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Posts posted by round

  1. well i kinda use both and have for years, nothing new has come along. It's only when you start working at companies that you realise that they use other tool and apps just because of cost. I've been reduced to working with front page, homesite, claris ect. And they all have their own special coding extras. Pretty much a pain but you learn really quickly how to adapt to other programs to get the job done.round.

  2. this bit of code has always worked for me. It would be easier if you could say what version on browsers you want it to work with.<a href="file name" onclick="var popupwindow=window.open(this.href, 'popup', 'width=400,height=300,scrollbars,resizable'); popupwindow.focus(); return false;">Sample popup</a>If it doesn't work, then i would just look into the focus() parameters that do apply to the browser you want it to work with.Hope this helps.round

  3. thanks for the reply. I'm looking into the LocalConnection commands, seems to be what i'm looking for. The reply just above wasn't what i was looking for. I can do that but it involves creating one really huge swf file and putting that on the page. i was just trying to see if i could get two different flash files like banners to communicate with each other. It might make a page much more interactive.round

  4. I'm just wondering if anyone here has tried or gotten two flash movies to communicate. I'll explain. If say you had an html page which had two embeded flash movies, can you or have you gotten the two to communicate between each other. I realise that i could just create one really huge flash movie of the site and make it work that way but i want the flash header to do something everything another flash movie gets to a certain place. I have been able to control flash movie from text files, and throught links on pages but i've not been able to get different to control each other. Not sure how to start this one. Anyone have any ideas?round

  5. I'm not sure why more people aren't upset about having to post so often. It's not like all this posting has made this place a better or more interesting place to come to read. most times, people post the same polls and questions and hardly anyone does any searches to make sure that they're just not asking the same question that's been asked and answeres a hundred times before. Asking peole to post more often is fine but asking people who have lives (work for a living) to post almost everyday is borderline crazy.

  6. not sure i would concider this huge infringment on my privacy. You've been able to do this forever now. That's what happens when google marries the yellow pages. The same people who can do a search on the internet for you telephone number, are the same people who can find it in the yellow pages or just by calling (411 in canada).round

  7. acutally they doesn't just run on olive oil, they run on vegetable oil. Most just get for free from restaurants, who have to pay to get rid of the frying oil anyway. But from what i understand, getting your car to run on vegetable oil isn't that hard or expensive. Places will do it for you and you can also keep your regular gaz tank, switch from one to other. Kinda like what the hybrids do.
    anyway, if you do a search on google you'll find tons of info on it.round

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