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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. And if not dun dun dun. HELL. Its true though. In the bible it says if you dont accpet god you will go to hell. In a serious manner though whats evil?
  2. I'm not 100% but in china dont they restric how many kids you can have because of how many people there are.
  3. There is a difference between Government and Leaders. Anarchist would create leaders, but not a government. Take a look at the definitions. Thats Government and here is a Leader The key word is guides. NOT controls.
  4. Haha i was confused on what you were sayin about the forums for a bit. So i was looking through my new site and was like AH hes talking about the old site. So you like huh? Thanks. Also so can anyone tell me how filefront works. I just copy the URL of the download after it has that animated gif that says like click here to start download and on the right is all the properties like rating of the file and stuff. So i click there and wait then it says again Click Here to download. I right click and go to properties and copy the link and put it on my site. It seems to act weird though. Sometimes it will download and sometimes it says the file is not there and sometimes it says its being used by multiple servers. Am i allowed to put the link on my site that way even?
  5. I just dont get this. What is evil? Cheating on your wife is evil and so is divorce. It can't be though becuse OVER 50% of people do it. Oh yah and dont forget working on Sunday is also. No one seems to care about those things anymore though.
  6. Why don't you look it up since you say God converts people. And anyway i thought he wasnt supposed to do that. He gives us free will i thought? If he makes us change then its not free will it becomes his will. I'm pretty sure i responded to a comment that said do not believe EVERYTHING you hear in the news. I never said dont believe the bible at all. What do you consider saved? When they believe what you believe? And what is evil? I'f im right its against Christian rules to cheat on your wife or get divorced? So when they do that are they considered evil? No never mind they just have to go to confession. Even if they murdered 100 poeple as long as they forgive them selves they can go to heaven. This makes no sence to me because if someone murdered my child i would never expect to see them in heaven. Well i have 2 responses to this. 1. This is why i expect no religion at sometime in history because there will be no need for one. 2. Read these Can you actually forget any of those? The only ones you could MAYBE forget is number 4. Any other one if you have to be reminded i think you are actually mentaly hadicapped... seriously.
  7. Huh? There is no updates box in the new site and no forums. The old site hasnt been updated for months. That is why i made a new site. I think your on the wrong site. I wanted to know what to keep and delete on the new site. Check out the new one with a glossy black look http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. Yah and if they dont he banishes them to hell forever. Sounds like a great guy.
  9. I have the Alcra D worm which starts up limewire and disables regedit and other things. If anyone knows how to get rid of this tell me. PLEASE. I have adaware, but it never seems to find it. I cant use ctrl alt delete and limewire slows my computer down because it opens non stop. SO PLEASE HELP. I have tried other things, but they never seem to work. I found a program for the type B worm, but it dosnt work for D i tried. Any info on this post back. If you use limewire and it keeps opening this is what you have by the way. And i love how limwire's FAQ says you have a worm. and nothing else. I mean this is a worm only passed on through them.
  10. Ok i fixed the <br /> tags. I thought i made them all like that, but must have put them there by accident. I fixed the alt"" tags also. I was lookng for the copyright, but what one? The one on the splash screen, videos section, or on the bottom of all the pages? Because i'm not supposed to change the copyright on the bottom because it got a template from freewebtemplates.com. I have changed most of the template they gave me the only thing thats the same is bg color and the glossy bars where the nav buttons are and above the copyright info. I will change the buttons. I will put more downloads and content. Does anyone know how or where i can host them. I know you can use filefront, but i cant use a link you have to go to there site. If anyone knows where please tell me. It adds lots of BW and HD space fast. If you know of any other content i should put on tell me. Here are the things my old site had that i got rid of:ForumsPollsSurveysLife Juuce sectionA O&J Productions toolbar downloadA updates section in an iframeSearch Engine (Was a good idea when i only had links for all my videos. I have thumbnail pics for each video now and they are easy to find so i got rid of it.)I added though:PicturesReal downloads such as psp formatted videos, Pc formatted videos, wallpapers for PSP and PCAn about page taken from wikipediaWhat do you think i should add again or get rid of?And Michael i fixed what you gave me on the home page, but i would have had to do it to like 6-7 more pages. So i did the first page and wanted to make a new site for it instead. The Splash page i am keeping ONLY because majority rules. The other crew members from O&J Productions want a splash screen with that owl sound.Thanks Michael though. I have some questions on these errors o have had:The biggest one is there is no bgcolor in netscape and firefox on the splash screen. I have no idea how to fix that. It dosnt come with an error either in dreamweavers validation.the TD tag does not have an attribute "background" in currently active versions? Dont know how to fix it. And those are the only errors i have on the validation. Any help thanks.
