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Uhm I kindda see what you mean... When I was what.. Twelve I got "my own" dog to take care of and I thought it would be the best ever.. The thing is you always overromantize that kind of stuff... I'm just gonna add a little list <_<The dog IS gonna pee all over the placeIt is NOT gonna learn everything you try to teach it...It will take your stuff at two a clock at night and chew on itIt is gonna whine all night so you cant sleep before your examsit is NOT gonna be the perfect dog who runs beside you on the fields on a shiny dayBut it IS gonna run away and not come back when you take of the leashand you ARE, depending on where you live, gonna spend a lot of time in the cold rain with it...It have to pee every morning and evening when you're cold and tired and in your PJAnd it CAN'T be home alone for long without ruining stuffAND THE LIST CONTINUES ANOTHER 10 PAGES!Yet, I love my dog to death and I can't wait to see her again (haven't been home for a year!), but if I had known I would have waited a couple of years... My two friends who didn't believe me when I told them that they should wait, would definately sign this too.. Consider when you have the time in your life for a dog...
The Possibility Of Gay Rights Should it be allowed?
Munde replied to BooZker's topic in General Discussion
Okay, first of all I'm not an American. Actually I'm from Denmark, the first country in the world that made gay marrige legal...I totally agree. There is nothing wrong with being gay in any way and if they cant get married, then I would call it discrimination... America is a free country. If you believe in marriage, then you should be free to marriage no matter who you chose to do so with.About the laws I can only say this much: How can it be legal to smoke - and thereby harm yourself and your surroundings and get extremely addicted.. aka. a bad thing, but not marry the one you love?The thing about America (besides being run by a bunch of mindless idiots -sorry, couldn't help it) is that a lot of people are very narrow minded. I'm sorry, but they are. Few even cares what is going on outside America... They just listen proudly when they are told that America is the best country in the world... They are told that there's freedom and justice for all.. uhm! Except for gays, blacks, immigrants, homeless people, poor people, asian people and so on! If this is truely a free country with justice for ALL, how can it not be legal to marry whoever you want to... Love is the greatest thing.Uhm, official appology if I offended any American. I'm not saying this is a horrible place, just that there's things here very different from where I come from and.. For me it seems kind of wrong. I am. as I said, from Denmark, and not use to see poverty, discrimination and extreme religion as you are... -
Aliens Or Ancestors Or Some Kind Of God
Munde replied to amit nigam's topic in Science and Technology
There is no doubt in my mind, that there is other worlds out there somewhere, with life. No doubt that there were panets where life developed millions of years earlier. Yet, know that they in no possible way can resemble humans at all. Most are probably so different, that they live in ways we can't imagine. Anyways, what is the possibility that there has been life anywhere NEAR this planet in a distance that is even possible to travel, where the planet gave the materials to make aircrafts and the people had developed into an intelligance level greater than ours to make these (Without blowing themselves up as amhso so wisely said) and so on.Were slim. And even if so, why have we never heard from them again? I believe that thing like the pyramids were built by humans.. or slaves if you will... Not by any mysterious force. Then again, I don't believe in Gods either... I'm like: Let's face it, we live in a time where so much can be explained, and yet we stick to old beliefs, made up thousands of years ago, when people still thought that earth were the center of the universe and the sky was thin inner side of a huge sphere around earth... -
Uhum... Well, here's my side of this. I'm from Denmark, but currently studying in Arizona. I must admit I was shocked to see what you value in your education here! Here you are taught to memorize everything, even stuff that you really don't need. I mean, honestly, knowing the Declaration of Indepence, the Constitution and so on, wont ever save your life or help you in any way. No wonder half of you think school is useless.You are taught to do everything after the book (a good exsample wuold be MLA formats), and gives good grades for completed work rather than creative work...Where I come from we value independent thinking, oppinions, problemsolving, creativity and so on. You don't get good grades if you just solve the problem and don't show any signs of actual thinking...This might explain why everyone here expect europeans to be smart and creative... And why I think my current school is nothing but busywork and NOT challenging in any way.Point of this was: I know absolutely nothing about the American nor the Danish Constitutions and whatever, though I'm a straight A student... How can this have anything to do with intelligence? It's a question of memorizing something that might have no personal value to you at all...
Does any one also think harry potters dumb?? huh??
