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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. ^Why you post it now when none of those sites are working?
  2. Take the tests (or don't. i don't give a *BLEEP*) http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv This is what i got: Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge Many and varied sinners suffer eternally in the multi-leveled Malebolge, an ampitheatre-shapped pit of despair Wholly of stone and of an iron colour: Those guilty of fraudulence and malice; the seducers and pimps, who are whipped by horned demons; the hypocrites, who struggle to walk in lead-lined cloaks; the barraters, who are ducked in boiling pitch by demons known as the Malebranche. The simonists, wedged into stone holes, and whose feet are licked by flames, kick and writhe desperately. The magicians, diviners, fortune tellers, and panderers are all here, as are the thieves. Some wallow in human excrement. Serpents writhe and wrap around men, sometimes fusing into each other. Bodies are torn apart. When you arrive, you will want to put your hands over your ears because of the lamentations of the sinners here, who are afflicted with scabs like leprosy, and lay sick on the ground, furiously scratching their skin off with their nails. Indeed, justice divine doth smite them with its hammer. Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level Who are sent there? Score Purgatory Repenting Believers, Very Low Level 1 - Limbo Virtuous Non-Believers, Very Low Level 2 - Lustful, Very High Level 3 - Gluttonous, Moderate Level 4 - Prodigal and Avaricious, High Level 5 - Wrathful and Gloomy, Moderate Level 6 - The City of Dis, Heretics Very High Level 7 - Violent, High Level 8 - the Malebolge Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers, Very High Level 9 - Cocytus Treacherous, High Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: High Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low So, to conclude, i am a sociopath on a road to hell. Excellent.
  3. Originally Posted by some dude. Welcome to the Internet. No one here likes you. We're going to offend, insult, abuse, and belittle the living hell out of you. And when you rail against us with "*BLEEP* YOU YOU GEEK WIMP SKATER GOTH LOSER PUNK *BLEEP* *BLEEP*!1!!", we smile to ourselves. We laugh at you because you don't get it. Then we turn up the heat, hoping to draw more entertainment from your irrational fuming. We will judge you, and we will find you unworthy. It is a trial by fire, and we won't even think about turning down the flames until you finally understand. Some of you are smart enough to realize that, when you go online, it's like entering a foreign country ... and you know better than to ignorantly *BLEEP* with the locals. You take the time to listen and think before speaking. You learn, and by learning are gladly welcomed. For some of you, it takes a while, then one day it all dawns on you - you get it, and are welcomed into the fold. Some of you give up, and we breathe a sigh of relief - we didn't want you here anyway. And some of you just never get it. The offensively clueless have a special place in our hearts - as objects of ridicule. We don't like you, but we do love you. You will get mad. You will tell us to go to hell, and call us "nerds" and "geeks". Don't bother ... we already know exactly what we are. And, much like the way hardcore rap has co-opted the word "*BLEEP*", turning an insult around on itself to become a semiserious badge of honor, so have we done. "How dare you! I used to beat the crap out of punks like you in high school/college!" You may have owned the playing field because you were an athlete. You may have owned the student council because you were more popular. You may have owned the hallways and sidewalks because you were big and intimidating. Well, welcome to our world. Things like athleticism, popularity, and physical prowess mean nothing here. We place no value on them ... or what car you drive, the size of your bank account, what you do for a living or where you went to school. Allow us to introduce you to the concept of a "meritocracy" - the closest thing to a form of self-government we have. In The United Meritocratic nation-states of the Internet, those who can do, rule. Those who wish to rule, learn. Everyone else watches from the stands. You may posses everything in the off-line world. We don't care. You come to the Internet penniless, lacking the only thing of real value here: knowledge. "Who cares? The Internet isn't real anyway!" This attitude is universally unacceptable. The Internet is real. Real people live behind those handles and screen names. Real machines allow it to exist. It's real enough to change government policy, real enough to feed the world's hungry, and even, for some of us, real enough to earn us a paycheck. Using your own definition, how "real" is your job? Your stock portfolio? Your political party? What is the meaning of "real", anyway? Do I sound arrogant? Sure ... to you. Because you probably don't get it yet. If you insist on staying, then, at the very least, follow this advice: 1) No one, ESPECIALLY YOU, will make any law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. 