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Posts posted by Zabb

  1. Bush is just a puppet. REALLY research 9-11 and you will probably at least agree that if our government didn't start it they surely knew about it and did nothing to stop it. as far as iraq goes yes we were lied to and so was bush , keep in mind the documents released to the public by our "intelligence" stated that iraq had chemical and biological weapons. whether or not they did I feel doesn't matter. saddam is a worthless piece of garbage and needed to be removed. heres a true analogy. when I was in 2nd grade their where a few older kids that would pick on me and my friends, beat us up steal our stuff, etc... we knew couldn't tell on em but I told my brother who is 4 years older than me 2 years older than these other kids. he basically told me to deal w/ it fight back and see what happens. after several days of black eyes and bloody noses my brother realized I was doing nothing but getting my butt kicked he stepped in kicked the crap outta 2 of them and they never touched me again.I think ,for whatever the reason we're there, saddam was the bully the iraqi people where the targets and the USA had to play big brother because no one else would.our government NOT JUST BUSH (you really think he's that smart?) has installed the most unpatriotic act ever and disquised it as the patriot act.and to the guy who complained about airport security.. go ahead and give up your rights but stop offering mine too.

  2. Voted for MaRocker for originality and uniform. although I liked SM's Text the best I don't like the border line going through the render.MaRocker : 2Albus Dumbledore : 0Avalon : 0Euro Ganhos ?$ : 0Kubi : 0Se?or Maniac : 0psychiccyberfreak : 0itsmyard : 0Saint-Michael : 1ashmaster : 0savge17 : 0

  3. I have sereral idea's that could use this theory but I dont know how to get it done.basically in image ready I want to make 1 frame w/ an object small. then make the next fram w/ the object resized larger. same w/ a free transform rotation.(then tween)but every time I change either the size or rotation it changes them in all the frames.I thought about making a bunch of layers and moving resizing little by little but that would take forever and I am way to lazy for all that. thats actually how I did my first few animations and then a friend told me about the tween function OMFG I felt dumb. I'm sure theres an easy way to this I just don't know how.Thanks in advance.

  4. file size: none

    pic size : under 500 x 200

    must be animated


    first round I go first second round you go first.


    I'm new here and just tryin to get involved in the community. pretty new to photoshop and like the tuts here,

    even though I'm not a big fan of anime.





    Theme -- NONE

    Size -- No larger than 500x200

    Render -- any

    Animation -- Yes! Required

    Due -- April 20th, 2006

    Other -- 2 round series if rounds end 1 to 1 total votes wins

    ex I win round 1 w/ 4 votes and you win round 2 w/ 7 votes you win the series w/ 10-4. best of 3 if needed.

    4 out of 7 wins

    1 vs 1 battle



    here's mine



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