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Posts posted by round

  1. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a hosting company with cold fusion enabled. I've found tons and signed up with one but they turned out to be more trouble than they were worth so i'm out looking again. I would need the hosting just for testing purposes so it can't be really expensive.
    hope someone can help. Oh it would be really nice if they were located in canada aswell. It doesn't have to be, just would be nice if they were.

  2. I've just started a job and they're using cold fusion and have no intension of switching anytime soon. So i'm stuck trying to configure a login page in flash. Actually it's a mini site made in flash and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.
    I'm completely new to the cf stuff so i'm completely in the dark. No fun acutally. I thought it would be much easier concidering that macromedia owns both or more like adobe owns them all now.
    Any links would be a great help.

  3. I made the site completely in flash, it seemed much simpler that way. The company does mostly print design and branding they haven't branched out into the web yet if ever. This project is like never ending with all the changes they've wanted. I'm mostly responding the post above, cause i would agree with everything they said but the client wanted it that way and that's the way it got done. One of the drawbacks to getting paid to design a site for someone.

    As for the search enging stuff. I haven't really had a problem ranking flash site, just make another html one and your all good.


  4. I'm not sure why people bother to download photo gallery apps when there's a much quicker way of creating one. If you have photoshop installed, scroll down the file menu to automate and it's all there. Creates the web page, has a couple of different layouts, with thumnails and all the javascript. It sort of dumb that you can't do the same thing in imageready.

    I've been using it alot lately and it does what most of those free downloadable apps do but much easier i find. It also gets you used to using the automate feature of photoshop. Once you get the hang of it, it's the greatest time saver in the world.


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