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Posts posted by trace-uk

  1. I hated working in retail. ti is the only job in the world where everyone is your boss!have you met these customers yet?1 - the old guy who just wants to chat away with you forever but doesn't want to buy things.2 - the scum bag looking guy who's sneeking around the store with half the security team shodowing him.3 - the customer who thinks that you are a member of his personal staff and right from the start grabs a retail worker and has them basically follow them aroudnt he store explaining things?

  2. the trouble with religion is its run by people. the actual religious text are peaceful and promote clear thinking and good behaviour. howver, every religion has a leader and followers. the leaders are often mixed up in political views and use their followers as a base of power. wither it be taking physicalaction in groups or just canvassing for votes.remember, the only think more powerful than a king is a priest. Throughout history the only real force that has toppled kings and queens was the power of the church.

  3. I think microsoft are wanting to pre-empt google on just about every category they can related to the net. They obviously want to become blogger's number one writing application to beat blogger.com .I think their riverly has become abit extream now. Google and msn go head to head now over little things.

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