Munde replied to iGuest's topic in General Discussion
What? No, I don't think it is dumb! I mean, I don't loooove the Harry Potter books like certain people, but they are okay.Honestly I think it is really annoying when people claim that they hate something (often just because everyone else seem to love it) .. Half of you people didn't even readthe books (the movies doesn't count, cause they don't do the books justice).It is your oppinion whether you like it or not, but you should respect it anyways. At least respect the author who wrote it by not calling her books stupid: She didn't write them because she wanted them to be the huge bestseller... As far as the age goes, then they are absolutely not only for kids. Just like a lot of books they have a lot of good things to say if you analyze them a little, and related to many issues in both teen and adult life. Besides, don't we read because we want to slip into another world and hear fantastic stories? Yeah, well, that's what it is. No one is to old for that.So, my advice: If you think something is stupid then just don't bother talking about it.. And if you do, then at least read the books before you diss them (I do not know a single person who would say that after reading them all)Peace,Amanda -
Listen, getting friends can be really hard, but it will come. I don?t know how old you are or what kind of person you are, but I?ll give you a couple of advices. Don?t expect people to come to you. If you want to hang out with somebody, just go talk to them. If you don?t have anything to say to make contact, then simply ask if you can sit with them. Don?t be afraid that they?ll reject you, cause even if they do, you didn?t lose anything. Don?t be afraid of doing things that are unlike you! If you feel that you are kind of stuck in a role and afraid of breaking out of it, you missed the point. We are who we make usself to be (at least to some extend).Break out of old habits without looking back. This is really hard, until you realize, that nobody find it weirder than yourself. I had a friend once, who had trouble finding friends. All the sudden she broke out of all her old patterns and changed completely. I admit that we thought it was so fake in the beginning, but then we realized that she was more herself, more comfortable like that and we all accepted her for being like that. Accept the friendships you find.You can?t always chose who want to be friends with you. Sometimes you will find that somebody you thought was really dumb or weird is really nice and funny. Accept everyone?s friendship, and even if it is not what you are looking for, it is nice to have. You don?t find a true friend with the flick of a wand. It takes time to get to know somebody. //Munde
Of cause it is racism against whites... And blacks in a way. Giving blacks extra points kindda indicates that they need this, that they are somewhat dumber than others, which we all know (or at least all sane people) is not true. That is just another form of racism. All races, even the whites are discriminated somewhere. Where I come from it is immigrants from Iraq, Iran, and Israel and so on, who are discriminated the most, while black man is accepted and an Asian man is almost admired. Howcome is the racism not targeted on the same races depending on where you are? Blacks are definitely not seen often here (in Denmark) so what makes it different?Immigrants from the middle east are met with extreme prejudice here, as a new thing, since they?ve started to come within the last 10-15 years. The stereotypical ?immigrant? here are either just ?riding on the system? (meaning that they don?t work but live of the money they get from the state in support) or a ?criminal?. Most of the racism I think, come because they donot speak our language very well and do not understand all our customs? But, this can?t be a reason to discriminate? How would any white man, American or Dane, act if they moved to Pakistan? I wouldn?t want to change just to fit in? And become muslim or start? I don?t even know!So how can we expect anyone to change? We can?t! Can we expect them to learn the language? No.. That would be like trying to teach me Arabian or something :s Anyway, back to America. Racism here is much older.. And honestly it should be over now, but no? Why? I think, in a way you are right. Black people have to help along just as whites do. It doesn?t help anyone if the black man accuses the white man for discriminating. This is just prejudice from the blacks side. Yet, I don?t really think you should stop making jokes about races. I cannot say whether the N word should be included or not, cause I am starting to learn that it is a lot worse here than at my home? But then again ? the most accepted black people among the youth use the words themselves. The rappers I mean. I actually think they are the key. Rappers are excepted among whites as well as blacks. Anyways.. I dunno.. I kindda just wrote some random thoughts and perspectives here.. See if you can use them for anything.
Well, normally I go to bed around 1 or 2... which is pretty bad when I get up at 6.. The thing is that I really like being up at night because it is so nice and quiet and you have nothing you have to do! I'll sit at my computer for hours every night and i just c.a.n.t. go to bed! It's getting worse now because I'm living with a nine hours timedifference, so i can only talk to friends and family really early and really late.. And I'm not exactly good at getting up in the mornings...So, I'm pretty much the walking talking zombie too.. Yet, I get through the day very well... And catch up on some sleep in the weekends (or outside in the sun!) Works for me!
Actually I'm getting totally addicted to online role playing now. That is, in forums and stuff. That is, of course, only if you like writing and have emagination enough to do it all without graphics. There's some really good ones out there that is extremely well established.Some of them, like Land of Mystics (search for it, I dont remember the site) requires you to be extremely good at writing, others are a bit easier.I don't have any site names though, since I only play in my own, danish ones, but they're pretty easy to find if you search for them (on portals especially)...But again, it's only if you want to write and have the patience to wait for others reply!
I have no idea how you people manage to choose your favorite book! I might be able to chose a favorite in a genre... So, let's say fantasy is one of my favorite genres.My favorite book would be.. Uhm.. Not Lord of the Rings, because it is a little too descriptive. The Singer of all Songs is really awesome, but so is The Red Dragon (Not the Stephen King one of course!)And all the classics Like Harry Potter and all that stuff!
I seems like the others inhere are thinking the same as me. Your thoughts look really negative. Honestly, we all have days where were just down and cannot stop thinking about all the bad things, but it is really not worth it. I?ll try to write something I once thought of when we were discussing optimism and pessimism in school?One, widely known expression for this is the ?is the glass half full or half empty? and one of my friends answered: That depends if you are filling it up or emptying it. He didn?t mean it to be deep or anything, but he was actually right.See, if you keep focusing on all the bad things in your life, you are not getting anywhere. You get stuck and waste the time you were given in this life. But if you think of the good things instead and focus on all the great things, you?re filling your glass, your life, with something good, something worth spending your time on.Try to find something good to think of instead. Think of how much you love your girlfriend and ways of showing her: that even makes the possibility of her leaving you a lot smaller. Think about how other people think as well? I don?t know about you guys, but when I found myself as a typical pessimistic teenager, I started thinking a lot more. I started thinking about how we think and I used this in a good way, to work with myself and become a better person. This resulted in a better life to. Now people think I am very clever and mature for my age (I?m 17) and take me a lot more serious. Now I?m looking into psychology! This was my way of dealing with that. Find your way! Negative thoughts are something you should deal with.Good luck!Amanda
Wauw, I honestly thought you were kidding me. I mean, what is the opposite of copyright? Copyleft! That is such an awesome term, but I'll have to save the quote, cause people won't believe me when i say it actually exists! Nice!