2) Use your brain before ever putting fingers to keys. 3) Do you want a picture of you getting anally raped by Bill Clinton while you're performing oral sex on a cow saved to hundreds of thousands of people's hard drives? No? Then don't put your *BLEEP*ing picture on the Internet. We can, will, and probably already HAVE altered it in awful ways. Expect it to show up on an equally offensive website. 4) Realize that you are never, EVER going to get that, or any other, offensive web page taken down. Those of us who run those sites LIVE to piss off people like you. Those of us who don't run those sites sometimes visit them just to read the hatemail from fools like you. 5) Oh, you say you're going to a lawyer? Be prepared for us to giggle with girlish delight, and for your lawyer to laugh in your face after he explains current copyright and parody law. 6) The Web is not the Internet. Stop referring to it that way. 7) We have already received the e-mail you are about to forward to us. Shut up. Don't reply to spam. You are not going to be "unsubscribed". 9) Don't ever use the term "cyberspace" (only William Gibson gets to say that, and even he hasn't really used it for two or three books now). Likewise, you prove yourself a marketing-hype victim if you ever use the term "surfing". 10) With one or two notable exceptions, chat rooms will not get you laid. 11) It's a hoax, not a virus warning. 12) The internet is made up of thousands of computers, all connected but owned by different people. Learn how to use *your* computer before attempting to connect it to someone else's. 13) The first person who offers to help you is really just trying to *BLEEP* with you for entertainment. So is the second. And the third. And me. 14) Never insult someone who's been active in any group longer than you have. You may as well paint a damn target on your back. 15) Never get comfortable and arrogant behind your supposed mask of anonymity. Don't be surprised when your name, address, and home phone number get thrown back in your smug face. Hell, some of us will snail-mail you a printed satellite photograph of your house to drive the point home. Realize that you are powerless if this happens ... it's all public information, and information is our stock and trade. 16) No one thinks you are as cool as you think you are. 17) You aren't going to win any argument that you start. 1l If you're on AOL, don't worry about anything I've said here. You're already a *BLEEP*ing laughing stock, and there's no hope for you. 19) If you can't take a joke, immediately sell your computer to someone who can. RIGHT NOW. Pissed off? It's the TRUTH, not these words, that hurts your feelings. Don't ever even pretend like I've gone & hurt them. We don't like you. We don't want you here. We never will. Save us all the trouble and go away.
  4. I think it has something to do with WWW in the url, most of the time it works better without www. But now its down again. If I can see this forum that means my site is down cos they're never online at the same time LOL http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Please somebody help me out cos it happens at least once a day. Is it a DNS problem or what?EDIT: Now the site is working again but the forum is still down.
  6. Dodger

    Does Cosby Help?

    COPIED ! hence Deleted!
  7. Now it went down again LOLI've noticed that when my Site is up and running, the Xisto is down, and then they flip, my site goes down and Xisto comes back on. Isnt that ironic? LOL
  8. Abstinence-only education: The right way to start propaganda early. Abstinence Programs Stretch the Facts -- Post Thu Dec 2, 2004 01:12 AM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Youngsters participating in federally funded abstinence-only sex-education courses frequently receive inaccurate or misleading information, the Washington Post reported on Thursday. Find more on the Reuters Site.
