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Posts posted by Zabb

  1. If all they where interested in was busting child porn they should be requesting info from the porn sites not google. Although I think its sick and the people that look for that stuff should be shot the government should find better ways to enforce the laws. besides after they bust someone they do community service at a school. I'll look for the article but it actually happened.if they want to bust porn sites search google for porn find the sites trace ips find the isp's then request w/ a warrent information on the people distibuting these files. they have no problem whatso ever finding the people uploading MI3 and the divinci code. and lastly if they really want google's search records they should search google you can find anything that way.

  2. has any one ever been dumb enough for those stupid ads?I see them on almost every "bored" site . you know the sites you go to when youre bored.youtube abum ect...they all say click here who's legs are these blah blah .. and then you have to COMPLETE a survey and part of the COPMLETION process is to have a friend COMPLETE a survey too. the tos says your friends cant send it back to you. therefor the survey can NEVER be COMPLETED because its a continoius chain that will never end.they're freaking everywhere and someone has to pay for those ads, who is it and what do they get just an email list for spam? seems like a really good way to get a completely untargeted audience of people w/ lots of mail in thier bulk folder.maybe I should've posted this in the vent ?

  3. I use a .htaccess file
    in the main directory create a text doc named .htaccess the . has to be there or it wont work.
    all that needs to be in the file is a single line w/ this code edit as needed

    Redirect /olddirectory/oldfile.html http://yoursite.com/newdirectory/newfile.html
    save and test
    mine is simply
    Redirect /public_html/  http://newsite.com/

    you could also make a html page and add a redirect page that says we've moved click here if you're not automatically redirected

    just add this to the head in your html doc (probably index.htm)

    <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;

    the zero is a timer (seconds) you can change that to say 5 and they will see the page temporarily for 5 seconds b4 the redirect.

  4. runing a website isnt to hard to set up but your I.P. will continually change through your isp. there are free services that will make a virtual ip to get away w/ this. but I also garantee that if you get lots of hits the isp will monitor bandwith find out your running a server which is against thier TOS and then wait for a few months of you doing this and send you a bill for the difference of thier regular connection that you pay for and thier dedicated server package that is usually around $150.00 a month.

  5. Zabb, you need to re-learn some basic vocabulary. A fact is something that is true. If you can prove that it is wrong then it is not true and therefore not a fact.


    Main Entry: fact

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Latin factum deed, real happening, something done, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere to do, make

    1 : something that has actual existence : a matter of objective reality

    2 : any of the circumstances of a case that exist or are alleged to exist in reality : a thing whose actual occurrence or existence is to be determined by the evidence presented at trial


    from The American HeritageŽ Dictionary.

  6. OK first off many people arnt even giving there opinion on the subject. They are just saying if they are religious and why its good or bad. I'm not asking if religion is bad or good im asking what do you think the world would be like.

    Do you honestly have to have a religion to tell you not to kill, steal, cheat on your wife? If so, you or the person who thinks this should get help. These are basic human beliefs.

    I agree 100%
    I don't believe we need religion to follow common laws that can respected by all people of any faith.
    and despite the good that does come outta religion I think theres also alot of bad. if you add up the death tolls of wars and genocide caused by "god" it outwieghs any and all desease (mental or viral).

  7. Lists of "facts" are one of the worst things ever to sprout from the internet. No list will ever apply to everyone, much less the simple majority of people. People are different. I could make up a list of 99 things about girls and tout them as facts and some people would believe me but anybody who has any sense would realize that as a whole they mean nothing. I read the first 10 or so of those facts before I couldn't take it any more. 5 don't apply to most people I know, another 2 to nobody I know.

    they are all FACTS.
    they can all be proven. that is a fact. they can all be proven wrong but they can be proven.

  8. Go to college first. Go in as an officer. The pay is better and you aren't a slave. Plus, if you go in while you are in professional school ( Medical School, Dental School, Law School, Vet School) they will pay a LARGE chunck of your school for you. That is the reason I chose to go in. And quite honestly, the benefits are great.
    I saw a post saying "Dont pick infantry or your going to Iraq) that is NOT true. While the chance is greater to go to Iraq if you pick that MOS, it is not 100% that your going. They are pulling troops out left and right.

    I think the military is a great experiance for anyone. I say go to college, join an ROTC program in college, then go for the gold. Dont go green when you are capable of gold!

    exactly right, as far as making a future for yourself the other branches have much more to offer.
    airforce is by far the best for tech training. but chech to see if they pay off school debts I know the AF will pay for college loans as long as you have a degree. plus still pay for further schooling.and officers pay is way freakin better that grunts.

  9. Well, lets answer them:
    [1]I can't give you the number for each and every single one, but you should really read the stories, and count them yourself.
    [2]No. They tell them themselves.
    [3]Society? But, it's not just rapists or killers, but prostitutes and more that have converted their ways. Again, you should really read up on the proper stories.

    Now, i ask, do you accept these as answers?

    1. still not tellin who they are just telling me to look for it. what stories, where are they?
    2. refers to 1 who tells it themselves? and if theyre a convicted criminal why should I take thier word for it? I want proof .
    3. refer back to your first post it sounded as if you personally knew the people telling the "mad" stories.thats why asked that way.

    like I said before people need something to believe in and if they fall for god or another fictional charactor to make them live better lives great. all worship the holy fonz.
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