icky-er mess on your hands :D

  5. Hmm...  maybe you're confusing me with someone else who chained you to a wall and using a combination of torture and instructional videos forced you to adhere to their beliefs?  ;)
    I don't recall saying directly or indirectly that everyone not believing what I do is an idiot, I've simply told you my beliefs, that everyone not trusting in the righteousness of Christ to pay for their sins will have to depend on what they or others can do to get them to Heaven, and it will not be enough.

    There. you're doing it indirectly whether you know it or not. What you basically said in your last sentence was that if you aren't Christian/part of a sect of christianity, then you have no chance of getting to Heaven unless by miracles, and that even with a miracle, there's still only a .0001 percent of possiblity that you will get there.

    With that said, you're telling me that Heaven and hell does exist. If I don't convert to your religion before it's to late and repent for all my sins, then I will have no way of giving my soul a chance for safe ...'living' after death.

    I don't believe in Heaven, so I don't think it exists, so I don't care whether or not I get into Heaven in your superficial world.

  6. Hm...good point.


    But what if everything was wrong? It wouldn't be very nice just to not say anything. O.o

    >_> Yes, but how could everything be wrong? I was the one who made it. If I thought that everything was wrong, I wouldn't have posted it and I would have fixed everything that was wrong. If someone thinks that everything is wrong, then they simply have completely opposite tastes from me and therefore should just say something like, "It's not the type of style I like"...? There's always going to be a difference of opinion, but you know. >_>

  7. Hey guys. I've been sitting here on photoshop ALL night finishing this up. It's a magazine cover that I made out of my imagination, so it doesn't exist. Anyways, this entire project probably took me about 14-15 hours to finish...I'd really appreciate it if you guys would rate it out of ten, comparing it to a real life magazine. Btw, it's all done in Photoshop because I'm too poor to afford any 3d programs :P Click to full view...


    Posted Image


    I know it might be a bit hard to read the text...if you have any trouble, just ask. Any feedback is really appreciated.

  8. You sure like making topics.I hate them both. [it's weird to 'hate' these blog things...] Anyways, LiveJournal is ugly and Myspace is ugly too. I know you can customize them, but I already have a customized xanga with (IMO) good posts, so why switch? I have a myspace, but I never go to it, so it sits there, useless...wasting away. But I tend to not like these weblog journal thingers because there are way too many people who just use them to whine and cry. Not that that's bad, I'm sure they have friends who care and they really are only writing them for themselves and their friends, but can that many people really have the same problems/symptoms? There are few people who actually use their weblogs for reasons other than to be angsty, but hey, who am I to judge anyways.I think myspace is cool because there are tons of people who have them and you can find your friends and whatnot, but in the end, I still hate it for lack of customization >_> And the layout blows.

  9. Hrm. While I agree that 7 was a good game, you saying that it's the greatest game/rpg ever is only a matter of opinion. Like me thinking it was an okay game is my opinion.


    I personally think that FF6 was the best. Graphics shouldn't be considered when rating a game now a days because they're so advanced, but rating the graphics at the time the game was made should be.


    Anyways, I personally think Final Fantasy VI was the best since I believe it had the best story and a huge range of characters that all had their own traits and what not. I loved the relic and esper system. I just think it was a great game overall. The music was also the best...ever.


    So your last line, "Squarsoft may never make a better final fantasy then 7.", I think they already made a better game even before VII came out.

  10. Yeah...just have patience. There are a lot of new members these days so it's probably a whole lot harder to keep up with than like...3 months ago. Just make sure you have a bunch of good posts and you'll get your hosting in no time. Don't worry, if there are more like you then that just means there's a flood of users who are waiting to be hosted as well, and it takes time like ^^ said so just wait.

  11. I don't believe I said anything about anyone having more 'constitutional' rights than you or me. I was merely mentioning that you have no right to be shoving your beliefs down my throat with the [seemingly] intention of making me "realize" that Christianity is the only path to the Promised Land or some crap like that. But you're still right. No one has any set right to do anything. We follow a set of rules made by some people way back when. Animals don't follow rights or anything. They follow ritual basically... Our "rights" don't mean anything, since in actuality, they're really not imprinted into the human in order to really survive in the world. All we need is food and water (and shelter and clothing.....) and that's it...but because our minds are so complex, we had to go and expand on that and make us "civilized" creatures. Who even knows what civilized is, anyways? But again, you were taking something so miniscule as that too far ahead. I wasn't even talking about that. Nor was I arguing about it for that matter...