  9. Well, the British government has agin shown its completely retarded policies by arresting the leader of the British National Part for saying that "Islam is an evil religion". The BBC secretly taped many members of the party confessing to acts of racial hatred (which I agree, they should be thrown in the sea for) What the hell? Islam IS an oppressive religion! It forces women to not know anything and to merely be alive for men's enjoyment! A few months ago, some Muslims tried to set up a lingerie shop in Birmingham so they could fit in with western society. Less thsan 24 hours later their shop was firebombed by angry muslims, the statement released by the local Mosque was that "the window were offensively dark". What is going on in this God forsaken country that is taking foreign maniacs' interests before the basic citizens'? People say oh no, those are the fundamentalists, *BLEEP*! So are you suggesting that every middle eastern government is run by fundamentalists? cos that what is going on. Also, this whole idea that Islam is a good religion that prevents its members from sinning. Ok, here's the deal, business trip in Ethiopia, guess what happens at the weekend. Literally Thousands of muslims from saudi arabia et all come down and get absolutely smashed, and go to brothels and all, they sure do keep to their precious shari'ah laws don't they? After a while, the law dudes caught wind of this, and, them being good ol protectors of the faith, they outlawed all the evil drinking those misguided souls were doing. Did anything change? Helll no! Slip the barman a shiny poenny under the sounter and bang! You had your whores, you had your sins. And does anyone care? No! Let them violate every law they apparently live by and arrest the people who point these facts out! Waht kind of system is that! This isn't ant goddmned eight wing indoctrination! This is the truth!!! Islam, Christianity, Judaism, it's all *BLEEP*!!
  10. Let's be real, there is no one type of music I listen too. You are just as likely to here Ludacris or Bustah Rhymes in my truck as you Rossini, Back or Holst. I can put in metalica and switch too Dixie Chicks and then to DC Talk or Skillet. Lately though, techno or instrumentals have been really nice. There are several good tracks I like on Matrix Reload and Blade3 that I have been listening too. I am interested in listening to more of this stuff, and the only group I know is Chemical Brothers, I am trying to see if you music pros out ther could reccomend anything to me. I would like to try anything similar to metal or hard rock version of what si out there. Oh and the final requirement is, there must be some sort of melody. My classical training demands it. Thanks for the help guys, and gals if you are listening as well.
  11. Here's the deal. My brother's high school had recently started a new policy without informing the student population until the implementation of it that: 1. Some days drug dogs will come and sniff 2. The dogs may also sniff around the parking lot 3. People will be pulled from class at random to completely empty their locker, including every pocket of every bag and flipping thorugh notebooks in a drug check. Now I have no problem from 1&2, the thing that pisses me off is #3. 1 and 2 are not searching any one person without any probable cause or reasonable suspciion-#3 is. This are the reasonable justifications of the policy (from the gov website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) : ~~ The Supreme Court has held that students have a legitimate expectation of privacy in their persons and accompanying possessions. However, the Court also has held that schools have a substantial interest in maintaining security and order in the classroom and on school grounds. ~~School officials need only have "reasonable suspicion" that a particular search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. ~~Under certain limited circumstances, school officials also may be able to conduct random, suspicionless weapon and/or drug searches of student vehicles parked on school grounds. ~~Or, such students simply may be required to agree to provide school officials with access to their vehicles on demand. ~~Suspicionless vehicle searches must be done uniformly or by systematically random selection, such as every third car However: ==In interpreting and applying the "reasonable suspicion" standard set forth by the Supreme Court, lower courts generally have required more than general suspicion, curiosity, rumor, or a hunch to justify searches of students and their possessions. ==The Supreme Court has not decided whether, and to what extent, students have legitimate expectations of privacy in school property such as lockers, desks, or other areas provided for the storage of school supplies and/or personal belongings ==Indeed, at least one court has described the school locker as a student's "home away from home. ==First, at the