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Posts posted by trace-uk

  1. the next internet explorer update will put an MSN search box on the browser, making it almost instantly the easiest accessable search engine on the net as the internet explorer is use dby like 95% of surfers.That said though, alot of people also have installed a google toolbar on their explorer as well. so the msn search box will definently up their market share, but will it outst google? if they'd done it 2-3 years ago, I think ti may have!

  2. I think the only way one is going to get started is if one of the top webmasters starts it i.e. mat cutts etc.I think you'll find with just about every industry (apart from webmasters of course :) ) there are international associations, national associations and even state/regional/city associations!And there are alot fo webmasters, so tis abit odd that they have nothing.better get your act together! or google or bill gates will end up starting the unions for their own purposes!

  3. Hi,My other home-Business has taken off so well that I'm now working full time on it, and have quit the day job!But I've still got a few spare hours aday so I thought I'd start up my own webmaster business as well. I'm going to look for neiche services etc and build websites and promote them for a commission. I figure in 6 months if I keep building sites and putting time aside each day for link building I'll have 4 or 5 well ranked sites bringing me in some extra $$$ while I sleep.Any advice from the Pros?Andy

  4. Has anyone wondered why there's not a real webmaster's association that all webmaster's worldwide can belong to? I know there's an association for webmasters involved in gambling sites and even a US state one, I think.why should there be a union?Unions influence the companies their members work for. Wouldn't a webmaster's union/association have more influence on the search engines?It'd also help set standards and provide the search engines with a member's dircetory of approved sites.Another bonus is that it would show customers that the web designer they are hiring is legit and can design good websites.

  5. well, did you do somethign to annoy any skilled kackers out there. a flame on a forum perhaps. keep in mind that some people take forum postings seriously.I'd change your password to include numbers and not have a word from the dictionary. I'd also use a good firewall and clean your computer from trojans/adware and cookies. just incase.failing that (it might become a game to the hacker to see if he can beat your defenses) change your email address and IDs.

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