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Everything posted by barnes

  1. 1. You can not "brick" your iPod in anyway. (You can brick your PSP though.)2. My method will give you a firmware backup, as well as an easy uninstall. All you have to do it rerun the installer.I'm going to look into the Game Boy Emu later.
  2. Will do. I visited my site on my schools computer and in IE, it got a bit messed up, so now I have a lot to fix, alot to validate, and alot of cotent to add. Its a never ending cycle.
  3. Thanks for the link! I was going to validate after I finshed and was fully satisfied with my lay out. So far so good!I'm having a;ot of trouble lining up the Blog I have in an iFrame. I'm thinking about just coding the entries in HTML becuase it looks very crappy.
  4. I have no money to play WoW or any mof them, so whats a good alternate? I know Runescape, it sucks. I also know Maple Story and Dofus. Any others?
  5. I'm going to be honest, I don't like the logo. A bit too plain.. Otherwise, I love the design. I wish I knew how to make templates for Joomla and those CMS'es. I'll look into it later.
  6. Well I knew pretty much all of HTML before, but CSS isn't really brain surgry. I used reading source codes, and catching on. Dreamweaver also helped alot by showing me what options I had. Updates:: Added a gray border all the way around to sync into the nav bar. I'm about to use jlhaslip's suggestion to center it. Also, the navbar is all centered now. I'm really loving this CSS. Day ones creation. Day twos creation. I added images now. In the Photos Section. My problem is they are aligned right. If I put them in a seperate <div> tag, then the gray box will now continue the whole way down. Any ideas?
  7. All of those problems are solved. I made them all line up the same. Now I just need to add content. How hard would coding a PHP photo gallery? I'm thinking that could help me learn PHP.
  8. I've been using CMS'es and Blog software, but I feel like I'm cheating myself of knowlage, so I tought myself CSS and HTML in 2 days, and this is what I came out with. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm going tackle PHP next. Any ideas to make the nav tabs line up better? Any ideas on how to make the gray lines on the nav bar continue all the way down the sides?
  9. I have been using Linux on my Laptop for awhile. Ubuntu. I'm thinking I am ready to turn my desktop into a Linux machine, or atleast half of it. Currently, the only things keeping me on Windows are...-Flash.-Dreamweaver.-Photoshop.-Games. (HL)Please suggest me Linux alternates that I can use to jump off of Windows. This whole reformat every 3 months thing isn't fun.
  10. They say they don't support alot of the models. You can try just installing it, if it fails, you can run apples restore.
  11. I may try this later, but what I have now is functinal and fine. Nice tutorial!
  12. Try putting a photo per frame. On each frame put the action script like this... stop(); For the next and last buttons, type gotoandplay(frame X); in a button. X represent the frame number. I think thats right, but I'm in school right now so I can't check, I will when I get home. I think my teachers looking over my sholder...
  13. I'm saving up for the Nikon D50. Infact, I just got a job. I suspect I should get it before vacation in July. The D50 seems to fit my needs.
  14. Its very small. Something like 5 - 10 megabytes. Its nothing that will limit your amount of songs.
  15. This Friday I played my first game of D+D. I'm happy to report that it is a truely fun game. I'm going to write a simple tutorial on how to play. Requirments Dice. (6 Sided, 20 Sided, 12 Sided, 4 Sided, 8 Sided) 3 or more players. Imagination. The dice can be picked up at any store, or you can use an online Javascript dice roller. Here iss a link to the offical D+D version. This works obviously, but rolling real dice is SO much better. Players roles You will need a Dungeon Master[DM], and player. The DM is the one who will walk you through the story. He will create the monsters, and play as the monsters. He even has to set up shop for people to buy weapons, etc. The Dungeon Master The Dungeon Master must write up a story prior to the game play. He must have a full story, a map of the town, dialouges for the people in the town, and locations of monsters. For example, my DM had a full story about a town in lock down after being raided by Orcs. The giant stone statue that protects the town has fallen apart, and is missing a peice. He made it so people in the town would leak information, and he made maps out of the town and where we would encounter orcs. He even did side quests like a man whos son was killed by orcs and offered 3 gold for every head that was broguht to him. He must also have shops set up, and distrubure some amount of gold to everyone at the begining of the game. For weapons, the DM must decide what will be fair and strong enough aganist the monsters he makes. The DM has the biggest part of them all. Charcter Creation This is probably the hardest part, but can be the most fun. My technique is a bit simplier then the real way, but works the same. Write this on a peice of paper. Name: Class:(Warrior, Ranger, Rouge, Wizard, etc.) Race:(Elf, Halfling, Dwarf, Orc, etc.) Skills Str:(Strength) Dex:(Dexterity) Con:(Consitution) Int:(Intellagince) Wis:(Wisdom) Char:(Charisma) Roll five 6 sided dice and add up the top 3 numbers rolled and place each into each of the skills. Which number goes in which is up to you. Once you finish that, you must give out modifiers. If you are a warrior, then you'll get something like a +4 attack modifier. If you are a