start of each academic year, school administrators can provide students with a written statement that details the school's policy of conducting random, unannounced searches throughout the year of student lockers, desks, and any other targeted areas within the school. The statement should inform students that they are to consider all such areas to be "public," not "private." ==Moreover, the nonprivate nature of areas such as lockers and desks should be made obvious to the students. ==To justify such a policy, a school will have to demonstrate that it has a very serious weapon and/or drug problem and that conducting these searches is a reasonably effective means of combatting that problem. For example, the school may have to show either that (1) students have access to their vehicles during the school day and thus are able to bring weapons and/or drugs from their vehicles into the schools or (2) weapons and/or drugs are used or exchanged within the immediate area of the parking lot. ==In addition, the school must adequately inform all students who use the lot that their vehicles are subject to search. This notice should inform the students of the grounds for the search, the extent of the search, and the frequency or regularity of the searches. This notice must be consistent with the school's actual vehicle search practice. More relevant information from my old school. Last year on a chorus trip 2 students were foudn to have marijuana in their hotel room. Earlier this year students were kicked off the football team for posession of alcohol and underage drinking. Also note that there has not been any drugs found or violence in the school. There is no general knowledge of drugs in the school, only rumors. The school did NOT notify about the random locker searches. This new policy has jsut been adopted and is not in any school handbook. All previous new policies were put off till the following year so the entire student body and parents know all of the policies (in fact they make us get a signed statement that students and parents know what is in the handbook). One possible point is that they are forcing the student to be removed from class. This prevents the student from learning whatever is being taught that day. Sure it can be argued the student can get a summary-but that's never as good as the real lecture. There are tons of parts in lectures that can matter on a test when a summary would not suffice. Look at the difference between reading a book and looking it up on sparknotes-major difference in amount of relevant information. Also-students are forced to go to school until 16years old. However, if by being at school removes the right to privacy, then is the government effectively saying that they are forcing you to relinquish your rights? Does anybody know of any court cases (on either side of the argument about random locker searches) that would provide valuable information. NOTE: I don't care about the dogs. They are more or less accepted by every court-the random locker searches is not.
  12. http://unitedemailsystems.com/ What do you get? # Free 3 GB storage - up to 150,000% more than other free e-mail providers! # Free virus scanning for e-mail attachments! # Access from anywhere you have a Web connection! # POP3 / IMAP and WAP Acess! # SMS System / Forum / Interactive Services # Auto Message Responders & Auto Forwarders # Never Have To Delete Again
  13. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Jeez, looks like lots of fisherman, villagers in coastal towns, and tourists were killed. I can only imagine what it would be like to be vacationing on the coast just swimming in the waves only to look up and out of the blue sky and calm sea comes a 30 ft. wall of water bearing down........that would be terrifying. Some estimates are that as many as 20,000 were killed, most of those by the waves. RIP to all the dead and hope the stranded are rescued ASAP.
  14. I got:An ultra tiny DigitalCamera...A 12 month subscription to Outside Magazine...One of those fake plastic Lite Sabre things that makes noise when you swing it around just like Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi...Hung over... Whip em' out, whatcha get?
  15. What PTR sites do you find are the most reliable - I dont mean what would you look for in a PTR site, I mean which ones that are up and running at the moment, would you recommend to any new-comer in the PTR world? Also why did you choose that site or sites?I think these sites are very reliable...1) Lincoln-cents - pays you automatically every month when you have reached the payout minimum..the webmaster does not let you down2) Email-premium - has paid me 2 or 3 times in the last 1 and a half years, so I always know they are going to pay meIf there are any more I will add them. Dont just put ones that have paid you once, go for the ones that have paid you more than once if possible ...Let's all help each other out here ...
