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Posts posted by CinnamorollTK

  1. If playing video games is an addiction, and I believe it is, then watching too much television or sleeping too much are also addictions. The problem with game addictions is that people give up their lives and, mostly, neglect social responsibilities and tasks. When you rather play a video game than do what you used to love to do, you have a problem.Here's why the games cause such an addiction. First of all, you look as good as you want to. You can take over places, run long distances, and reach high strength. You can kick someone's butt unlike in real life. (On World of Warcraft) You can have as many pets as you can carry in your backpack. (I have over 5 hard-to-get pets in the game because I can't have any where I live). There's also the easy-to-get sense of achievement. Think of how long it takes to win a trophy in a sports competition. Now think how long it takes to get honor points (WoW also). It takes a few minutes! You can beat the enemy with not much previous training. Basically, they are an addiction because they are so easy to conquer. If you do deal with life, get a job, etc then playing the games the time you'd watch TV or a movie, then its not so bad. (For those who say playing the game 6 hours straight is bad, you should know thats probably how much the average person watches except that we can interact with others socially on a game and not with a TV.)

  2. I doubt this counts, but I have an obsession with clean dishes. I smell and feel a dish before I use it. If it stinks, I put it back into the dirty pile in the sink. If I feel one crumb stuck to it, I will scrub the dish for a long time until it comes out. I can't stand it when there is food left on a plate. When my mom washes dishes, I usually have to rewash a few. I hated when I visited a relative or a restaurant that has food stuck on their dishes and silverware. If I see even one crumb at a restaurant, I will scrub that piece with a napkin until it comes out. I don't know what germs were in the last person's mouth! If a restaurant gives me too many dishes or silverware with dirty things, I wont go back or I'll order take out instead. (Take-out would be for a restaurant that was very delicious and couldn't be matched in taste) Plus, I remember the story where people got hepatitis (I don't know which) because the guy got cut and they didn't trow the salad away. They didn't wash it properly at the least and 30 got infected. That little crumb will show how far they work on cleaning in the kitchen.I also freak out in public restrooms. I turn the water on, wash my hands with a ton of soap, grab for a paper towel, dry my hands, and then turn off the faucet with the wet paper towel. I hate that there are so many germs. And you have to think where people are wiping! *shudders*

  3. I've stopped buying most game consoles. Its ridiculous how fast they release new ones. I wont buy a PS3, and I may or may not buy a Nintendo DS lite. It does have its benefits. I can now buy games that are a few years old for $10! Old supernintendo games are now cheap and I can get another one for $20 or less. If these game companies keep this up, they wont make money from the poor, and they'll be messed up. Just wait when their stocks fall, then they'll listen.

  4. I have a sixth and a seventh sense. My first one is I know when to buy scratch tickets. If I get an urge to, I win at least a ticket. I also know when to roll (dice) on World of Warcraft to get items. I'm bad luck to bring around since I win most items. My seventh sense is I can detect if a person is truly bad. I detected this on two marriages and a few neighbors I had. No one believed me until after all of the bad things happened. (I think the seventh one runs in my family. One of mu aunts also had a bad feeling on one of the same marriages and she was right.)

  5. I'm considered to be in an interracial relationship but it doesn't feel like it. He's white and I'm hispanic. We don't have any "culture" issues since we both like "american" and "hispanic" food. We're a bit different in shade but we've never noticed any looks because of it. Its rude that they stare at you and your partner, but sometimes staring without an angry look is a form of curiosity

  6. Spring is a great time to garden. I planted my first green onions, cilantro, and tomatoes this year. I have 7 large tomatoes that may be a week from being ripe (I am not 100% sure since I am growing them by instinct and not by instructions) The green onions and cilantro are taking a while but thats because they are planted behind 4-5 foot tall plants. (I didn't plan where I put the seeds so many large plants came out in front of small plants. They easily block sunlight from them.)At least my garden is grown in a 10 by 10 feet place.

  7. If they touch you, you can sue them for sexual harassment. Report every case to a counselor you trust! If these guys aren't caught, they could become rapists!I had a double D and no one ever said anything to me. I guess it was since I was the nerdy ugly kid. Tell the kids to stop the comments. If they don't, report them for that, too. They all have mommies and daddies that will kick their behinds for you.

  8. I've never gotten into any fights. I would always avoid conflicts. The closest case to a fight was about a pencil. I lent one in 6th grade to a kid. The pencil went all around the class, and I went to the table to get it back. These three popular girls threatened me and my so called friend (A) said "They can get you" to look good in front of them. I was getting my pencil back. I even told them "There are tons there. You can take one if you can't find yours." Either way, they never did a thing about it.Another time, I used to write fiction. I made up a name, Jeremy. It was about these kids in high school. I had forgotten some of those same girls were in love with a kid of that name. I read it out loud to a friend (M), and when I finished what I had read, they came around and just stood there. My friend felt out of place and I just kept writing the story. It was weird.

  9. I've always believed people shouldn't have sex until they're married. I've seen cases where people decide to "have fun" early and now have an STD. My fiance and I were waiting ( and still are) for years until we'd get married. We're both virgins. A friend of his went against his advice and had sex before marriage. He got an STD from the woman that's not curable. Plus, it'd be horrible for someone to see such a vunerable side of you and then cheat on you and or dump you. I still don't know how people do this.

  10. Food is what makes you function. What you eat can affect your health. Try to eat more fruits since they're healthy. They can keep your sugar cravings down because of their natural sugar. You can also talk to a nutritionist to help you make a menu that will help you lose weight. Avoiding store bought fruit juice, sweets, dairy, and meat is the easiest way to help you lose weight. At least it gives you the option of getting a salad when you go to McDonalds with your friends.

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