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Blue Lightning

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Everything posted by Blue Lightning

  1. Oh ok......Its still nice how you blured it though.
  2. Thanks man, I have always wondered how you do this! Your a life saver!
  3. Php is great! Except I haven't learnt php yet so I am still using premade scripts.
  4. Lol. You forgot to include that a dead star can also become a neutron star. From wikipeida. AlsoBlack holes generate HUGE amounts of electricty/energy, black holes MAY one day solve our problems of generating electrictiy. Also wouldn't light being sucked in by a black hole iluminate the black matter around it? Al o About white holes, I don't understand them, wouldn't they have to point up in space time since on massive amounts of 'sucking' gravity make space time go down. Also Do black holes stay still or do they move since the universe is expanding? If they do move what is happening with the end of the black hole. Also I thought that if you went into another diemsion that you would 'lose' a dimesion meaning that you would become flat. Correct me if i'm wrong.
  5. Free CMSs are difficult to customly skin and code than paid CMSs.But I would steer clear of CMS unless you have absolutly no coding skill and don't want to spend a fortune on A wyswigy editor.
  6. Wow! You did make that right becasue it nice! And realistic!
  7. Hmmm, I don't realy like them.... And they don't really fit into my website very well... And most people wouldn't alow an unknown website like mine to run soething on their computer.
  8. I would much perfer buying a mp3 player that isn't made by apple becasue they are more expensive than other mp3 players with similar specs. Apple dosn't even apeal to most people as a 'big brand'. Unless they like apple.....
  9. There ain't really much to a flash drive lol.My sister put her cellphone through the wash once...... No it didn't work afterwards, it wouldn't connect to the network, still turned on fine tho. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Stay on the topic and discuss only the topic title related issues. If you're trying to draw an analogy, explain it better. This is off the topic.
  10. Lol. After 10 years who would really care about the disk.Besides, when blu ray disks are realesed and start to wear out we will probably have something even better. I'm thinking that memory sticks are the future!
  11. I have never heard of the term copyleft before.Funny how they came up with the name for it (not really.....)
  12. Wow! These are nice, real nice. Better than anything I can do
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