  16. ^It seems to be working fine now, thanx
  17. What's the worse injury you've had? Call it morbid curiosity, but I love hearing personal experiences. I'm a freak of nature, never been seriously injured, never been to hospital. The worst thing that's happened to me was when I was in year 9. Me and my mate were walking back to his place from school when we found a golf ball. He thought it would be great fun to drive this golfball over his back fence to see how far it would go. No, he has never played golf before in his life. So there we are, he's pulled out of of his dad's golf clubs, a driver and is lining up his shot. His dog is running around the backyard so he asks me to grab it and keep it out of the way, of course I do so. He pulls back the club, powers up for an all mighty swing. Thwack! He hits the ball with all his might. This friend isn't too proficient with a golf club and he just manages to clip the side of the ball, driving it directly into my face. I go down, it hurts. I'm bleeding everywhere. He calls my dad and he rushes me to the doctor. He had driven the ball into the lower part of my mouth, missing the lip. Instead, because there was so much force, the golf ball has made my bottom canine too piece right through lip and come out the other side. Miraculously, that was the only injury, one hole-ey lip and that's in. no loose teeth and only a tiny scar. Your turn.
  18. When a man is married to one woman it is called monotony Spaghetti is thrown on people at weddings A senator is half horse, half man An optimist is a doctor who treats your eyes Philatelists were a race of people who lived in biblical times An epistle is the wife of an apostle When letters are in sloping type, they are in histerics The feminine of bachelor is lady-in-waiting Baboons live in an apiary A myth is a female moth A fjord is a Scandinavian car The people of Japan ride about in jigsaws The eastern part of Asia ia called Euthanasia People go about Venice in gorgonzolas The inhabitants of Moscow are called Mosquitos Most of the houses in France are made of plaster of Paris A virgin forest is a forest where the hand of man has never set foot The climate is hottest next to the Creator Floods of the Mississippi River may be prevented by putting big dames in the river The four seasons are salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar Ancient Egypt was inhabited my mummies and they all wrote in hydrolics And Sir Francis Drake said: "Let the Armada wait. My bowls can't." The sun never set on the British Empire because the British Empire is in the east and the sun sets in the west Homer wrote the Oddity Noah's wife was called Joan of Ark The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with the unsympathetic Genitals Joan of Ark was burnt to a steak The Pope was inflammable Christopher Columbus circumcised the world with forty-foot clippers Just about any animal skin can be stretched over a frame to make a pleasant sound once the animal is removed Most composers do not live until they are dead Beethoven was so deaf he wroted loud music Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died from this A molecule is so small that it cannot be seen by the naked observer the Earth makes one resolution every 24 hours When you smell an orderless gas, it's probably carbon monoxide Hydrogin is made from gin and water Marie Curie did her research at the Sore Buns institute in France Reproduction is the life process by which an orgasm produces others ot its kind Blood flows down one leg and up the other
  19. Everyone likes a good CONSPIRACEH so post yer favourites. I'll start with the "Assasination of Princess Diana..." Did MI6 Kill Diana? The Two Main Theories: a) One or more rogue "cells" in the British secret service construct and carry out a plot to kill Diana. An official campaign by MI6 to assasinate Diana, sanctioned by elements of the establishment. The Possible Motives a) The rogue elements in MI5 (National security) or MI6 (International security) decide that Di is a threat to the throne, and therefore the stability of the state. They take her out. With similar motives to the possible rogue elements, the official campaign is driven by a fear of Diana's possible to conversion to Islam (Dodi being a Muslim) and the implication on the Church and State were the two Princes, William and Harry, to follow their mother's lead. The Evidence Circumstantial it maybe, but put together is it capable of raising sufficient doubt that this was an accident? Below are some of the questions and doubts that are raised by the investigation so far - The rapid disposal of the bodies of Diana and Dodi. Diana had no post mortem prior to burial in Althorp. Victims of sudden death require a post mortem by law in the UK. - The missing white Fiat Uno: With such a large-scale investigation by French authorities could only secret agents have evaded the police's net around Paris? We know the car hit the Mercedes used by Di and Dodi, thanks to traceable paint marks on the Benz. Witnesses refer to the car lurching around the road at varying speeds as both it and the Merc entered the tunnel of death. - Henri Paul, driver of the Limo. The mis-information surrounding this key figure is enormous. First he was said to be driving at up to 120 mph, recent reports by professional crash investigators suggest 60 mph, even less on impact. Was he really drunk? It is accepted that he had two Ricard drinks at the Ritz, but no other evidence has emerged to support this claim, beyond questionable results from a blood test from his corpse. Why questionable? Because it is