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Everything posted by Sinari

  1. KuBi- 2Savge17- 0Sorry Savge17! Go KuBi! Yours really does rock, a ton. I wish I could create graphics of any kind. Maybe in a few years.....
  2. Sinari

    Been Expelled

    Now the truth comes out. Even after my original opinion being posted, I think that there is a little more than what was first posted... Perhaps you could add a little more info? I still think a little suspension was needed but I'm still sticking with the original- expulsion was a bit harsh... Unless there's more to the tale...
  3. Thank you! It's perfect. I'm going to stick the old one into a gallery somewhere. If anyone wants to make more, I'll make a rotation or something...
  4. I'm guessing that the person suggesting it might be American... We are naturally lazy which is probably why this is such an interesting idea. I say it's pretty cool. It would solve the problem of males and females who are married and angry over men leaving the seat up.
  5. Sinari

    Junk Yard

    I wasn't saying that you would be. I was giving a warning that he should do something about it...
  6. Sinari

    Junk Yard

    Hey saint, you do know that you are posting these poems in the wrong spot right? They should be in the poem forum. I don't think you need a warning but it the mods find out you might be banned and lose all credits that you gained from this poem. Sorry! I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but I am really nice to new members. I'm done.
  7. Coming from someone who didn't even know that they had more than one or two of those services... I'll have to say that the search is definently the best of their many services. It searches through mostly everything where Yahoo search doesn't and both Yahoo and AOL searches give you only AOL or Yahoo sponser sites. It's also a heck of a lot faster than the rest of the search engines and it lets the little people, (me and my buddies) have their sites advertised to get more hits. I also use the Google translation service but the search is still the one that keeps me coming back again. I'm done.
  8. I most certainly welcome you! I was new just a few days ago and I know how nice it is when people welcome you and are totally nice to you. If you need anything, just let me know, I'll help out with anything you need. Get ready to be posting a ton now and in the future if you want hosting. Don't worry, with the awesome topics and what not, you'll have plenty of stuff to do! Have fun!
  9. Also, crying cleans your eyes out. People who cry und up having better eyesight. Is that a fact? No, probably not because my mother has bad eyesight and she crys all the time. But then again, my friend has terrible eyesight and I don't think she has ever cried before... But who knows. Also, it seems that you left one statistic out of your earlier post. Teenagers. Teenage females are always crying it seems. Way more than 64 times a year. Males are next to none. Who knows though what purpose they really have though... We just do. That's all I have to say.
  10. Sinari


    It's not just on highways though. Don't you just love those people who drive semi trucks and go slower than the speed limit? (I'm very sarcastic at times,) If you have a big truck, you are, in theory supposed to go faster than the speed limit to leave enough space for other cars to move. Same with cars that have trailors and rvs... I just want the lawmakers to do something and have the speed limit for larger cars and stuff be a little faster so that when they go slower than it, they are actually going the correct one. He he... I wouldn't say no to a riffle though either... I'm done.
  11. To agree or not to agree... I think some people are just lazy and want the extra hosting credits but some people just accidently do it and they don't deserve to be given a warning exactly... Maybe just a friendly person such as ^ telling you not to. It's the mean ones who report you and stuff that make you feel unwelcome because they give you a warning for a mistake or just a fact of not knowing. I really don't know which type of person that I actually am. I'll do my best to be nice and I hope everyone else here at Xisto tries just as hard to be nicer to the newbies. I'm done.
  12. My dad has a dog that pukes when it is fed absolutely anything that has peanut products. It may be possible that your dog has allergies to the food that you are feeding it. Try a different brand for a while and see if that helps. Other than that, sounds like a casual thing. Don't be too worried.
  13. It has gotten to the point where I figure that I need to have myself an image for my siggy. I have a very low skill amount in this area of graphic making so I need someone who is better than me to make me one. Here's my picture URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The picture is 300x225 but the size can be about 320x160 if possible. I'd like to be able to see the people and all of the people but I like the flames too. I'd also like it to look good and say Sinari on it with maybe (if you're really ambitious,) you could add this (呼吸 の 情熱) set of symbols somewhere and still have it look right. I'm leaving the rest up to whoever makes it. I might make suggestions after it's made if I like it or I may say no thanks so please don't be offended! Thanks for all your help and stuff! EDIT: I tried to make myself one which was a big mistake at that so, the one you see below IS NOT the one I'm sticking with. I still need one made. Eventually... Hopefully by one who can use brushes considerally better than the slashing brush strokes that I used...
  14. Thank you so much. I really am having a good time ranting and raving with my opinions and stuff. This is the best community-wise forum site where there are always a few members on. I never feel alone either. (Did I mention I was paranoid?) I'll really enjoy this place. I know I will!
  15. Thanks! I was wondering which catagory would be the one I would request one in though... I've been searching all morning and I can't decide if I'm going to post it in the wrong one or not so I just forget about it. If you could tell me I'd be pretty happy.
  16. Sinari

