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Everything posted by rovertos

  1. I got some invites too, just ask for them
  2. wow man, the background is very distractive! don't use any images for background, they are almost always a bad idea since they make text too hard to read. You also need a more consistent interface... and one more question, where did the banner in your front page come from? Does Xisto force banners in hosted websites?
  3. rovertos

    Jsp Help

    eeeh... do I have to get to package #2 to get JSP support? Isn't JSP support provided with package #1?
  4. OK, technology can bring people together, that's for sure. But can it also alienate people? What you think?
  5. I think this is the fastest I have seen a php forum work. It's really good...
  6. Jogging can do miracles for you, even for 10 minutes a day, provided that you do it EVERY day. In general, 20 minutes of physical exercise a day is all you need to keep your weight down if your diet is balanced, but you have to get used to that and make it a part of your everyday living...
  7. hey, that's really good, what kind of drugs are you using?... Seriously now, this IS good, and the fact that it was shown at such a prestigious festival speaks for itself... Do I sound ironical? I'm not, I really liked your movie.
  8. I don't think posting a new topic increases your post count... I have posted several new topics today but didn't see my post count getting increased. It could also be that some of your messages are too short.
  9. You might want to have some time off studying to get some women, man...
  10. Hi, my name is rovertos, I am Greek and I have been spending the last couple of hours trying to qualify for a hosting service here... I currently live in Athens but, as I see myself as a member of the "duty free generation", I will probably move to some other European capital within a couple of years. What is the "duty free generation"? Well, according to a New Statesman article, it is "that class of young rootless professionals who keep moving from one capital city to the next"... A kind of modern professional rolling stone, yes sir...
  11. ...if you have any good ideas for a novel that you know you are never going to realise why not share them with us? Maybe you will help us ambitious writers that suffer from writer's block.
  12. The site is good but you do have to improve the banner, it's just too purple... maybe you should try some lighter colours.
  13. I have one advice for you - if you use sound in your website make sure that you provide visitors with a way to turn it off, since many people are annoyed bysites with music, especially people who surf the web at work - like me!
  14. Yes I do have a job and I am at my office right now actually, but I'm not getting any work done because I'm trying to qualify for a hosting service here... I hope I don't get fired before this happens...
  15. Best comedy I have ever seen got to be "Groundhog Day". This is much more than a hilarious movie, it's quite deep and philosophical - it's about trying to make the best of your life because, if you don't, it's like living the same day over and over again. If I have to name one movie as the best movie I have ever seen though, this is "Festen", the first and best Dogma film. This should be one of the most powerful movies ever shot, I higly recommend this for everyone...
  16. I am Greek and I can tell you that people in Greece are very anti-American and they get more anti-American all the time. Bush getting reelected for president didn't really help for that matter... Personally, I see two Americas, the Red States of America and the Blue States of America. The Blue States of America I'm OK with, it's the Red States of America I don't like...
  17. ...that's funny, when I read the topic of this post I thought it would be a discussion on US foreign policy...
  18. ...is there such a thing, really? I almost wish I had bought a PS2 instead.
  19. These are mine:1. Festen2. Lost Highway3. Godfather part II4. American Beauty5. Blue AngelIf you haven't seen these movies, you have to rush to the nearest video store now!
  20. I have been using gmail for a month now and I am very pleased. It's a no-nonsense mail service, every single feature it offers is vey useful. Very usable, very quick, very nice indeed.
  21. Anybody can learn HTML in a couple of hours...
  22. NetBeans is probably the best IDE because it's very modular and extensible...
  23. According to an article I read teenagers who sleep less than 7 hours a day tend to be suicidal....
  24. this is why you need a built in camera with your mobile phone!!
  25. Really funny, Websense Enterprise forbids access to this page because it falls under the "tasteless" category
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