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Posts posted by True2Earn

  1. Now I can honestly say I found something that frightens me. Security? It only secures our own computer against us! Yes, it's all about control. Control the population, control how they think. Take away our freedoms and our God given rights. Slowly, shackles are placed upon us, restricting us more and more. Like the frog in the pan of water. Eventually, as the fire is raised, the frog doesn't jump out and boils to death. The changes are so gradual we do not notice them and next thing ya know... it's too late.

  2. Even though this thread is old I thought I'd add something interesting concerning 666. Suppose we give values to our modern alphabet. Let A=6, B=12, C=18, and so on. Now, if we take certain words or phrases and add up there values we get 666. For example,


    corrupt: C=18 + O=90 + R=108 + R=108 + U=126 + P=96 + T=120 <--- Total=666


    To keep this post short, I'll list some words/phrases that, when the letters are added up total 666. I wrote a simple program that does these calculations so I don't have to. Just fed it a word list and let it get to work. A few of the interesting words/phrases I have found are:




    mark of beast

    satan's hell



    a president

    superb eagle


    black armageddon

    vale kidron (for this term, do a google search, you may be surprised at what it is)


    nuclear hell


    and the list goes on. It makes me wonder whether or not it's just all a coincidence that these particular words/phrases add up to 666. They seem related in a Biblical way to the war to end all wars, the war between good and evil, the end of the age as we know it. But, where one thing ends, a new beginning starts...

  3. Unfortunately, dark_drgn got it a mere 25 minutes after I posted it. Since he hit the nail on the head I'll try to come up with an alternative (but unbelievable) explanation for our readers who see jack-booted, black ski-masked, NWO thugs under every bush and around every corner. Might as well get some humor out of what's left of this thread.


    Ok, the reason that GWB's bio comes up in the #1 position for the search term "failure" is... it's not really a word, but an acronym! F.A.I.L.U.R.E. and not failure. F.A.I.L.U.R.E. is a secret organization ruled by the elite such as the Bildeburg's, Rothschild's and Rockefeller's. These elite members have spy satellite's that monitors every human being on the planet. If someone utters the word "failure" then the satellite zooms in on them and watches their every move. GWB is one of the pawns in the game of NWO and a minor member of F.A.I.L.U.R.E. but he is moving up in the ranks. Arnold Schwartzenegger even wants a piece of the action like his nazi father. Like Arnold says, "I ahm dee prehzeedent of Cahleefornya!"


    Okay, there's one alternate explanation. Do I believe it? Hmmm... if I say nothing... would that create another mystery? I owe this post to you, mama_soap. Without your input I would have never thought of the conspiratorical angle. Thank you. <_<

  4. Ok, so far what I've read is cheering me up. Let's see if I have this correct. With the free, no ads, hosting I can create a file named .htaccess with the following:

    RewriteEngine on
    Options +FollowSymlinks
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^\.htaccess$ - [F]

    and I would not get a 500 error, it'll work and I can get rid of URL's such as hxx  domain.com/subdirectory/index.php of garbage here>&x=<more gargage>$etc ???

    That sounds like a pretty good deal. Also, I checked out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and nearly dropped a load in my pants. Are these features with all the plans? And the prices? I don't think I've ever seen hosting this affordable and feature packed in a long, long time. It looks like I may have to go with free hosting with Xisto until I earn enough $$$ to afford hosting with Xisto - Web Hosting. I think I may even have to give free advertising to the company and promote something this good!

  5. I am wondering if Xisto.com (free web hosting, no ads) supports mod_rewrite and htaccess or are these features disabled. I have tried many different hosting services and so far I've found none that support it. These two features are very valuable when one wants to have a web presense and have an SEO site. Additionally, it would enable one to earn enough cash to be able to purchase hosting. Sometimes I wonder if it's possible for "low-income" people to even earn a little residual income. LoL. I hope someone can shed a little light on whether these features are available or not. If not, do you know of any free hosting that does provide them?

  6. Here is a little excercise. Go to Google and enter "failure" as your search term. You might be surprised that the #1 entry is :


    Now here is the puzzling part. Try to find the word "failure" on the site. How is it possible that his bio turns up in the number one position out of about 510,000,000 results. This is an exercise that is left to the reader. If no one comes up with a satisfactory explanation then I will give my synopsis on the subject.


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Use quotes when sighting source.

  7. There are many different programs available to do prime research. The ones that I, personally, use are:Paul Jobling's NewPGen - This program performs sieving of a particular range of numbers to factor out candidates quicker.LLR - Written by Jean Penn?, the non-network capable Lucas Lehmer Riesel is the traditional application used to test and prove the primality of numbers of the form k*2^n-1.Proth - Proth_sieve is a sieve program for Proth and Riesel numbers (k*2^n?1) developed by Mikael Klasson and Paul Jobling.George Woltman's PRP - Probabilistic prime testing program. This will take the output of NewPGen to check for probable primes before sending to Proth.Chris Nash's PrimeForm - PrimeForm is a program that performs the "Fermat little theorem" in order to test whether a number is a probable prime. While probable primality does not in itself prove primality, it is a valuable tool and a very quick test to establish if a number is composite. If probable primality is established, it may be possible to prove primality by further testing. In particular, PrimeForm can apply the classical "N-1" and "N+1" tests in the cases where N-1 or N+1 has many small factors. This allows PrimeForm to be used in the proof and discovery of a wide variety of forms.Yes, it can take a very long time to test a number for primality, sometimes years before a discovery. Suppose I was testing for a primes number that has 10,000 digits. Now let's assume it took 10 hrs to discover one. That sets up our baseline for comparison. Now, let's look for a prime with 100,000 digits. One of this size will take 10^3 times longer so 10 hrs * 10^3 = 10,000 hrs (about 1 year 2 months) before finding a prime number.As for the largest known prime number? On December 15, 2005, Dr. Curtis Cooper and Dr. Steven Boone, professors at Central Missouri State University, discovered the 43rd Mersenne Prime, 2^30,402,457-1. The new prime is 9,152,052 digits long. This means the Electronic Frontier Foundation $100,000 award for the discovery of the first 10 million digit prime is still up for grabs! The new prime was independently verified in 5 days by Tony Reix of Bull S.A. in Grenoble, France using 16 Itanium2 1.5 GHz CPUs of a Bull NovaScale 6160 HPC at Bull Grenoble Research Center, running the Glucas program by Guillermo Ballester Valor of Granada, Spain. It takes a lot of computing power!