  11. You right. How about we ban condoms, birth control pills, and all forms of birth control since those are against production. Think about your saying before you say it.
  12. OK in a post somewhere else i stated my website is a mess. Instead of fixing it all up i wanted to make a new and better look for it. So on my new site for O&J Productions its cleaner and easier to get around. Have a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I also found a free website to host my old files so you guys could see what one you like better. The link to that is http://ojproductions.bravehost.com/ Also i want to know what else i should add or delete. I am using filefront and kind of confused on how the downloads work, so if you could just go to the downloads section and download the bum commercial and see if it works that would be great. Download the Bum Commercial in PC format because its only like 5-6 MB. It's the shortest movie. I will be adding more videos and soon psp wallpapers to the downloads section later. If you find any errors tell me what browser your using and what was wrong with it. It works fine in IE 7 and the PSP browser, but i have not tested it in netscape or firefox yet. I just finished, so thats why. So if you do go there thanks and hope you like our movies.
  13. Really what browser do you have? I tested it in netscape, firefox, aol browser, and IE and it worked ok. There were a few problems with each one, but it never not showed up. What browser so i can fix it.
  14. It still worked and i gave 15 credits, but why did it fail? Also will i need to sign in with a different name and/or password in the cpanel and forums? I don't want to log out and have something happen where i can't sign in thats why i havnt tried anything yet.
  15. I was reading all the links ill have to change and all the errors and decided to redo it. I now know too those alt"" tags.Actually i look my new look a lot. Its a black glossy look. It was my first site so i don't even like the old look anyway. I'll have the site almost done by tomorrow actually because i have all the media for it i had to just change the graphics and i'm alright with graphics so it didn't take long.Thanks everyone though. I probably would have just left it with the errors and everything.
  16. What do you mean? The Navigation boxes on the sides or the pop-up boxes for the videos?
  17. Well i did, but i had like 3 pages and like 6 six videos then so i was like whats the point. Now i have so many its a mess. Also it was my first site so my coding was horrible. Thanks so much. Yah like i said before it was my first site and it grew and i did not keep up with it. OK i'll check it out. And i started to fix up the page, but does this mean i'll have to change the links to the pictures and videos in everyone of the pages?
  18. OK if you do PM me or email is the best at boozker@gmail.com.
  19. I need to change it and i have looked in the search and i have found how to change the username, but if i change the username does that change everything? Does it change it here in the forums and my sub domain and my cpanel login? If i change it will all my files still be there? I'm sorry if i'm asking questions that were answered, but i looked and found mixed answers to the questions i'm asking. in other words i want ojproductions.trap17.com instead of my current boozker.trap17.com
  20. Ok this is for my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i just moved it over to Xisto from bravehost.com when i thought how much of a mess it is. I have no folders. All my pictures are in the root. This happened because this was my first site and i did not know better, but know i have added so much stuff. Is there a way to put all the images in an images folder and sync all the rest of the links to the images like the logo and stuff. I use dreamweaver 8 if that helps. I was pretty sure there is a way, but i can't figure it out. And also i have all of my videos in the root. So the video pages being something like http://ojproductions.bravehost.com/lifejuuce.html for example (now its change to boozker.trap17.com/lifejuuce.html) see it should be life boozker.trap17.com/videos/lifejuuce.html. Can i fix those things easily or will i have to go from page to page?
  21. What the hell are you talking about? Athiests and agnostic do exist by the way. And i know don' go out of the way to stand out. I mean say tht too Martin Luther King Jr. and Ghandi who stood out for freedom and not to judge people on religion. People like you are the ones who make the world the same everyday. By the way i'm not religious along with about 50% of my friends.
  22. Here are some of mine. They go from my fave to least fave. I can make changes to them easy and fast if you like also. If you don't like them tell me how i can fix them. Here they are I can put a bee in the last one also if you like. Also if you dont like any of the bee pics i have email one you like and have copyright too and i'll put it in there.
  23. Damn i'm sorry. I looked over it too. its http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Sorry
  24. I know what your thinking, carpet boarding? Haha i know, but my videos of carpet boarding were so popular i made a site. I would love for you guys to tell me what you think of it. And if you carpet board, or are going to after seeing the videos look under the submit section.
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