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Posts posted by BoSZ

  1. Well is there any significant difference between Firefox and Mozilla....

    I think they are the same, but because I am using windows, guess I prefer fire fox better...still, Mozilla has more features thatn Firefox I gues...


    firefox is a younger brother of maozzila so that kinda shows the diffrence

    firefox 1.0 has a newer engine (but not for long ->till moz 1.7.5)

    moz has more faetures but most of them can be added to firefox (extentions)

  2. But again I iterate that codec packs are more problem than solution unless you really don't care about your PC and reinstall regularly :-)

    you might wanna explain how couse francly i dont see it :(
    codec pack are "all in one" so you dont have to install loads of stand alone apps that spam you pc ->of cource i fyou are know what you are doing
    no2 is that divx as a company went comercial so their free decoders and compiled with spyware ->coded packs arent

  3. admin is the owner, but when he makes someone a mod their job is to delete **** posts,

    yes shity posts but what do you define as a ****** post
    and furthermore an opinion that does not meet ones expectations doesnt have to be shity
    therefor mods should act objective in this matter

    heh and im still with the true vibes from kris parker

  4. Note: if you don't like rap or eminem or both, then sthu and leave, don't post **** cuz I'll just delete it.


    freedom of speech rules :(

    i had respect for eminem and his works for the 1st 2 albums ->that was real music and now...shiny comercial hip hop that has 1% of truth in it.


    i will stay with the real hip hop from the 90's

    praising Kris parker (for those who dont know ->KRS-ONE)

  5. bro it all depends on what you need them for


    if you need them only to play movies then the lates divx 5 supports the followig 4ccs:div3 div4 div5 and xvid -->meaning that will play 90 % of mowies you will find


    but if your into the issue

    i recimend my favorite


    since the home site of this great product has been taken down pm for the pack


    and for the record

    nimo as a project is dead and im happy couse it was a crappy codec pack

  6. thats easy1 bottle 2 diffrent glassesone of the glasses has to be smaller(common sence)use the smaller cup as a measure->pour pepsi into the smaller glass then into the bigger and then fill up the smaller again ->thats a turnand it continuses thil the bottle is emptyno sharing glasses and *BLEEP*

  7. But maybe you didn't understood all then...


    man you made me laugh again

    god damn it

    you might wanna look in the mirror once in a while(look for your own malpractises and mistakes sometimes)

    i was the one having a serious discussion[/u] with him that cleared many things , you came back after a while showing that you aint followed *BLEEP* with the same speaches as before

    Yes i didnt understand and i still dont understand one thing ->how come certain ppl act like they now things good without having any backround but still are the loudest ones on the block .


    as i said before

    read the god damn topic 1st (the whole-from top to bottom) and then we can talk

    but if you are not having comprehetion problems you will realise there is nothing to talk about anymore

    read read read


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