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Posts posted by ZPGames

  1. Hate it, absoulultly hate it. They have no right, I emphasize NO RIGHT what we can do on our own devices. It makes sick the thought that they are trying to control every single thing we do. I'm so mad right now you wouldn't even believe it. Maybe some of you think I'm overreacting but if you take a step back and look at it, they are telling us what we can use our tech for. Now personally if I pay 500 dollars for a cell phone I believe I have the right to completly mess it up if I want to. So MAD right now. There are no word that can express my anger.

  2. It won't play WMV, that's like one of the main WMP formats, have you tried going online and downloading a codex from the MS website for it. Not that it really matters, you can download 11 and play it fine (don't take my word for it though because I said that it probably won't work. <_< )

  3. Does anyone know how to disable it. It pops up anytime I try to run Windows Movie Maker, Studio 8 or play a movie file. Now it just shutdown explorer when I was scrolling through Windows files. It is so annoying. I hav'nt made a movie, Flash file of watched a video since I bought this computer. <_<

  4. You guys are all bumming me out. I'm going to start my highschool in 3 days and I remember staying up nights when I was 3rd grade thinking how fast life was going by so ever since then I've hardly gotten sleep. Personnally I just look at as the next big adventure. (how peter panish, huh). Whoever said that when you become an adult you can't act immature. Like it used to say in my sig, you can only be young once but you can always be immature. This probably isn't very good advice but oh well. <_<

  5. I just downloaded the new Media Player 11 Beta from Windows and started playing around with it. What I really noticed was a real nice GUI but didn't realize anything new when it comes to features. It's like 10, no 9 because 10 wasn't good, with a really nice skin. Some improved features though.

  6. How many of you have heard of Comcast's new PowerBoost system. They are rolling out this year and any current Comcast customer will get it for free. It says it can almost double your speed. Do you think it's really possible. I think so, really they have nothing to gain from the deal. They are giving it away free.

  7. Well the setup is that you don't have banner ads on the site you setup on the Xisto server as long as you keep your credits up. If you pay for hosting on Xisto - Web Hosting you don't have ads on your site either. When it comes to the Xisto forums though no matter who you are whether buying hosting or posting for hosting there are always banner ads on the forums. It's the only way the Xisto can give you free hosting without banner ads. The banners arn't a hinderence if you ask me and you may just see something that you like.

  8. Can we install Flyspray roadmap. I saw a thing called ADOdb that you had to install first. It sounded a little Admin side install and I didn't want to crash the server and get kicked off the greatest host I've ever had. Go Xisto - Web Hosting.

  9. If you do want help with studio 8 or photoshop feel free to pm and ill be happy help out :P

    Thanks for the offer, I bet transfering over to Dreamweaver should be pretty easy. I've been taking some FLash Tutorials so I'm getting the basics of that, but Fireworks, Contribute and Flash Paper are going to be the difficult part, I'm terrified really. I don't take failure that easy :). Thanks again, I'll probably be in contact.

  10. I just barely got Photoshop, I know I'm a little behind the times, but I'm pretty good ( I hope) at doing images but I have never exported HTML, how would I go about doing that, and to think, I'm the geek at school, I should be ashamed :P . And I'm getting Studio 8 or whatever it's called really soon, I'm overly excited. Thanks for the help. :)

  11. I'm trying to install an application, and it's not working. The programmer says that form variables are not being passed between forms. This is a login application, so it has input like:


    username: admin

    password: password


    The test (debug) program should return...

    LOGIN: Login USERNAME: admin PASSWORD: password


    That will mean that variable are passed between forms.

    Since right now it is not happening all you get is this:




    Has anybody else seen this? According to my programmer, this is a Server Admin (maybe configuration) problem that should (can) be fixed.


    After posting this, I contacted Xisto - Web Hosting support via Live Chat. I must admit I had my doubts (am I really talking to a person or some AI program? and if a person, can he/she spell PHP?) but my doubts have been laid to rest. The tech took about 2 minutes to fix the problem (no doubt a configuration issue), and the script is working. ( :) Thanks, tech support.


    Yeah, the tech support on the Xisto network is great. Tey have always been extremely helpful.

  12. I know your thinking, what a stupid thing to be ranting about but let me explain. I have been working on version 3 of my website for 3 months now and I am getting to the spliced images part. I have to use tables now to align the images. I have spliced all the images and put them all in there spot in the table but no matter what I do they will not line up. I have spacing and padding set to zero, all of the spanning right but it just will not work. It makes me want to scream and punch my computer screen in which wouldn't make it much better because I'd have to buy a new 700 LCD and my hand would be covered in blood and glass. Ahhhhhh! :)

  13. I'm designing my new website and it happens to involve alot of spliced images. Natually I have to work with tables in Frontpage alot but I've sort of noticed that they're not that user friendly. Does anybody know of a good tutorial of something of the sort. Thanks

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