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Posts posted by True2Earn

  1. I mean light is a result of heat. Therefore, the bigger the source of heat the farther away the light can be seen.

    Correction: light is not a result of heat. Take a stone and feel it. It's cool to the touch. Put it in a very dark room. You cannot see it. Now take this stone and place it in the oven at 500 degrees for an hour. The stone is now very hot. Put the stone in a dark room. Hmmm... you can't see it. Heat is infrared radiation. You can learn more about it from NASA. For visible light see the NASA link here. The best place to learn about light (being composed of "particles" called photons is HERE. The strangest thing about photons is that they display properties of particles and waves simultanously. Though we know tons about photons, it's still a mystery what they actually are.

  2. Since I was the one who made the suggestion for this script I think its up to me to help guide you. I went ahead and installed the script HERE so you can take a look at it.

    The following is what I did to install it. Replace what I have with your data...

    $config["URI_prefix"] = "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;;'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;;
    in your case it will be
    $config["URI_prefix"] = "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;;'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;;
    The next line I changed is
    $config["local_prefix"] = "/home/reinhart/public_html/bible/";
    I'm not sure what it will be on your server.

    Until you get it working, you are fully granted to use it on my site. just copy the following files to the directory and it will be fully operative. The first file is index.html
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Searchable Bible</title></head><frameset rows="0,*" frameborder="no" border="0" framespacing="0">  <frame src="top.html" name="topFrame" scrolling="No" noresize="noresize" id="topFrame" title="topFrame" />  <frame src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/&%2334; name="mainFrame" id="mainFrame" title="mainFrame" /></frameset><noframes><body></body></noframes></html>
    The next file is called top.html
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Searchable Bible</title></head><body></body></html>
    Because it is using a ZERO framesize, your URL will be shown and not mine.

  3. Also, requesting someone to click on your Adsense links is a violation of Google's TOS. Creating a network of people just to click on each other's links is a violation of the TOS. Even driving traffic to your site using auto-surf programs is a violation. Make sure you read over the Google Adsense TOS thoroughly, including the Policy. You should also read over the Webmaster Guidelines.


    You must adhere to all of this, otherwise you face termination of your Adsense account. If you are going forward with your proposal, Zabb, I would just like to inform you that you will be facing termination of your Adsense account as soon as they know of it, and they will know. Google regularly audits all sites using Adsense. I am only letting you know all of this for your own sake.


    Play it smart. Build a web presence with quality, original content and quality backlinks. Quality is the key here. Don't plan on making money instantly. It takes time. It took a friend of mine four month to make a decent income and she is doing very well today (I won't mention her name but she is well known). And most importantly, don't rely on just one website. If one website is bringing in only $5 a day, imagine what 100 sites would do. And the money you earn? Don't just go out and blow it. Reinvest it and expand. If you earn $100 then go and get more domains and paid hosting with it. Build more and more quality content sites. Join various affiliate networks such as ClickBank, Commission Junction and Amazon. That would be the best advice I can give you.

  4. Most of the time I use Notepad for html and php. When I'm working on a more complex php script I'll use Dreamweaver only for the color coding of the script which makes it more readable. I've made a couple sites using XSitePro and though I'll agree you can build sites quick with it, I find I have to go through all the code generated and delete a lot and correct a lot of code. One good example is where XSitePro uses "middle" instead of "center" and creates a lot of <p><font></font></p> and other useless lines. It's not worth the trouble using. Using Notepad I don't have to worry about excess baggage that'll bloat and slow down my webpages.

  5. I went to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and the site is up. Also, a whois search confirms that the nameservers are set to:

    Name Server:NS1.TRAP17.COM
    Name Server:NS2.TRAP17.COM

    So Tracey, I think you already have everything set properly. Are you referring to the section in cpanel for subdomains? That is to add subdomains such as cherry.vanillaskye.org. After creating a subdomain and you ftp into your account, you'll see a folder called "cherry" (using this example). I hope I'm on the same page, if not, just give me a shap slap and wake me up. :)

  6. Yep! Good ol' Notepad. You'll never find a better HTML editor than that. The best thing about it is you can write some really optimized code with it. The worst thing about it is you cannot check your work for errors that you may have overlooked.

  7. Are you sure the script is Zend optimized? If it doesn't run it might be IonCube. The server here is using IonCube 2.5 and the latest version is 3.1. That has caused me some problems because I purchase a script that requires IonCube 3.0 or better. Since they are using version 2.5 I ended up wasting some money. You might want to check your script to find out the requirements. It might be it needs IonCube 3.0 or better and not Zend.

  8. The best dog to have is a stuffed animal! Why do I say that? Well... I have 4 of them and they wreck the house, leave puddles and doggie piles, chase each other around at 2am, bark at the slightest noise, make me chase them a half mile down the road, use shoes as chew toys, use clothing as chew toys, use my limbs as chew toys,and the list goes on and on. Yes, the best dog to have is a stuffed animal...

  9. What software do you use to do web designing? There are so many of them out there it's hard to say which is the best. There are only two that I mainly use. They are Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 and XSitePro. When I use XSitePro I always have to redo the site in Dreamweaver to get rid of errors in the html. And I use Dreamweaver mainly for PHP. Of course, the best html editor around would have to be windows notepad!PS: I also use Photoshop CS2 for images.

  10. In simplest term, a googol is 10^100 and a googol plex is 10^(10^100). and a Google is not the same as a googol though they do tend to sound alike. Sound alike? hmmm... sorta like "I knew New York". now I'm getting confused... Reminds me when Miss Zouri gave Mrs. Sippi a new jersey, but what did Dela wear? answer... Idaho? I don't think she could pay Virginia the Texas. argh! now I'm getting myself in a weird state of mind! I'd better go see if Louisie Anna is at Georgia's place and have a talk...

  11. Remember, Google wants to add your site to their index. There wouldn't be much point in not indexing one's site because Google's main objective in life is to be the largest and most complete internet database in the world. Just make sure you do not over-optimize your site, otherwise, it will get penalized.

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