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Posts posted by ZPGames

  1. I will never buy this game in a thousand years. First off, Maxis, who were involved with the Sims Series forever, are not making this one. Some company called Tilted Mill is making it. This doesn't mean it will be bad, no that doesn't mean it at all. I've played Tilted Mill games and they are good games, they're form of games just don't fit in with what SimCity has been in the past. Another reason, the next game isn't going to be about city building anymore, it's going to be more about interacting with the people who live in the city. EA is trying to make the next SimCity as close to one of thier flagship products as possible, The Sims. They have taken everything that made SimCity good and thrown it out the window and then gave it to another company, who have never been involved with it before, to make.

  2. Well if you look at the professional web design companies, they charge anywhere from $200 - $6000 depending on the site. They are of course full teams of college educated, special training web designers, now naturally, just designing websites as a part time job with little or no college training in web design won't be as profitable, it could still become a very nice supplemental income.

  3. Granted, of course tey can't see it the way fans do. and of course they have a different perspective, and of course they make some lucky calls that I don't see because there's a part of my brain that doesn't want to think that way. When I posted the original post I was angry that the Jazz's good season was coming to an end. What are the stages of anger again? Denial, Blame, and Acceptance. Well, I denied that the Jazz were losing, then I tried to find someone to blame, they I accepted that they were going home. Hey there's still another game but what are the chances of coming back now. Oh well, you did make some god points that I did't consider last night in my fit of "rage".

  4. I'm a Utah fan and we are sitting here playing a game right now against the Houston Rockets. If your a Rockets fan then I'm sure your gonna support your team and respond to this by telling me I'm wrong. This isn't about the playoffs, it's about the NBA referees. They make some of the worst calls in the world. I just saw a charging foul against Tracy McGrady and anybody who wasn't blind could see it and they called it a foul against Carlos Boozer. It seems almost like, if they let the bigger team win with the bigger fanbase, then they get some big bonus. I've seen it all over the league, not just with the Jazz, I'm just a Jazz fan so that's who I'm mentioning. It just makes me so mad when the people they hire to ref a game can't seem to tell a foul from travelling. Now if your an NBA ref, no offense meant. I've seen some refs that really know what they're doing. It just seems like some of these refs want to make the bigger team win and that's just wrong and something should be done to change this, like they do in football, of course that may drag out the game too long so whatever.

  5. How ironic, I was in physics today and that's exactly what we were talking about too. Waves both electromagnetic and mechanical. Just thought that was kind of wierd.On to the point about hearing sound in space in movies and games. They've been doing it for years and just for an entertainment aspect. SO the movies and games were lying to us. They've been doing that for years to. I guess it's just something we're gonna have to get used to.

  6. My sites been hosted for a year next month and in the whole time I have noticed maybe 2 minutes of downtime. The servers have very high uptime. The website is alway fast no matter what time of day thanks to optimized server control. Xisto - Web Hosting in my opinion is hands down the best host, paid or free, out there. They have constant, quick and kind support. It's almost a crime not to be hosted by the Xisto network. Sorry GoDaddy.

  7. Now in my book this is the straw that broke the camels back for Vista. The story can be found here
    Story From ZDNet

    Now Windows in the name of your own "safety" is limiting the programs you can install. If you install a program that it thinks is no good it will start a 72 hour countdown till "Limited Functionality". If you read the story all he was installing was 9Dragons from Acclaim. Obviously not a very dangerous program. Microsoft and Windows is trying to take complete and utter control over everything you do on your computer. If you wish to destroy your computer (for some odd reason) you should be able to without Windows intervening. This may sound wierd but rings true in my heart. Picture it now, "This is not a Microsoft Studio game and it is seen as not safe. Going into Minimal Functionality Mode".

    I don't know about you but this is the final straw telling me to go with Linux, or just stay with XP. I'm staying away from Vista and Microsoft products in general until they decide that taking over the world's computers is less important then happy customers.

    I just wanted to know what everyone's opinion here was.

  8. It was something to do with Javascript changes in IE7 that made it incompatible, at least that's what I think. It's completely AJAX and it works on IE6 but not on IE7 so that's what it leads me to believe. I know about the poll too. All the code checks out so wy it won't work I don't know.

  9. Also if I already ave a domain name bought with a optinom and when it expires next year in june or july, can i switch my domain name over to Xisto - Web Hosting and buy it form their and have it automatically renew each year??

    Domain name get tied up in an after expiration jumble of hassles all the time, they have a renew period where you can pick your domain back up, then tey try and auction it off then it finally goes back into the pool and you can re-register it. Having said that you have two options, since your not expiring until next year you should point your DNS name servers to here and then when you are getting ready to expire there is always an option to transfer your domain name, I am not sure of the exact price but I know you buy another year of domain here at around 7-8 dollars. You can buy it in bigger packages then that too like 5 years because it is cheaper that way after all and you don't have to worry about renewing. Just don't let your domain expire then re-register it because it gets tied up for a month and sometimes more.

    One more question is that, if I decide that the package i picked is not enough bandwith or disk space, can i change my package??

    From what I rembember it is really easy to upgrade your package. If you go over your bandwidth, extra is cheap. Can't remember the exact price, but it is very cheap.

  10. PayPal is giving me problems again and it cancelled my account I use to pay my Xisto - Web Hosting bill and I forgot my password to login and we called them and they wouldn't give it to us so I'm going to have to transfer over to another Paypal account. Will I lose all my files when I tranfer over, should I back them up?Thank YouZPGamez

  11. I use IE7 for web editing most of the time because of the tabbed browsing. I could use Firefox but then I don't know if my site would show up right on IE, I have IE6 on my other computer to check for compatibility, so IE in general has gamma correction issues. What were those IE developers doing, ok, I can't start ranting on IE, they did a better job on a browser then I can. I have XP on both computers and no internet access on my oldest computer. I guess this is just my computer lashing out at me. It has emotional issues I guess.

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