common for the alcohol level to rise in bodies after death regardless of consumption. The test also showed a very high level of carbon monoxide (20 per cent) in his blood. Experts say this would have incapacitated him before he set off on his fatal journey, and yet the hotel's video evidence shows him walking around and talking normally. An alcoholic? Well , as a pilot, he passed a rigorous health check two days before the accident. His liver showed no signs of abuse on post-mortem. Then there is the question of the multiple bank accounts Paul held, with balances showing income far in excess of his 20 000 UKP salary as acting head of security at the Ritz. Some friends have suggested he was a long term "sleeper" agent for a secret service agency, almost certainly French intelligence. - Trevor Rees Jones (Fayed bodyguard)- The only survivor. One time member of Her Majesty's armed forces, rumours suggest he may have been a "sleeper" agent for MI5 or MI6, particularly as the establishment were keen to keep tabs on Mohammed Al Fayed. Why was he the only person in the car to wear a safety-belt? - Explosion, followed by Bang- Immediately after the crash news was broadcast, witnesses appeared on US TV saying that they heard an explosion or bang before they heard the car crash. Was this a gunshot, or a bomb? - White Light- Other witnesses describe an extremely bright white light, much stronger than a photographer's flashbulb, illuminating the tunnel before the crash sounds. Powerful anti-personnel flash-guns are available to private citizens for as little as 250 UKP. The security forces have access to much stronger tools. All of which are capable of blinding a victim for several minutes - easily enough to cause a fatal crash. Crucially there would be no physical evidence left for investigators. - James Hewitt- Former lover of Diana claims he was warned on several occasions by elements of the security forces and a member of the royal family to stop seeing the Princess or his health would suffer! Hewitt has been exposed previously as being very willing to exploit a situation for his own ends, as in the publication of a sleazy book about Diana to which he contributed. - Paparazzi- Initially blamed for the crash, most witnesses seem to agree that the bikes were not close enough to the Mercedes in the tunnel to have actually interfered with its progress. Conclusions There are many questions that arise out of this incident. The most plausible explanation still appears to be a tragic accident - Paul who was driving to some degree under the influence of alcohol, tried to accelerate away from the pursuing photographers, lost control going into the tunnel (after the slight curve in the road, and maybe as the Uno impeded his progress) and crashed into the tunnel's thirteenth pillar. This maybe the most plausible explanation, however, we feel that without dramatic new evidence , such as the Uno and driver turning up, this will never be certain. While there remains doubt as to whether it was an accident it is reasonable to question what the possible alternatives are. The most plausible of these has to involve members of the UK establishment and secret service as few others had anything to lose from Diana and Dodi's relationship. To keep such a plot secret we believe it would have to be the work of a small, isolated cell working under its own auspices within the system. Former agents have told of a plot to destabilise the then Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson in the Seventies. Wilson did indeed resign from office, shocking political commentators at the time. We know that our intelligence service keeps records on Peace campaigners and Union officials for the "threat" of being radicals. If the service really does operate as efficiently as James Bond films lead us to believe, which we doubt very strongly, then there would be nothing to stop them orchestrating Diana's death AND making it appear to be an accident... Related articles
  20. One day, in line at the company cafeteria, Jack says to Mike behind him, "My elbow hurts like heck. I guess I better see a doctor." "Listen, you don't have to spend that kind of money," Mike replies. "There's a diagnostic computer down at Wal-Mart. Just give it a urine sample and the computer'll tell you what's wrong and what to do about it. It takes ten seconds and costs ten dollars... a lot cheaper than a doctor." So Jack deposits a urine sample in a small jar and takes it to Wal-Mart. He deposits ten dollars, and the computer lights up and asks for the urine sample. He pours the sample into the slot and waits. Ten seconds later, the computer ejects a printout: "You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water and avoid heavy activity. It will improve in two weeks." That evening while thinking how amazing this new technology was, Jack began wondering if the computer could be fooled. He mixed some tap water, a stool sample from his dog, urine samples from his wife and daughter, and masturbated into the mixture for good measure. Jack hurries back to Wal-Mart, eager to check the results. He deposits ten dollars, pours in his concoction, and awaits the results. The computer prints the following: 1. Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener. 2. Your dog has ringworm. Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo. 3. Your daughter has a cocaine habit. Get her into rehab. 4. Your wife is pregnant. Twins. They aren't yours. Get a lawyer. 5. If you don't stop playing with yourself, your elbow will never get better. Thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.
