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Everything posted by Slay

  1. I was born and raised listening to Country music and its been the only music I've listened to for roughly 15 years. However I have just recently started listening to newer music and have become quite a big fan of lots of music. From Marilyn Manson to Greenday to Aerosmith, they are all great.
  2. I havent really thought much about what job I'm going to get. I would like to get something that involves computers and websites but I will most likely end up at Wal-mart. They are building a new one about 45 miles away from me so I could probaly rent a apartment and live down there working. Atleast once I get outta high school.
  3. Albus Dumbledore refered me. I'm glad he did, I cant wait to get started.
  4. Slay

    Slay Here!

    Hey everyone! I figured I'd post an introduction. My name is Cory but you can call me Slay. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and also like Harry Potter. I'm sorta a geek considering I believe in aliens, sasquatch, and all those other wierd things. I live in Minnesota where it was freezing this winter and love to play ice hockey, summer and winter fishing, and overall managing forums.I know HTML and have plans on learning php soon. I have a successful Star Wars Role-playing game with 500+ members and want to either learn enough about web making to create a counter-part information site for it or have somebody else. Anyways hi everyone!
  5. I burrowed this game from a friend of mine, I had high hopes for it but it didnt turn out as great as I thought. Then again I thought that the gameplay and controls were better and you werent a driver. I hate driving games, sure you dont always drive but you still mostly always do.
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