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Posts posted by ZPGames

  1. Thank you so much for everyones help. serverph, without your help I would probably still be wondering around wondering what was wrong with the links on my site. Mich, I am so greateful, that fixed the problem right away. I never would have thought of that. So thanks everyone again.

  2. ComputingHosts extremely helpful staff changed my account name for me but now none of the images on my site show up. Even new installations from Fantastico don't work. I've gone into editing and changed the location of the file in html and it still doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciatedThank You

  3. Let me explain the grades at my school a little bit. They are split up into two catagories, Assignements and Tests. The first one will be assignments and the second one will be tests.Language Arts: A AT.A.: A A (of course, I don't know if it's possible not to get an A)History:A AAlgebra: A ABand: A A (awesome class)Science: A AReading: A A-All my parents can focus on is that A-. I got grounded because of it. Oh well.

  4. My old domain expired. (zpgames.com). I decided to register a whole new domain and change the name of my company to zpgamez.com. Anyway OpaQue told me to put it as a parked domain and it goes to the main site and all but when I click on links it kicks out a 404 error. I thought I must have to edit all the links on the website. When I went into Cpanel to start editing I got another 404 error. I tired to take a picture of it to upload but when I tried to open it, it said zpgames.com/untitled.bmp can not be found. It should be under zpgamez.com/untitled.bmp.If you could acctually understand a single word of this help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. I am registering a new domain with you since my old one expired. I am changing it just slight from zpgames.com to zpgamez.com. Cooler and more jazzy. The way your DNS servers are set up doesn't your domain name have to be the same as your account name. If this is true how can I go about setting my new domain name to the same server.thank you in advanceCEO ZPGames

  6. I just read this article by Reuters that says that some Canadian scientists tested people by showing them a website and asking them what they thought of it. They found that most people judge a website in 1/20 of a second. That really makes me nervous being a web designer because I biased when it comes to my own websites, I love them. Do you think you judge websites that quickly.

  7. I was a bit disappointed by the Goblet of Fire movie. I mean, it was really good, but it wasn't very accurate. Here are some mistakes/peculiarities that I noticed:

    *Neville gives Harry the gillyweed, instead of Dobby

    *In the maze scene, there are no blast-ended skrewts, sphynxes, acromantulas, etc.

    *the movie doesnt mention harry giving the 1,000 galleon prize to Fred and George

    *There is no mauraders map

    *Harry isnt seen practicing the spells he used during the third task in the book

    *the Patil twins are NOT in the same house (Parvati is in Gryffindor, Padma is in Ravenclaw)

    *there is no mention of veelas or Fleur being quarter-veela

    *S.P.E.W. doesn't appear at all


    ...and there are way more that I can't remember at the moment... ;)


    Well you know if they would have done the whole book it would have been like 4 hours long. They were thinking about seperating it into two films and releasing them months but then a lot of Harry Potter fans would be rioting, anyway they had to cut out alot of the plot and subplot to shorten it down.

  8. I have used alot of free webhosts, I mean alot. Like 50-60. I have never found one quite like Xisto. The staff is very kind and speedy. There are a wide variety of things to talk about. Besides, your going to post on some forum anyway so why not post and get free hosting at the same time.

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