  21. Yes, I am emulating Bush and declaring war on insects. The recent invasion and terror they cause me became too much. Aside from the yearly invasion of Black Immortals (virtually immortal black beetles), I had a HUGE (20 cm) praying mantis in my room, and an immense meadow horse (or wutever it is in English) (~10 cm). So, what's your stance on insects and yer experiences with 'em? Personally, I divide this horrid things into several cathegories and take different approach with them: harmless - most spiders, most beetles, butterflies, meadow horses, dragonflies, mantises - I usually just capture those and throw out of window annoying - moths, ants, bees, flies, several kinds of flying insects - I generally shoo them away, or kill them if they annoy me too much evil - wasps, hornets - kill if I have a good shot, if they're aggressive I leave the room until they settle down and are killable or until they leave kill on sight - mosquitos, tics, worms, earpiercers Satan incarnate - The Black Immortals - they refuse to die. Stomp one thrice, crush it's head, crush it's body, slash it in half and throw it into water, and it'll still live and swim. I kill them on sight, and in brutal manners.
  22. This is an adventure game in the same strain as Monkey Island that Blizzard was almost finished developing and then canned. I've put up an online petition right here. http://www.petitiononline.com/ So please check it out, sign it if this is what you want and advertise it at all the other forums you goto.
  23. Good god I hate dumbasses! Earlier today I strolled on down to the local 7-11 for a drink. When I get to the highway I stopped at the cross-walk as usual. There was a woman and her 6 year old boy standing there, also waiting to cross. For reasons I do not know, the boy walks into the street with a pickup truck heading straight for him. So what so I do? I look at the mom who is busy on her cell phone and facing away from the road, and then I step into the street and yank the boy out of the truck's way with maybe 1/2-3/4 of a second to spare. Apparently, when I pulled the boy by his arm, I hurt his elbow (maybe a sprain at the most). His mother then turns around and notices him crying. So she screams at me "What the F**K did you do to my son?!". Now this is somewhat understandable seeing as she didn't see it go down. But I explain to her that he was about to get hit by a truck, so I pulled him out of its way. She calms her son down and confirms it with him. Does she say thank you? HELL NO! Instead, she slaps me and starts chewing me out for hurting her son's elbow, not even realizing that she wouldn't have a son at all if I didn't. She tried slapping me a second time, so I grabbed her wrist (not hard, but just to stop the slap) and quickly let go. So she uses her all important cell phone to call the police on me for assault...Idiots...I hate 'em. So I stick around because I don't want it to look like I'm running away. The cop shows up, listens to both of our stories, and says: "Ma'am, this young man just saved your boy's life, and you say thank you by slapping him and trying to have him arrested? Ma'am, if anyone here was to be arrested, it would be you, for leaving your son unattended like that on a busy, and more importantly dangerous highway. You owe Mr. Moir here an apology." She screams some more high-pitched gibberish, and the cop basically tells her to take better care of her son and to get out of his face. The last thing I said to the woman was "Have a nice day, Ma'am". Wanna know what she said? NOTHING, but she gave me the finger instead. I now wonder if the boy was in the street, hoping to get hit to get away from that witch of a mother. . I hate people like that. No gratitude at all. What an uptight witch.
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