    I don't not like what you believe. I simply don't care. I have tons of friends who are very much like yourself...a true Christian believer, but I could care less what they say. It's the fact that this is a topic about women and sexism and you and I are going on and on about some religion? You should use that logic to determine that I wasn't at all saying I had more rights than you, or the other way around. Besides, I don't even know where you got this, "I have more rights than you" or whatever. I said you have no right to determine my destiny and that automatically means you have no rights at all?


    Sarcasm. You used it. Maybe you can...see when it's used against you?


    Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, we should all examine ourselves to see if joy and love dwell there or only jealousy and spite for those who do not know emptiness within themselves.

    This is basically what I'm talking about...You may not be saying it directly, but you're telling me that everyone who doesn't believe in the same thing you do, are idiots. That's just spite dude...spite...

  12. jzyehoshua, I think you're right. We shouldn't care what other people think because it's about you, not what other people think. I think(Used too many times..) that people are out there to impress because first impressions are a big deal. You don't wanna start off really bad. But maybe in your view, it's the confidence that makes the first impression huh? :unsure:mama_soup, I actually read all of that. Amazing, eh? I think I really learned something from you. I mean, when people ask me what I like to do, I always think they're expecting to hear something like, "I play soccer, I love football" or something along those lines. But I always think of myself as an uninteresting and just a bland person overall. I don't think it's ever been my interests that has caught anyone's attention, but moreso my idiotic personality. But that's the thing with this whole introductory thing...I don't think you can really spell out YOU as an individual in one little thing. People change and that takes time. It's not like one of those dating shows where you have one day to impress someone. >_> But hey, I don't know. I do like your whole, telling people about your tastes in literature or music or whatever. That's a nice way to go about it. I suppose it's easier to find someone who has the same interests that way =)

  13. I was wondering if any of y'all could give me recommendations on a fairly easy to use flash software out there...I kinda need/want it but I really don't know where to start. I've never used it before but I hear using flash can be fun sometimes..Can any of you recommend a program/software and where to download/get it? I'd really appreciate it, thanks.

  14. My problem with cell phones has never been with it not picking up anything, it's with the people calling me who hang up too soon. Also, when my friends DO call me, the cell is usually with my mom or my dad, and they're lazy when it comes to picking up calls that don't concern them...so I had a friend who had called probably a dozen times after school ended and she finally got through to me once and she was all like, "You never picked up!" and I was like, "Oh yeah, my mom picked up once but I wasn't there...I was going to call you back but I forgot to." >_> I'm just an inconsiderate brat. I hate cell phones anyways. Too annoying. But...I suppose they can be convenient/entertaining when you have nothing else to do.

  15. o_O Orquid? Yeah, I always end up just saying my name and then saying stuff like, ".....that's it." >_> It's lame. I wish my life was more interesting anyways...I don't tend to like to spill out my achievements and awards (simply because I have none :unsure:) because it's, like what some people said, it seems too much like bragging...and no one wants to be friends with a bragger. :/ Maybe I'll go do something exciting and then I can add that to my list of "about me" crap. blagh.

  16. Well, It's not so much that people don't care...What I meant to say was that, everyone tends to say some of the same things, you know? It's not uncaring that's the problem, it's the uninteresting part that's the problem.Like, if someone said they like to skydive while playing soccer with another skydiver(not possible...), then I'd care because it's interesting.Whereas if someone said they like to read, then I don't care because it's not interesting. >_>;

  17. It's the first day of school and the teacher decides to go around the class and ask each student to tell the class about themselves...


    I really hate this because I never have anything to say. I mean, what exactly do you say? Do you talk about your interests? Tell about your hobbies? I mean, half the time, the crap that spews out of your mouth, people don't care unless it's unique and really different. But most of the time, when people do 'tell the class about themselves', it's all like, "I like to read. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. I have 2 parents. I like long walks on the beach and I love to swim." That's...it. I've never really known what to say and when you try to say something similar to your teacher, they're standing up there, saying things like, "Oh, when I was in highschool, I won 2 basketball championships, I went to Harvard University, I have a loving wife, 10 kids, a manor on so and so road, a beach house over there [insert more achievements and awards], etc" and when you try to 'copy' what they say...you can't. I get the feeling like I haven't lived long enough to really say anything since I haven't any achievements or awards or whatever. I'm just sort of...there.


    It's like, there are a lot of things I've done...but nothing to merit someone to care, you know?


    So my question to you guys is, what do you say when you are asked to tell the class (or group of people, depending on the situation) about yourself?

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