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Posts posted by BoSZ

  1. hi guyzi fairly new to c++i started readnig a big book but it gonna take me a while to reach the last pageand i need to do a menu quite fast so could any one of You help me with this :P :i need to know whith action will run an external file using the the app assigned to it in the windows shell (sort of like the "run" command in used in dos)or a brief source code with a button fireing some file to use as a tutorial :D thanks in advance :P

  2. idea's good but your work is lacking sth bigyou need a slight border aorund the main frame(table) with a color that wont be easliy visible.the buttons are a good idea but again missing the spiritwhat i would do is place images with a slight shaddow (random intensiity) and blur them, make a roll over swap of those jpgs(gif, png) couse the site it self look rigid and uncompleatedhere's my 5 cents

  3. I wanted to know what you to do this. I use macromedia flash mx.

    you meant how u do it and using what soft right?

    plain and simple Flash

    if my memory does not play tricks on me Macromedia has had this option since flash 4 or even 3.

    Remeber though that morphing is a process that needs massive calculations so
    fe. trying to morph on 100x100 image to an another is fluent on cpus ticking at 1000 or abouve.

    When you see that kind of an effect in a movie it has been already rendered and need no further evaluation but flush does not render , it calculates.

    From what i picked up u dont know how to use this effect in flash so here a quick tut:

    when using images

    trece both

    place one in frame 1 and the secont in frame 10
    select any frame between then
    go to "propeties "tab
    and choose "shape" from the "tween" drop down list

    press ctrl+enter to export

    and there you have it

  4. So is submitting to google Free? Becuase I ran into alot of submiting things and they cost money to put ur site on theres

    as every search engine it provides the payed sighupthe difference is simple
    a free sign up can take up to 4 or even 6 weeks untill Your page is gonna get spidered. The discription is taken from metas id this option

    Th commercial option is different. You get listed seconds after ... the payment and you can write a discription regerdless of the metas in your index page
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