Wizard, the a +4 magic. This is more or less random and up to the DM. To get your HP, multiply the strength number by 2. To get MP (Magic Points) multiply Int. by 2. The DM will then explain the amount of Experince you need to level up, and how much gold everyone gets. Your DM will also use the Dexterity to determine a move skill. If you have a high dexterity, then you'll have a high movement like 4, but if you have a lower dexterity, it will be more like 2. If you are a wizard, you're DM will make a fair set of spells for you that are similar to other weapons he made. Here is a link to the offical character sheets. They have alot more options then I covered, but then again I am explaining a simple game. Game Play On with the fun part! Now everyone has a charcter, the DM explains the story. Shows the map and where things are, and the turns begin. This is an example of how a turn in D+D may run. Player: I walk to the market place and talk to a merchent. DM: He has a Greatsword and a small shield. The greatsword is 10 gold and the shield is 5. Player: I buy the greatsword and leave. Thats my turn. That would be an example of shopping. Here is an example of just standard game play. Player: I walk into this house. DM: A young boy asks you what you want. Player: I ask if he knows anything about the orc raid the night before. DM: The child says that his mom forced him to hide in the basement. He says all he saw was a large foot block the light from coming through the floorboards. Player: I walk out side and end my turn. This game play is the boring part, but the attack phase is the best. Attacking Say the DM tells you that you have run into an orc. Your going to have to fight! When you fight, you move a game peice or miniture onto a grid. Either a real map, or a chess board to make it simple. The first player can move as many spaces as his move skill allows him. So, as soon as he is in range of his weapon, (A bow attacking 3 spaces, and a sword only 1.) he can attack. The attack will work simply like this. Look at your weapons description. It will say roll a 8 sided dice. So you roll an 8 sided die, and get 6, but your attack modifier is 4, so you add 4 and get 10, then you will attack your enemy and lower his HP down 10. Repeat this until all enemies, or you are dead. Final Notes This should give you the basic idea of how to play. I know this is very simple, but I'm expecting you to fill in my gaps. Add things, etc. If you start getting into this alot then buy the books. The main books are The Players Handbook, The Dungeons Masters Guide, and The Monster Manual. If something is missing or dosn't make sense, tell me and I'll fix it ASAP. Good luck and happy playing!
  16. Atleast he had a sense of humor! Good story non the less.
  17. I'm really refreshing my self on CSS, PHP, etc these days and need a project I can work on to get alot of practice. What would you all suggest to me? I was thinking about making an eInvite type thing. Where you can have a website were people can RSVP for a party, and all the invites are sent via email. If I did this, alot of the people who would be using it wouldn't know how to host it, so its not a great idea. What do you all suggest?
  18. So, these days in my school the big deal is "Going Out" with a certian person. I got caught up in it, I admit, but later on, I stepped back and looked at the stupidity of it.I'm 15. I know this girl I am "going out" with will never be my wife. I know that "going out" with this girl is a big waste of time. I think I am too young to worry about that. I think that I am only young once and doing this "going out" ordeal is just going to make my youth worse. I want to have fun. I'm not saying I like just getting with the random female all the time, but I'm saying that "going out" is pointless. Does anyone else share this mentality? Does anyone else thing this mentality is completly wrong? Discuss.
  19. I prefer that over the old "we are too good of friends..." or "I don't know you enough..." Thats what I get. The fact that he did it over Gunbound is more then enough reason to say no. If hes not man enough to do it in person.
  20. Yes, it is infact installed over top of it. You hit Menu + Select until the Apple goes away like booting into Disk Mode, but hit Select and Fast Foward, and it will boot right into it. What I do is use the Apple OS to listen to music, and iPL for everything else.
  21. I love that last one. I love the name sleeper. Very nice !
  22. I live in PA, Philidelphia area. Comcast seems decent here. I get about 2 Mbs, but it is pretty inconsistent. I never really get down time, but if I do, I usualy mistake it for my crappy wireless card. But don't get me started on Digital Cable TV...Absolutly terrible. If you want premium channels, (HBO, Starz), you must pay for both the channel and and extra cable box. You can't recive analog feeds of HBO anymore. Although analog TV should be gone by 2009, don't you think they are getting started early, and over charging?
  23. I use CMS Made Simple. Its not to in depth, but allows for alot more hand coded pages. It really acts as a content MANGEMENT system and not a Content WYSIWYG Editor. My only issue with it is templates. There are none to download, but it seems simple HTML and CSS to edit it, though I havn't tried it yet. http://www.cmsmadesimple.org/ And ofcourse Wordpress gets the job done.
  24. Its a good idea, but to much to keep track of. Keeping track of power, keeping it cool, housing it. Well not so much housing it. My linux HDD is just laying in my PC, against this really old networking PCI card I don't use.
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