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Everything posted by barnes

  1. Thats the story I heard, though I have heard them all. Cops really don't care about hash anymore. Alot of my friend have been caught, humiliated, and cut loose. The only kid I know arrested with weed was this kid who was drunk and shop lifting at the same time. Weed is really not as bad as people make it out to be. Being 15, theres the "strightedge" people who are completely aginst anything that is harmful, and people who just don't care. I personally think the strightedge mantality is a waste of a youth. I know I am young once, and I know this is my only life, and I know I'm going to die. Why should I spend the one life I have scared of death when its going to come one way or another. Cliche I know, but the truth. You can't honestly think "I'm never touching drugs!" and walk all through life afraid just to die, not knowing what was the hype. Moral of this: Don't waste your life, its your only one.
  2. I'm thinking about investing in the domain trading system. I plan on buying a domain name, building it a bit, and selling it. From what I have picked up, this is what I know.1. You'll get more money if there is a simple site already set up. (Exspecially a CMS someone can log into.) Exspecially if you have alot of content.2. You'll get more money if you get alot of hits.Does anyone know any more information before I buy a domain? I'm about to buy it tomorrow and start building it soon. Let me know of any info I need to know!
  3. I recently read a Sci-Fi book that was based around Quantum Phyisics, but what is it? Quantum Mechanics is pretty much the study of probablilty. The probability of me being here, and me being some where else. One idea is a cat in a box, with a bottle of posion. Its considered alive, and dead at the same time.Some people belive that there are infinate amounts of universes that stem out. Theres a universe with me here, and a universe with me some where else, etc.Its very hard to explain really. Does anyone else know anything?
  4. Phourm is a new and unkown system. Really small too. http://www.phorum.org/
  5. Installing Linux on an iPod! (Doom, Videos on Nanos, Photos, even 4th Gen or Minis!) Recently I've been toying around with my friends iPod Nano, and my 5th Gen Video so, I decided to share the wealth. Pre-Tutorial Glossary iPod Linux - The iPod Linux OS we will install. Podzilla - Another name for iPod Linux The Apple OS - The orginal menu system on your iPod iPod Linux is a firmware installation that will run ALONG with Apples OS. So, you may be thinking, whats so great about this iPod Linux? Heres whats so great. Play videos on Nanos, Photos, even 4th Gen and below, including Minis! Play games like Tetris, Doom, Asteroids, Minesweeper, and many many more. Save battery life with mono tone theme. Make it look like your own with many diffrent themes and fonts. Many, many more. This tutorial is very simple to install and run iPod Linux. Insall STEP 1. Download the iPod Linux installer. There is one for every OS. Click here to get it. STEP 2. Plug in your iPod. Close all applications using the iPod. (iTunes, etc.) STEP 3. Run the installer. Click next, it should say "I found an iPod Nano..." etc. It should give you a warning that ALL DATA WILL BE DELETED, and ask if you want to make a back up. Make the back up by hitting next, and letting the install run. Don't worry about breaking the iPod, you can always run Apples Restore tool. STEP 4. When prompted, unplug the iPod and let it reboot into Podzilla (iPod Linux.) The install is done, and working. Usage Guide Using iPod Linux is simple, but can get confusing around the parts of switching from Podzilla to normal mode, and installing games, and movies. DISK MODE. Knowing how to get into disk mode is VERY important. Disk mode is the area you want to be in to add files to the iPod. To get into Disk Mode, hit and hold Menu + Select (Middle button) until the white apple goes away, as soon as it does, move your figer down to Play/Pause so you are holding down Play/Pause and Select. The Apple should flash and disk mode should appear. SWITCHING TO THE APPLE OS. To go back to the standard OS, hold down Menu + Select like for disk mode, but instead of changing to Play/Pause, move to Fast Foward. This should take you right into the old OS. INSTALLING iDOOM. iDoom is a port of the orginal Doom game built for iPod Linux. The install is VERY simple. First off, download the zip here. Then unzip, and boot your iPod into Disk Mode, and plug it in. Once the computer find the iPod, go into the root of it by going to My Computer and viewing it as a removable drive. Copy the unzipped iDoom file into the root. PLAYING iDOOM. To play iDoom, boot into Podzilla and select File Browser. Scroll down to the 'mnt' folder, and select it. Then find the iDoom folder, select it, and select iDoom. You should get some scart text, but soon the Doom screen will pop up. Controls are as follows. Menu = Up Last Song = Left Next Song = Right Play/Pause = Fire Fliping Hold on and Off = Menu Thats about all of it. Everything works, save games and all. PLAYING MOVIES. To play movies, copy uncompressed .avi videos into the root of the iPod like with iDoom, and then use the file browser on Podzilla to find it in the same place the iDoom folder was. Click here, to download a demo video. (From eBaums World.) LINKS. For any support, the iPod Linux forums can help you out. Ipod Linux Site
  6. Many newer P+Ses will have "Panorama assist" or "Stich Assit" that does this for you, but since I am saving up for a Nikon D50, this is useful! Thanks alot!
  7. I've been teaching my self C++, slowly but surely. Everything I try to program is just mediocre, and much simplier to use something already made. How long does it take before I can start programming useful decent programs?
  8. First post here. I'm lking this community. Anyways, I've made something like 5 dollars. I only got like 5 - 10 visitors a day to Now I need to start my new site because its all stopped now.
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