  8. Actually, the largest known prime number is 2^230402457-1 containing 9,152,052 digits, found on December 15, 2005. For information concerning prime numbers and the research into in can be found at http://primes.utm.edu/. All numbers that are submitted as a prime number must accompany proofs. You cannot just say 1 with 10 million zeroes + 1 is a prime. The number submitted will also be verified before being announced. An example of the output of a primality proving program (in this case, Proth) is as follows:

    1557*2^231779 + 1 is prime! (a = 5) [69776 digits]1557*2^231779 + 1 is prime! (verification : a = 7) [69776 digits]
    1557*2^231779 + 1 doesn't divide any Fm.
    1557*2^231779 + 1 doesn't divide any GF(3, m).
    1557*2^231779 + 1 doesn't divide any GF(5, m).
    1557*2^231779 + 1 doesn't divide any GF(6, m).
    1557*2^231779 + 1 doesn't divide any GF(10, m).
    1557*2^231779 + 1 doesn't divide any GF(12, m).
    1557*2^231779 - 1 factor : 5
    1557*2^231780 + 3 factor : 3
    1557*2^231780 + 1 factor : 41
    1557*2^231778 + 1 factor : 7

    This is one I discovered but due to UTM server problems another person discovered it and got it submitted 7 days before I was able. So now, it's back to the drawingboard...

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Quote tags are used when listing or placing codes. Unless you can claim it that it's yours, please use the correct BBcode.

    Yes, the above is directly me from my own private research into prime numbers (one of my hobbies).

  9. Do you remember these famous quotes?

    "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."

    - Thomas Watson, Senior, Chairman of IBM, 1943


    "Computers in the future may weigh no more than ten tons"

    - Popular Mechanics, 1949


    "But what is it good for?"

    - IBM Engineer on the microchip, 1968


    "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home"

    - Ken Olser, President, Digital Equipment Corp., 1977


    "640K ought to be enough for anybody"

    - Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft, 1981

    The world is a quickly changing place, and once, we actually believed fitting 650-700MB on a single disk (CD-ROM) was alot of space. But now, we have DVD-ROMs that can hold more than 8GB. Think about it... a DVD-ROM that holds 8GB of data has about 50,000 times the capacity of the once popular 160k, 5.25 inch, single-sided floppy disk, and only 425 times the capacity of a CD-ROM. The 300GB disc is less than 40 times the capacity of our common DVD-9 disks. Yes, times change, technology advances, and those of us that cannot accept it will be left behind still marvelling at how fire can be made by rubbing sticks together.


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Use quote tag when copying from another source.

  10. hi, what are you planning on learning it for? how you should learn really depends what you are using it for, like with writing games, you might want to look up using assembler with opengl and stuff like that. if you just want to learn the basic syntax and find some compilers, try http://www.plantation-productions.com/Webster/, although i think someone might have mentioned it earlier.

    You will also want to download the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manuals as reference material. If you also would like the programmer's reference material from AMD. For assembly programming on the Linux platform you may want to take a look at the introductory book entitled "Programming From The Ground Up" (right click and select "Save as").

  11. If you are using HTML you can speed up your site with compression (basically removing whitespace). The easiest (and cheapest) way of doing this is using a freeware product such as Absolute HTML Compressor to optimize your pages. You can download it from HERE. When using JPEG's you can recompress them at a lower quality to reduce their size. Sometimes you can get down to 25% compression (or lower) on the image without any noticable difference from the original. Also, resize the images smaller. If you are using tiled images on the background and its a solid color, just use HTML instead of the image. I've actually seen tiled background images as small as 10x10 pixels. If using javascript isn't really necessary, then don't.

  12. I think that you would only be getting one check. I am 99% sure that you can use all of the subdomains you want, but I think that mine is all done under the main domain name.


    For product referrals (Google Adsense, and Mozilla Firefox), I think that it would drive the clicks if you place a blurb like "up to 20% of current Firefox users are a version behind". I can see that percentage by looking at my google analytics information (view by Browser version).


    Yes, you get only one check. Google will not pay out until you reach whatever amount you set, the minimum being $50. Once you have an Adsense account you can place Google ads on any page (maximum ads per page is 3 see the Google Adsense TOS at their website). Even if you have 100 domains with each having 100 subdomains you can have the ads displayed on your pages. There really isn't any "secret" to earning money with Adsense. You can find out all you need to know from Google. I hope this helps answer your question.
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