    Been Expelled

    I agree! I would appeal to the school board or something. Maybe if you showed them what you were doing they might be a little more understanding. You might be suspended or something but you shouldn't be expelled. Unless you really were doing something that they were already warned about or something pretty well wrong... I'm done.
  17. Hello people of Xisto! My name, at least online, is Sinari and I'm relatively new to this place. I originally found this place while I was google searching for a free place to get MySQL and PHP hosting with CPanel site hosting. I'm an anime/manga freak and a Harry Potter buff. I'm also a Christian who adores cats. (They match up so well...) I also, hopefully you can tell, am very sarcastic and I have firm beliefs and I love to voice my opinion. I so far am having fun at this site and I know that it won't be hard to stay active because you have all made me feel so welcome! I do need a siggy though and if anyone wants to pitch in and help I would be really happy, just PM me. Well, I'll be around the site and stuff so, reply and stuff I guess. If you have any questions about me, just ask. I will answer if I can and if I'm allowed. I'm only a teen so I have limits- and a strict mother... LOL
  18. I agree with Albus, it really isn't your day... First thing though, maybe you need to ask your mother not to call you straight from the shower.... Second thing, stairs+water= bad idea, try drying off next time... That's just my opinion. I'm done.
  19. Swearing IS a big problem in children though not all children. The ones swearing usually come from a. a bad home or b. a rich family where they get what they please. Therefore I think that money makes people act like that. And TV... Kids may pick it up from their parents but I'm quite sure that their parents aren't forcing them to use it. It's all a decision for more power of people. If you make a big deal over it, they're getting what they want. A reaction and more power. I'm done.
  20. There is no possible way that I can label myself. In a way, depending on how I wake up, I could be any of them. (Except cheerleaders which I am still convinced are going to take over the world...) Though I could never be a jock because that would require me to be athletic at all, I pretty much fit anything. I'm sure we all can relate to haveing at least one outfit of all black in our closets and some weird jewelry. Does that make one goth? Could be, might not be though. Get my point? Just because you wear something or stay something doesn't mean it's true. That's stereotyping and that's what I fight. (Other than cheerleaders...) I think the world just needs to grow up and mature and get over labels and maybe focus on stuff that matters such as education. Well, that's my opinion on our society... I'm done.
  21. I agree about the text needing to be changed, but otherwise it's really a good sig. If I could make one even half that good at this point I would be all set! Great brushes and texturing. Tutorials might give you a few more skills just find some that give you intermediate skills. You've already passed the beginner level.
  22. It's painful because you know his memories are still with you and those memories and the fact of knowing that he is gone is what does make it so darn painful. At least you spent some time with him though. Think about the people who don't have those memories because of a choice that they made. Also, try to ask around to find out more about his death, It'll make it easier to accept.
  23. I'll be one of the first to reply! I think that the first one was the best. Just shift up the Dumbledore part and it's totally sweet! The levitating make it look good. The one in his hand looked like it was coming from his wrist sort of... Nice use of brushes too. If you ever get bored you could make me one sometime... *Hint* *Hint*
  24. I agree too. Like that random e-mail you get from a friend that they got from their friend and so on about the Pepsi company. It says: Since the Pepsi company made a Pledge of Allegence can "casually" leaving out the words "under God" in the graphics it seems they won't mind when we don't "remember" to give them their money with the exact same words on it... Some people just have way too much time to go and protest the such... We wonder about the poverty situation but do they petition about that? I think not...
  25. Well, I sleep from 9:00/9:30 until 6:00 which gives me about 9-9.5 hours of sleep per night except on Thursdays and Mondays when I sleep from 10:00 until 6:00 which leaves me with 8 hours of sleep. That's just on school nights. Fridays and Saturdays I sleep from 10:00 or 11:00 until 8:30 or 9:00 which leaves me with at least 9 hours and 10 or 11 at the maximum. Sleep is indeed overrated since you can't get stuff done while sleeping but I still get enough of it.
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