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Posts posted by BoSZ

  1. Where can I get a free .com domain? I found a .com.ar would that work with the free hosting here ? :) ?

    imma get you a brief straight answer




    as said before top level domianes are to be payed for (except tk's and info's)


    i sow once a host that was offering free top lever .com and .net domains but only if your site generates major traffic and is popular

  2. there ya go, perfect picture of you and your buddies, XXX

    got my point exactly
    but why the hell saying this:
    Triple X's personal ***kisser, big ups.
    god damn bro i don't think i'm gonna recover from this
    being compared ti somebody like that is like a slap in the face
    but being called a ..kisses ... ....................that was like a kick right in my ball's

    thanks alot

    u might wanna read into ones posts etc before e you call smbd like that :):)B)

  3. I may have to correct you, the relationship between United States of America and United Kingdom is more like: "I scratch your back, you scratch mine"

    imma go even further on this:


    the relationship between United States of America and United Kingdom is more like:

    :i make arms you purchase them from me so you could be taken as big and respected"

    this relationship does not only apply to the UL but the whole UN


    USA is the largest arms manufacturer and as every factory there has to be a demand for the product. USA make all the countries of the UN buy military equipment from them. If this is still not enough there's always a way : arms are used in war so lets start one.


    notice the fact that US is involved in a military conflict every 10 years.


    Lately the whole world is starting to show disapproval for US governments global sheriff ways so Bush had to suck up to other nations , He chose governments that need US for some reason so the sucking up would be mutual.

    and now his getting 3things at once : selling and testing new arms, upholding the "dont mess with us"policy and spilling blood for cheaper gas(couse thats what this war is all about )


    the only build respect in one another is thru knowledge and wisdom not so called power (check my last post in this thread)


    so screw this policy the whole suck up alliance!!!!

    unfortunetaly my government is one of the "getting up bushes *bottom*"ones

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